工作学习 / English / 理发馆奇遇记
But you must be aware that minority of foreigners in China have some special purposes such as poking secret intelligence and preaching cult. If you are too careless, maybe you'll fall in trouble.
Agree. Some Westerners do not deserve our help, those racist SOBs under a good disguise! Don't be cheated by their pretended friendliness!
What is poking secret intelligence?
agree. 有些对我们很nice的洋人,对他们的同胞更nice, 而我们那些对洋人很nice, very nice的同胞,未必对自己的同胞同样的nice.
It is always good to find non-chinese to practise English, even they are not native English speakers themselves. I don't suggest Chinese people speak to each other in English, because you will keep reinforcing the same mistakes.
“我一看,一个凌波微步就窜过去了...”你至于吗?还有,你提到她LG 是什么航空公司的...之类, 好象在说你爸爸:-D 总之我觉得你的热情似乎过了头,有点像70年代见到老外的感觉...SORRY For any impoliteness if you feel
Canada is the same. You should pay the fine if you do not follow the trafic rule. The police often hide in secret place to catch the foolish guy
你说的民间旅游网是个很好的主意. 其实TRAVELER很想接触到本地人和本地文化.我在德国遇到一个女孩, 现在还保持联系. 你可以到一些旅游的论坛(英文的)转转.我们每次出游前, 都试图结识一些当地人.前两天, 我的一个朋友去上海, 我让上海的朋友陪她转了转, 她说IT IS TERRIFIC TO KNOW LOCAL PEOPLE.