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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

can not comment as i have no clue in this regard. but looks to me some of the products being sold in the market now have had this element included somehow.

you may visit this website to kind of follow-up the changes

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 今天精算师1~4级考试公布Passing Canadidates,有谁有好消息的?
    • 想请Smartiecat谈谈waterloo的上精算课的感受。迟些时候我也许也会去读。
    • Finally, I found my Candidate Number in the list.
      • which one did you take? I took 1 and 2, all passed.
        • Course 1. I'll take Course 2 in May.
          • Good luck. Course 2 is easier than 1.
            • Thanks. But I think that it's difficult to find a job, isn't it?
              • Yeah. Kinda. Especially before we get ASA.
                • what's your plan? Do you find a job? or take exam 3?
                  • I don't know... I'm fast-tracking economics/finance. I may take Course 6 first and then come back to deal with 3,4,5. I'm still in school.
                    • FSA packs like 800G a piece
                      • hopefully that's still the case 7 years from now after I got my FSA, FCIA, and EA.. lol...
              • 你在哪里上学呀?Undergrad?几年级?
    • 正在犹豫是不是转学精算,各位前辈有什么感想、指教?有研究生吗?
      • 看看你有没有时间啦,你要考完所有试,最少也要6年,10年以上的大有人再。
        • 不是吧,得多少门试啊,等我考完不得40多了,泄了一半的气了。 :-(
          • 你考6门那到ASA, 就是所谓的准精算师,没有签名权的,考多一门,加上一个research paper (如果不写,好像可以以一门考试代替),就是一共8门,加上两年经验(多少小时忘掉了,好像就是两年吧)

            • I know 3 FSA who all enrolled the courses after being recruited as trainees by insuers. They all got certified before 30. Pretty surprised many DXs here study it in school.
              • All the old Actuaries are not graduated from Actuarial Science. They are from Pure Math or Statistics. All the young actuaries, however, are mostly graduated from Actuarial Science.
                I haven't met any FSA before the age of 30 yet.
                • that's why i agree in certain sense in China there are more opportunities in some areas. insurance is definitely one of them. the 3 i mentioned are pretty young who were paid to take the course as a "full" time job.
                  one of them moved to TO last year working in manulife now and 2 others are both in SH with aig currently.
                  • I'm going to do Pension. I don't think China has a market for that yet. But hopefully after I graduate, they will create a market for Pension actuaries.
                    • can not comment as i have no clue in this regard. but looks to me some of the products being sold in the market now have had this element included somehow.
                      you may visit this website to kind of follow-up the changes
                      • Pension is not part of insurance. An example of pension is CPP (Canadian Pension Plan) which is deducted from your paid-cheque every time.
                        • interesting...so you are telling me Pension has nothing to do with annuity? to limit yourself to CPP only, i don't konw, may not be a wise thing
                          • Well, of course it does. So what?
                            • nothing, just asking myself if pension is part of insurance or it has nothing to do with insurance at all.
                              • Pension actuaries audit the performance of pension funds. Pension funds are not like mutual funds. Mutual funds, if it loss value, everyone loss. But for pension funds, if it loss value, then it has a deficit, then
                                company has to fund this deficit. Because well, you have to gurantee the retires to continue to receive their pension. If pension fund has surplus, then the company can do things with this surplus.

                                Pension actuaries advise the company what to do with their pension funds (by auditing the perfomance), how to set up pension funds and look at the retirement benefits/system for the company. But we don't actually manage these funds.

                                So it has nothing to do with insurance.

                                There are two branches in actuarial science. One is insurance and the other one is pension.
                                • good plain language. but still believe you have a misunstanding about insurance products... anyway, would like to stop as is.
    • 你对我有什么看法吗?不妨直说。你不回应我,令我心里很不安。
      • 没有,你想知道什么,问的太general.
        • 就拿calculus课来说吧。你觉得它的上课,做作业,还有考试的方式,同国内的数学课相比,差别大吗?
          • 比不了,在国内没学过calculus,我只上到初三
            • 那么,跟你的初二的数学课相比,如何呢?我是指老师的教育方式,不是指课程内容。其实国内的数学课,中学的跟大学的教育方式一个样,内容不同而已。
              • 你应该听过很多关于中国教育和外国教育的文章,那些都是真的,我也不再重复了
                • 我想不出数学课有什么可以灵活变通的,除了做习题还是做习题。你上的数学课有什么新意吗?说说吧。
                  • 你可以去大学里听听公开课,都差不多啰。但是这里有些数学课可能会有lab.
                    • 明白了。区别在于lab。这个lab应当难不倒中国人的吧
    • 请问,SOA推荐的计算器中,那一个比较好?
      • 你要两个,一个是BA-35 Business Calculator,另外一个是TI-30。考试的时候你都可以带进去。BA-35有的功能TI-30没有,TI-30有的功能BA-35没有。都是TI出的
        • 谢谢