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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Submitting Application

To make an application, the following documents should be forwarded to the School of Computer Science. Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, KlS 5B6, Canada.

If you receive a formal application, in order to be considered for financial assistance, the completed application (including all supporting documentation) must be received by the School no later than March 1st. June 1st is the final deadline for receipt of completed applications. Unfortunately, applications received after the June deadline risk rejection without consideration.

Two completed application forms
Three Confidential Referee Appraisal forms from persons who are prepared to comment on your academic background and potential for graduate studies.
Certified transcripts from all universities you have attended
Application for financial support (Application does not ensure employment)
Students whose mother tongue is not English must provide proof of proficiency in English. (TOEFL- a score of 580 or above taken within the past two years, A CAELS test is also accepted, you must have a score of 70).
GRE - All international applications who apply on the basis of a degree awarded outside of North America should do the GRE exam.
A non-refundable application fee of $60.00 Canadian (cheque or money order, payable to Carleton University) must be submitted with each application form. If you reside outside Canada and the United States, you must pay the fee by an international money order or bank draft, in Canadian funds, drawn on a Canadian bank, or in equivalent U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank. International coupons are not acceptable. Note: Applications will not be processed without the application fee.
In addition, students who have completed their studies in non-Canadian universities are requested to include a description of the content of the computer science, mathematics, and statistics courses successfully completed.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 问一比较主观的问题,如果让你读渥太华大学的计算机master和卡尔顿的,你选哪个?
    • 它们都录取你了吗?你真是个大牛!听说除了加拿大8大名校计算机系之外,拒人最多的就是这两个学校的计算机系了。
      • 哪八大名校,能否说来听听?
        • 1)乔之不郎大学
          • 2) 拉而森大学
            • 3 家里蹲大学
            • 狗二服土大学
              • 死劲卡学院
        • Toronto、Queens、Mcgill、UBC、Alberta、Western、Waterloo、McMaster
      • 实际情况是,我录取他们两个了。
    • 随便说说:听说两个学校差不多,尤其是在MS水平上。还听说CU的理工稍微出名一点,OU的文史类历史更长。
      • 这样看来似乎卡尔顿稍微合适一点点
    • I am U of Ottawa student before. Actually these two shool CS program are joint program. You can take courses from both school.
      The only problem is where you choice the professor..
    • 恭喜!另外打听一下,这两个学校要GRE成绩吗?
      • 加拿大学校都不要。
        • 不是吧,听说CS的一些牛校现在也要GRE.
          • 哪间是牛校,多大?
          • 是不是取决于本科的专业?我听说本科是CS的就不用?
            • 那俺就不知道了。
            • If your 本科不是CS, usually you are not qulified for CS master. just my 2 cents.
              • 管理信息系统(Management Information System)应该算CS的吧?
                • Not really, but it belong to Computer science programm in U of Carleton
        • Alberta, McGill的CS就要你的GRE,其它的好象没要求吧,但听说教授会建议你去考一个
          • 那是给本科在外国读的学生吧,国内的都不要。
            • 不要的是Toefl吧.另外上面讨论的我想总是在国内读的大学吧?
              • 噢,本国是加拿大,别的都是外国,国内的免GRE。^_^
        • 不会吧。听说Carleton的CS Graduate是要GRE的,但不太确定。
          • 不用。
            • 我查过了,Carleton要的GRE的,除非有北美学位。
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Submitting Application

              To make an application, the following documents should be forwarded to the School of Computer Science. Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, KlS 5B6, Canada.

              If you receive a formal application, in order to be considered for financial assistance, the completed application (including all supporting documentation) must be received by the School no later than March 1st. June 1st is the final deadline for receipt of completed applications. Unfortunately, applications received after the June deadline risk rejection without consideration.

              Two completed application forms
              Three Confidential Referee Appraisal forms from persons who are prepared to comment on your academic background and potential for graduate studies.
              Certified transcripts from all universities you have attended
              Application for financial support (Application does not ensure employment)
              Students whose mother tongue is not English must provide proof of proficiency in English. (TOEFL- a score of 580 or above taken within the past two years, A CAELS test is also accepted, you must have a score of 70).
              GRE - All international applications who apply on the basis of a degree awarded outside of North America should do the GRE exam.
              A non-refundable application fee of $60.00 Canadian (cheque or money order, payable to Carleton University) must be submitted with each application form. If you reside outside Canada and the United States, you must pay the fee by an international money order or bank draft, in Canadian funds, drawn on a Canadian bank, or in equivalent U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank. International coupons are not acceptable. Note: Applications will not be processed without the application fee.
              In addition, students who have completed their studies in non-Canadian universities are requested to include a description of the content of the computer science, mathematics, and statistics courses successfully completed.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • 真不好,加拿大就是对国外学生有歧视,没理由把那些欧洲的,澳洲的学校都排除在外呀。
                • 我正在申请学校,没有GRE,自然也申请不到Carleton了:( ,但我本人认为也是可以理解的,没有一个统一的尺度怎么好衡量申请人的学业水平。
                  • 不是呀,对本国的就不用GRE,不管什么学校的都不用,那还什么统一尺度。而且也不是每间大学都象Carleton有这样GRE要求。
    • 当然是渥太华大学了。在北美这俩差不多。但在国内,渥太华大学听着多气派,卡尔顿听着像吧灵吨。
      • :D