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1. It makes little sense to make a loan if you can't get more than 7000 every two terms. cause 1. you won't need to repay anything more than 7000 per academic year 2. interest rate is so low, how much you own money can make for you from saving in bank? if you really need that money to support your study, different.
2. after graduation, the interest rate is prime + 2.5%, pretty high, but not that high u mentioned
3. if u want loan, move all savings from canadian banks, as loan office is authorized to check all your financial info. no new car.
4. i guess u take MBA.
5. almost hopeless for u to get more this time, loan office is most inefficient institution in canada. just prepare better for next year.
6.if you really want to argue, make an appointment with an officer. letter,fax, or talking to desk person is all uselss.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 刚填了osap,有没有搞措?近一万五的学费只让我贷款3400(estimated)?这不是笑话吗?申请了学生贷款的DX们,请浇浇我怎么做?
    还有,我怎样可以加快申请的时间呢?离我开学只有4个星期了。是不是college的finance consellor很有决定权呢?
    • 1.2
      1. OSAP can not give everyone what they want, the amount depends on many factors.

      2. Talk to financial aid officer in your school.

      good luck.
      • 唉,想读书就得早计划呀。如果想贷款,就不要买车,要买也只能买破车;最好不要有收入,如果不幸你的LD/LG有收入,那就一开始报税时分开报;any other tips?
        • 有钱为啥还要贷款?又不是不要还的。
          • 怎么会有钱呢?如果你既想享受高质量的生活,工资又紧巴巴地,你理所当然地会想想怎么花别人的钱啦。
    • 如果你认为贷款太少,可以再appeal.
      • how?
    • 还有两万的学费只批了两百的呢,试试商业贷款吧。
      • 正在看商业贷款呢。请进:
        1、osap的好处是:在校时可以分文不负,利息是prime,从毕业开始生效;而商业贷款是:利息是从开课时就开始生效,而且需每月就要付。假如贷款10,000 学期一年,商业贷款比osap要多付550$(商业贷款利率多是prime+1%为5.5%)+ 利息差10$ X 付清款所需的年份(从毕业后开始算起)。

        2、osap付款(payment+6 months' interest)从毕业半年后开始。商业贷款付款(payment+12 months' interest)从毕业一年后开始。


        但商业贷款会有其他的优惠,比如我看的一个商业贷款,a. offer you 1% off the initial term of a loan to purchase a car within one year of completing your university degree, college diploma or certificate program. b. Or you can choose to have us pick up the tab for the last payment on your three-year-term loan. 特惭愧两个条款我都没弄明白是什么意思。
      • 商业贷款要有人担保.
        • 不一定!
    • 你读的是COLLEGE吗,怎么学费那么贵呢,不过这个问题还真不好说
      • 今天刚和financial aid officer谈过,才知道虽然osap的利息很低prime rate,但毕业6个月之后的rate就高得好象天方夜谭一样了,大约是12%左右,整一个高利贷。她说这是因为

        • It's true.
    • 偶倒是过来人
      1. It makes little sense to make a loan if you can't get more than 7000 every two terms. cause 1. you won't need to repay anything more than 7000 per academic year 2. interest rate is so low, how much you own money can make for you from saving in bank? if you really need that money to support your study, different.
      2. after graduation, the interest rate is prime + 2.5%, pretty high, but not that high u mentioned
      3. if u want loan, move all savings from canadian banks, as loan office is authorized to check all your financial info. no new car.
      4. i guess u take MBA.
      5. almost hopeless for u to get more this time, loan office is most inefficient institution in canada. just prepare better for next year.
      6.if you really want to argue, make an appointment with an officer. letter,fax, or talking to desk person is all uselss.