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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / I grew up in BJ's Hutong in the 70's,so did my father in the 40's, and my grand father back in the early 1900's..I can guarantee that "纯爷们" was NEVER a part of BJers' daily language.爷们, yes, not 纯爷们. At least not until I left BJ.
    • 瓦特阿尤脱铿阿爆?
      • just got a new shitty laptop.. no Chinese input method has been installed yet...
    • 主要现在男人女性化的趋势比较明显~~~~~所以专门强调下~~~~~~不想越嚷嚷越娘~~~~~~~~~~
      • men are becoming womenized, women are becoming menized...not necessarily a bad thing.. there are too many human's anyway.. by the law of nature, this is a way to balance itself out..one single race should not dominate the earth for too long.. about time
        • 难怪人妖盛行,原来是进化论造成的?
    • 记得老舍同志的骆驼祥子里有不少爷们。。。。龙须沟里也不少声爷们。。。。都是拉板车的。。。。后来叫板儿爷。。。。小偷叫佛爷。。。。
      • 爷们, yes, not "纯"爷们.... this "纯" does not sound good at all....
        • 估计是打流行喝纯生开始滴。。。。燕京纯。。。。青岛纯。。。。玩纯的。。。。都不想吃亏。。。。
        • 今天看多伦多那些strip dancer,也有male dancer和shemale dancer之分~
          • There is a Mr. Sister in my town, I have not been there yet.
            • 嘿嘿~是不是可以考虑把那个地方当作我去orlando的一个景点之一涅~你陪我去?
              • 这个可以有。。。。
              • I know where it is, never been there. I think during weekends they would have shows on. At least we can go there get a pitcher of Yuengling or Sam Adams
                • 好极了~
          • shemale。。。。彪妹怎么懂这么多。。。。
            • 你老老实实在墙上呆着,别整幺蛾子。
              • 好嘞。。。。俺能说瞅见的那些么。。。。?
                • 不许胡说八道,小心我再给你钉两锤。
                  • 一锤一个。。。。?真狠。。。。
              • 风干了。。。
                • 我有浇水的~LOL
                  • 可怜我忽悠贤侄三月未尝荤腥。。。
                    • 好,那我明儿浇点儿鱼汤,够荤够腥了不?
                      • 隔天就剩俩翅膀了。。。
                    • 干看着。。。。
                      • 看完口干舌燥?
                        • 玩命灌水。。。。
    • 我不纯洁滴对“BJ”想入非非。
      • Ha ha ha ha......
        • 没明白?阴阳颠倒?
          • The dirty joke ruins Mike's post...
    • 绕口令啊
    • AGREE! My grandparents and my parents and my self were all born in BJ and raised there! NEVER EVER!
    • 现在有的男人已经弱化不纯到让强女人养家了,所以有明显男人坚强性格的,要当一家之主的强势男人,要特意声明:他是真的男爷们,是能赚钱能护住罩住女人的纯的爷们。。。
      • 绕口令啊 -tyra(Zara); 02:14 (#7156811@0)