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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

请问一般要多长时间,3年时间不够吗? 当然,也许对我们中国来的,长一点也正常。

The Juris Doctor degree is conferred upon students who have satisfactorily completed the program of law study prescribed by the regulations of the Faculty of Law. This includes three years in full-time residence or six years in half-time residence, or the equivalent, and the satisfactory completion of fifty-six credits in addition to the hours of credit allocated to required first year courses.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 想读托福班,多伦多有个东方,还有个新东方,到底哪家正宗?哪家好?他们各个都说自己正宗,我都不知读哪家的好.
    • www.neworiental.org
    • 分别听过两个学校的公开课, 所用资料差不多, 东方学院给我的感觉好一些. 个人意见, 仅供参考.
      • 就那么回事儿。东方的校长是我高中校友,我上一届的哈尔滨高考文科状元,实在是很能吹,佩服ING...
        • 那这个校长实在是狠狠年轻的说。
          • 北京新东方很多老师都是高校的在读学生,他们想出国太容易了。:)
            • As far as I know, this is not rite! At least they already got a Bachelor degree.
        • 我也认识那个状元。据此推测,原来sweetsmile与我的年龄一样大
          • 你多大? :-)
            • 26-27
              • this is very funny, ss MM will surely be amused.
                • I think that this number is very close to ppgg's age. I think sweetsmile is younger than him, but the deviation is around 2. :-)
                  • 我是这样推测的:我与那个状元是同一届,但ss MM比状元低一届。因此我就比ss MM高一届。但我小学跳过级,故我应当与ss MM一样大。
                    • 嗯,很有道理,你属蛇或属马吧? 看来你挺顺的,出来的也比较快。顺便问一句,你们说的那个人现在从多大毕业了吗?
                      • David Zhou是在读JD,哪能这么快毕业?
                        • 请问一般要多长时间,3年时间不够吗? 当然,也许对我们中国来的,长一点也正常。
                          The Juris Doctor degree is conferred upon students who have satisfactorily completed the program of law study prescribed by the regulations of the Faculty of Law. This includes three years in full-time residence or six years in half-time residence, or the equivalent, and the satisfactory completion of fifty-six credits in addition to the hours of credit allocated to required first year courses.
                          • 那么看来明年他应能戴上法律博士帽了
        • 哪一届的状元啊?方便说说吗?