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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

I know and I understand.

By your "concerns", I mean the truth that you don't have a phone. I don't think it is going to hurt you if you changed your mind, you have a perfect execuse that you don't have a phone. Besides, it is a volunteer job. You don't go, you don't get reference, that's it.
I remembered when I went to search volunteer job in some kind of goverment funded organizaion, I just asked the agent that I need a IT field job and they gave me a list. It's perfectly resonable that you want to gain something from you volunteer work experience. They all knew it. Take it easy

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 麻烦哪位现在有空的DX,帮我查一下L5T 2Y4的地图,好吗?我怎么都查不出来。:( 谢谢了!
    • is it what u want?
      • 沮丧的发现,就算是我看了地图,还是不明白。:(( //我找了一个VOLUNTEER的工作,但是是在mississaguage,人家回信给我,说可以不去office,那么会不会没有意义作这个义工啊?苦恼ing
    • or =>
      • 谢谢!^_^
    • 你去那里做什么呀?就在我们公司旁边:-)
      • 总算找到一个知道那里的人了。那里有一个可以做volunteer的地方,可是我在scarborough。现在他们说他们有可以不用亲自去办公室的工作可以做,让我填表格,可是我主要为了练英语,如果不去和人交流,不是白做了吗?所以比较郁闷。:(
        • 听说有的人确实是在家里作OFFICE的工作,如果有很多电话,也会有锻炼效果的。
          • 没错,打电话,尤其是冗长的工作上的电话,对口语有帮助。
            • 更加郁闷了,难道我还要因为一个不赚钱的工作专门申请一个电话??:((
              • 你知道你具体干些什么吗,也许是让你向外打电话,那就不用申请新的了。
                • 他们现在让我填表格,是不是填了表格就不好不继续干了?我现在用手机,计划中白天的时间很少,而且从来没有和房东说过share电话,不好意思说。:(
                  • 呵呵,填表格只是申请吧,那个基督教的慈善组织可能还要挑一挑呢,我想基督徒优先。如果是打电话邀请捐款,可能晚上更好一些?
                    • 嗯,谢谢你哦!:)
                  • you could tell the company about your concerns and let them know you want to work in office, or even better, they can share your phone bill? :-) anyway, since it is a volunteer job, they should be easier to deal with
                    • 我的问题在于,我的私心是想去练英语,而不是献爱心(我有那功夫不如蒸包子呢!:P)。所以我不好意思和人家提。照他们给我的EMAIL的意思看,应该是写文字处理方面的工作,我在考虑要不要去做,而且不知道对我有没有什么好处。
                      • I know and I understand.
                        By your "concerns", I mean the truth that you don't have a phone. I don't think it is going to hurt you if you changed your mind, you have a perfect execuse that you don't have a phone. Besides, it is a volunteer job. You don't go, you don't get reference, that's it.
                        I remembered when I went to search volunteer job in some kind of goverment funded organizaion, I just asked the agent that I need a IT field job and they gave me a list. It's perfectly resonable that you want to gain something from you volunteer work experience. They all knew it. Take it easy
                        • 非常感谢!呵呵,我明白啦!我这不是从来没找过工作嘛!我自己也觉得把个volunteer弄得这么让我痛苦,挺不值的。我明白你的意思啦!:)
                          • BTW, next time, when you get a name list, try to phone them at first and ask them what's the job responsibility, then you can judge wether you should take it or not. It's a way to practise your english speaking ability
        • 如果你哪天要上那里,我可以捎你一程。我住在地铁站旁。
          • 呵呵,先谢谢你了。:)