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  • 推荐 OXIO 加拿大高速网络,最低月费仅$40. 使用推荐码 RCR37MB 可获得一个月的免费服务
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  • 推荐 OXIO 加拿大高速网络,最低月费仅$40. 使用推荐码 RCR37MB 可获得一个月的免费服务

4 locations

relatively more expensive though

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 感觉 NYTA 订场太难,今年冬天想加入Mayfair Clubs。这里有 Mayfair 的球友吗?
    • where is it?
    • 费用多少?
      • Initiation fee: $40 (now it is $180, but including a free BLX racquet of your choice). Monthly fee of $89 (one year contract). Court fee: $25/hour/court. 13% tax excluded.
        • DT 这家Mayfair Initiation fee $900, 这家会员可以去任何的Mayfair, 但是北边的会员不能来这家健身。
          • right now only $300 initiation fee due to celebration of its 40 years anniversary. +1
            • 月费是必须的吗? 如果不想用健身器材的话.
              • 月费是必须要付的... no matter what
            • DT Mayfair Initiation fee 40% off save $360 and you pay $540. $100 monthly fee is reasonable but Initiation fee is troublesome. You need to pay initiation fee again once you stop for one year and rejoin the club.
        • Initiation fee $40 is a bargain even cheap than DTC.
    • DTC旁边的Greenwin club是clay-court, 对膝盖好。
      • Too late:) I joined Mayfair yesterday.
    • 难订场滴都是便宜的club, 贵滴club都容易订。
      • yeah, lots of dollars go to that towel service ...
        • 加入mayfair是偶像派和实力派的分水岭 所有4.0+都应该考虑
          • 也可以说是小资派和民工派的分水岭。
            • 呵呵,来北美二十年啦,也该腐败一点啦~
          • 有那么严重麽!不过,喜欢 Mayfair 4.0-5.0 球手的定期活动。
            • 问一下Mayfair有什么折扣吗?看来得加北边的了
            • 剑客大哥还在Mayfair打室内吗?
              • 只好自己顶了
              • 上个冬天因做膝手术,那也没加。现在逐步恢复,已在室外打球。