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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛America needs change. I will change it! America needs hope! I have hope! I have hope and will change things! Change is what I am going to do! And with hope you can do anything! Like change things! Things that need to be changed! Like those things here in America that need to be changed! And I will change them! With hope things will change! Change starts here but it won't end here, for the future will be changed by our hope! Changed in a way that people will see that the change is better due to the hope we all possess here today. I know change, you know change, we will bring change to the White House with the help of your hope! Things will change!"

"The people have shown that they desire change. Their voices have resounded in unison, merging together their hope for a better future. This hope shall not go unanswered, the world unchanged. Change is coming. When I win the Democratic nomination, when I win the Presidency, I shall change things for the better. Because if there is one thing I know that needs to be done, it's change. I promise you that your hope shall not go unrewarded. Your hope in me shall be rewarded with change! Thank you all for your hope. I promise that, when I enter the White House, things will change. Go-whoa, almost said the G-word there. Uh...change America!"

I'm Barack Hussein Obama and I approve this message.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 大家怎么看奥巴马?美国如果选这样的人当总统,估计马上就要完蛋了
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛America needs change. I will change it! America needs hope! I have hope! I have hope and will change things! Change is what I am going to do! And with hope you can do anything! Like change things! Things that need to be changed! Like those things here in America that need to be changed! And I will change them! With hope things will change! Change starts here but it won't end here, for the future will be changed by our hope! Changed in a way that people will see that the change is better due to the hope we all possess here today. I know change, you know change, we will bring change to the White House with the help of your hope! Things will change!"

    "The people have shown that they desire change. Their voices have resounded in unison, merging together their hope for a better future. This hope shall not go unanswered, the world unchanged. Change is coming. When I win the Democratic nomination, when I win the Presidency, I shall change things for the better. Because if there is one thing I know that needs to be done, it's change. I promise you that your hope shall not go unrewarded. Your hope in me shall be rewarded with change! Thank you all for your hope. I promise that, when I enter the White House, things will change. Go-whoa, almost said the G-word there. Uh...change America!"

    I'm Barack Hussein Obama and I approve this message.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 担心什么,还能比布什更差?
      • 感觉比布什差得太多太远了
        • 既然如此共和党一定会赢。
    • ZT #1219129@0
      • 笑翻
      • 如果希特勒不发动二战,其实也是个俾斯麦之类的正面人物,德国在他统治下,科技经济高速发展,想想闪电战,V2火箭弹,德国坦克,原子弹和无数的德国犹太籍世界最顶尖的科学家,中国想混到这种地步起码还要几十年
        • 希特勒时代德国的制度,决定了德国一旦强大,必定发动战争。不是希特勒,就是其他某个人。帝国的梦想使德国强大,强大了的德国必定要实现自己的梦想。日本也是。
          • 国家都一样,米国和苏联作的跟德国差不多。当时米国故意放水,等德国把英国打残废了,才渔翁得利,二战后马歇儿计划,没给英国一分钱,要不然英国今天也不会这么惨。加拿大有个好处就是能听到各国人的观点
            • 英国惨吗?第一次听到这种说法. 要惨,还不如说法国.
    • Hehe...虽然夸张了一点,不过挺形象的。OBAMA是热空气吹得太多了,感觉不一定是个好总统。
    • 不用太担心,奥巴马上台,估计会是一个超级食言王。这家伙没什么政治斗争的经验,到时候肯定是在两党的夹缝中妥协又妥协,只好食言。
      • 他上最好,让那些自信的富豪知道:随着互联网和社会的发展,他们已经不可能彻底掌控整个社会了的政治,经济,传媒等权力了,在发财时,他们必须照顾广大平民百姓的利益
        • 吐啊......
    • 对他没看法,但要当美国总统,他显然还不合适。对民主选举的副面看法又增加一些。