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i don't know whether it still has this function now, but at that time, i can screen the registered ones with birthday & name. that is www.5460.net


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / tell us the craziest thing you've ever done~
    • 我正在做的。
      • kill yourself?
        just kidding. :D
        • Kill myself? no, no, no, 这事不会发生在我身上。人不只是为自己活着的,孩子,家庭,亲人,太多的责任,不可太自私。
    • 虽说有些叛逆,但还是中规中矩的活着。。。
      • that is really crazy~
      • 你牛!
    • cannot say here
      • same here ~~
        • 你们俩打算一条裤子穿到几时?
          • forever and ever
            • sounds you need to buy more jeans for them, too.
              • 他们自己买。。。。。不关我事啊~~~
          • 哈哈哈
          • 距离产生美,你懂得 ~~~ ;)
            • 鸟哥,我为你捏把汗---------菜蔬最近的取向有点变化。。。。 -tigar25(大忽悠); 11:42 (#6900358@0) reply more
      • then say there~
        • 回想起来,没做过 crazily good 的事,却做过 crazily bad 的事。。。。。惭愧plus冷汗ing。。。。。 not a 义人... no question ....
      • PM me please!
        • 还有我。
        • PM你那多次都不回,还PM个P呀
          • huh.......when?
            • actually he is asking you to 回个P to him.....
              • too far ah.......
    • i've never done a craziest thing myself,
      i made my first GF do a craziest thing in her life, with me.
      • 瞧瞧。。。。这才是显摆~~~
    • seems nobody wants to tell the real story, ok, i tell 1st....
      the craziest thing i've ever done is:

      on my 25th birthday, i invited 24 person who was born on the same date, same month and same year to celebrate our 25th birthday together.

      all those ppl are screened out from a website.

      that is really unforgetable.
      • 你胆子真大呀。。
        • i want to do the same when i turn to 40. but how for here? facebook?
          • that's really really COOL! -sr-71(I Would If I Could)。。但是用facebook还是要慎重些。。。
      • that's really really COOL!
        • i believe that is the most unforgetable birthday for all of us in all our lives. oh, i was young and cute and lovely and energetic and positive and happy at that time~~~~~~~~~
          • 你现在仍然蛮可爱。
            • +1. 彪妹 is the most popular rolianian.
              • that is really a nice compliment, thank you~
                but this will scare me away~ :-((((((((((((((
                • my pleasure ...
                  Please don't leave us... 否则我罪过大了, 难以面对父老乡亲...
                  • then please promise me don't scare me again~
                    • 你忘了你昨天还 scared 人家来着 ~~~~~ 我要找盆去了 ~~~~
                      • how? by telling a ghost story?
      • wow!
        • i don't know whether it still has this function now, but at that time, i can screen the registered ones with birthday & name. that is www.5460.net
          • 你真棒
      • 太强了. 你是怎样找到这些人的?
        • i don't know whether it still has this function now, but at that time, i can screen the registered ones with birthday & name. that is www.5460.net -lilianliang(彪妹); 14:30 (#6901017@0)
          • 羡慕ing
    • 好多事呢。当时自豪得不得了,后来却觉得就那么回事,更要命的是,没一个能算得上原创。
      • maybe it's because it is not your real crazy thing,,,, search it in your memory and finally you will find the real one(s) *_*
    • 1. 车往山上走,俺坐车头盖上。2. 晚上7,8点了,追赶俩欺负俺的男人,一口气追了一公里;
      • that's really really COOL! -sr-71(I Would If I Could); 14:21 (#6900986@0)
    • 太多了。爱上一个不该爱的人。。。还不够 crazy~,省吃俭用买机票去见他。。。还不够 crazy~,现在在MSN上他跟我打招呼,我居然恍惚,我认识这个人吗?
      • what a sad story. :-(
      • 俺也试过。不过这个人现在想起来,觉得他就一坨狗屎,奇怪自己怎么会看上这种人。
        • 恭喜你
          • thanks.
        • 还好,我是没有伤也没有痛的感觉,就是一段经历,丰富了生活。
    • 3.当年在广东,一个中巴售票员掌括一个17,8岁的外地男孩,俺上前把他的脏手给拉住了,俺也才20出头; 4; 晚11点多从图书馆出来,炒近路从公园回家,有人跟在俺后面,俺耐心的停下来等他,看看是啥样的,敢跟着俺。。
      • finally i know why you can take over your own life~ you are soooooooooooooooo great! i idol you~
        • 呵呵,多谢。
          • 你是我的矮斗
      • 3 很让我倾慕……
      • 后面跟的人到底是啥样的呢?不会是扫地的大妈吧
    • 疯狂之一,快毕业时,喜欢跟同学们出去唱歌,有女同学找了很有钱的男人,BF怕我学坏,不让去,但我玩心重,偏要去。有次同学给我电话说出去玩,我正想怎么找借口溜走,被BF知道了,他是个POLICE,赶巧要出任务,于是他把我抓到他的办公室,拷在办公桌上…
      • is he insane? that is not love, you don't have any obligation to stick on him~
        • 他当时24,我20,现在想来,都很年轻,不知道怎么爱人和被爱……他跟我分手后,在手上烫了一个很深的疤……唉,年轻时以为疯狂才是爱吧……
      • 姐你总是一语惊人,我 idol u!
        • yeah, she is really a lady with stories~
          • xi xi……
        • 嘿嘿,我像一个原始人,18岁后来到人类的世界,一开始不太习惯……三十多岁才算适应一点
      • 5个小时不能上厕所,真惨
        • 当时人一紧张害怕,根本不记得这事了。
      • 哇,不能想象诺诺曾经也暴力血腥过
        • 我还被他拿枪恐吓过呢……
          • 当时的感觉一定是又兴奋又刺激
            • 心里的想法是:你千万别失去理智……我不想就这样去了……
              • 这时候需要了解一定的枪械知识,就可以很从容地说,你这枪的保险还没有打开吧。子弹有上膛吗?要不要我来帮你?然后拿过枪来,顺手把枪拆成一堆零件,然后把撞针藏起来
                • 他是JC,学刑侦的,比我懂得多。我在他那学了很多侦查和反侦查的方法。我似乎在每一个BF身上都学到了很多东西,不只女人是所学校……
      • 啊。。。。。妈呀!
    • 俺现在胆子比老鼠还小,上回有事情去了FINCH/JANE,一步一惊心,捏着拳头没送过。
      • 看来是咏春高手,随时准备出拳呢
        • 现在是真胆小了。
    • 在肉联上.
      • 不算很crazy吧,又不是在太行山上
        • 有时候, 真想强一把银行, 然后上太行上.
          • 用那把票子,烤火。
    • 一直中规中矩,想不起来做过什么crazy的事情,就大学5年级的时候差点当上了业余酒吧歌手
      • 真可惜,你比三里屯酒吧歌手唐红唱的好 ~~~ :P
        • 不可惜,当歌手可是一条不归路啊:P
    • 嫁给网友,嫁出国门。