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can you give me some advice about how to change my career?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I had been a mechanical engineer in an institute of china for nine years. My major is Turbo Machinery (brother of boiler). I don't like it. One reason is it is not suitable for female, another reason is people in this field are quite difficult to find jobs. Where is my destination? How can I get there? I like to work in an office. I am interested in Finance (I like to earn money). But my English is not good especially the spoken English. So I think may it is good to go back to a univerisity. It is a good way of improving my English and changing my major.

My toefl is 247/5.0, GPA: 87/100 (undergraduate); 82 or 84/100(graduate). I have following plan. Could sb give me advice?

1. Apply my major to get PHD
Advantage: money in, easily study;
Disadvantage: Be difficult to find a job after graduation.

2. Change to Statistics
Ad: utilize my strength - Mathematics, after take some undergraduate courses, I could enroll in Graduate Program that will give me scholarship.
Disad: Job market is good now for Statistics, who knows the future when I gradate? Studies are pretty hard.

3. Change to Accounting
Ad: maybe easy to find a entry job;
Disad: Higher requirement for applying university. Toefl>600/5.0, Spoken English Test and GMAT or GRE.

Thank all the people who concern my question.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / can you give me some advice about how to change my career?
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I had been a mechanical engineer in an institute of china for nine years. My major is Turbo Machinery (brother of boiler). I don't like it. One reason is it is not suitable for female, another reason is people in this field are quite difficult to find jobs. Where is my destination? How can I get there? I like to work in an office. I am interested in Finance (I like to earn money). But my English is not good especially the spoken English. So I think may it is good to go back to a univerisity. It is a good way of improving my English and changing my major.

    My toefl is 247/5.0, GPA: 87/100 (undergraduate); 82 or 84/100(graduate). I have following plan. Could sb give me advice?

    1. Apply my major to get PHD
    Advantage: money in, easily study;
    Disadvantage: Be difficult to find a job after graduation.

    2. Change to Statistics
    Ad: utilize my strength - Mathematics, after take some undergraduate courses, I could enroll in Graduate Program that will give me scholarship.
    Disad: Job market is good now for Statistics, who knows the future when I gradate? Studies are pretty hard.

    3. Change to Accounting
    Ad: maybe easy to find a entry job;
    Disad: Higher requirement for applying university. Toefl>600/5.0, Spoken English Test and GMAT or GRE.

    Thank all the people who concern my question.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Of three options, I think No.2 might be better...
      • 一直不明白统计好还是精算好
        • 前者好找工作,容易做, 后者工资高,需考证书.
      • Thank you. That was my first choice too. I hesitate whether my choice is correct this week.
        I searched workopolis and found there are few jobs in Statistics. I need to support my family in future. I took my husband and my daughter to Canada. I should be responsible for them. But my husband has to do labor job. It is my fault because I am incapable to find a good job.
      • like to share SAS with u, if u pay me a bit of money
    • 这是一种典型的投机分子的想法——根本不问自己喜爱那一门科学,什么热门就去读什么。身为机械工程硕士,应当一心搞学术,不要老是在考虑毕业后怎么找工作,没劲!
      • I wanted to change my career several years ago. Even my previous boss recommended me to change it. I experienced the feeling of hopelessness in my major, although I have very good knowledge of it.
      • It’s understandable that one would like to maximize his ROI. The thing is if one has chosen his career, one better sticks to it no matter what the market looks like. There are always ups and downs
        and something hot now may be abandoned later.
        • If you don't like your career, and the job market is not good, will you change your career? That is my situation.
          • I understand you, Nancy. I am not saying you shouldn't make move in your career. If you have decided choosing either of the two options just go for it. Actual Science would be good.
            • which universities have actuarial science? I only know university of Waterloo. But I am not qualified for uw.
              • University of Western Ontario does. You can ask Jeff who is currently majored in Actuarial SCIENCE there. He may know more about it. Jeff is a big contributor on this website.
                • how could I contact him? I will search his name here.
                  • Post a message and ask for his help.
                  • Every major university in Canada has actuarial science. Well... If you are going to choose it, think carefully because it takes you minimum 5 years after you graduate from university to complete all exams.
                    And unfortunately Actuarial Science is a field that you don't really need a Master degree because all you need is your license. Most people choose to learn by themself after undergrad to pass all the exams necessary. And normally it takes people 7 to 10 years to get their FSAs and FCIAs. So it's a long and painful process...
      • Have you done some investigation in graduate admission? I have the impression it's difficult to be admitted without an undergraduate degree in the same major. But maybe you can be the lucky few.
        • yes, you are right. Two graduate program coordinators in different universities I met these days told me that I need to take some undergraduate courses first then I could apply the graduate program.
          • Good luck.
    • 也觉得2好一点.关键是你有几成把握你一定会喜欢统计,几成把握你能拿到奖学金,几成把握工作好找... 一个师兄给我讲:不喜欢现在的职业是正常的,但人不应该浮躁,一件事情没做好就去做第二件,那第二件也不一定成功...
      • I am not sure. In China I learned a little bit accounting, Java, MBA in order to find my interest.
        I know I have a little interest in accounting because it was useful to my husband's business before. I had a little interest in Java because it is fun. I choose Statistics because my math was pretty good before. I don't whether I have interest in statistics.
        • god! honestly, babe, it is not easy for u to make a smart decision when u blind like this...
        • If you think java is fun, why not considering CS? If you want to be an accountant or an acturist, why not take the certification directly?
          • no matter which I choose, accounting or statistics, I will try my best to get a certificate. But before that I need a degree or diploma first, then get a entry job.
            • The first option is very hard, your master degree is useless here, and you have to spend 5-8 years before you can get the degree if you can, lots of people were kicked out. And scholarship is not enough for a family.
              • One professor who is interested in my background ever let me to apply the phd program. The English requirement is very lower - 550 is enough. That means if I want I could enroll in. But after the graduation, who will need a phd?
                • some big companies need PH.D to do research, but you must know whether your supervisor can help you to find a job, whether he has good relationship with those companies.