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同情你。找人证。租务条例。"you(the tenant) or your guests have caused damage or serious problems for the landlord or other tenants in the building"可evict她们


Are there rules about eviction that my landlord must follow?

Yes. You cannot be evicted unless your landlord applies to the Tribunal and gets an order to evict you.

Your landlord can give you a notice to move out that claims:

you did not pay your rent,

you often pay your rent late,

you or your guests have committed illegal acts on the property,

you or your guests have caused damage or serious problems for the landlord or other tenants in the building, or

your landlord or a member of your landlord's immediate family wants to move in. Immediate family members include spouse, child, parent, spouse's child and spouse's parent. Spouse includes same-sex partner.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 碰到这样的房客该怎么办?
    • 开冷点不就好拉。 现在的天气开太热会难受的。等到了下大学的时候再开热点就很舒服了。
      • 并不是暖气太热的原因, 是因为他们家夏天开门开惯了,其实和门并排有两个落地大窗,他们整天不拉开窗帘,就是喜欢开窗,你说我气不气。
        • 是喜欢开门,我type错了。
        • 别气了, 不是自己的东西肯定不会象你那样珍惜的。 我觉得你把暖气的温度降一下,他们就知道不好了吧。
          • 我们刚开始好言好语和他们说,没用,后来我劳公气不过,下去告诉他们如果还开门就断暖气,现在白天我们上班的时候他们开门,估计我们快下班了就关门,
            • 和他们谈一次,说如果你们嫌热,我就将热气关小一点。随后你就把暖气定在20度。
              • 我忘说了,我们家暖气烧电,温度是由他们自己定的,我能做的就是给还是不给暖气。
                • 先不给,看看他们的反应。(当然先通知他们一下。)
        • 他们是嫌屋里空气不好吧. 各人有各人的立场, 没有谁对谁错. 出租房子给人家是很痛苦的. 什么都是DELIMMA
          • 我并没有不让换气,如果每天开会儿, 比如做完饭放放油烟,合情合理的我都不会不高兴, 问题是白天一直开到晚上天黑,我想是为了透光,可为什么不拉开窗帘呢?
            • 那就问他们两个问题嘛1. 为什么要开门;2. 能不能开窗帘? 并把你的理由说出来大多数人还是通情达理的
              • 我问了,为什么开门?为什么不拉开窗帘,他们笑嘻嘻的回答,夏天开门开习惯了,我鼻子给气歪了。
                • 那你就开冷气吧。(不是好主意)
              • 我想出来怎么说了,我先把暖气断了,如果他们上来问,我就笑嘻嘻的说我夏天不开暖气不开惯了。你们说是不是个好主意啊?
                • 不是,这样你不就开始冷战了吗?不如好好和对方谈谈,谈不通就换一个题目,谈如何分担水电和煤气费用。
                • 不好, 看你的帖子应该两个人都有工作, 不是很担心房租的问题。 不如请他们另找房子, 你也收拾一下再慢慢找合的来的房客吧。 其实人之间相处在于缘,他们不适合你。
                  • agree。斗只有更气。划不来。
    • refer to #816685.
    • 提前通知,请他们搬走,除此没有别的解决办法。
      • 其实气归气,说归说,真让我拉下脸断暖气或轰他们走,还真拉不下来,可能我不适合当房东。谢谢大家帮我出主意,发完牢骚后,现在心里舒服多了。我想再好好想想该怎么处理这件事。谢谢大家。
        • 给他们断气也不是好办法,回头他们肯定跟你吵架,到时候你更生气。让他们搬走要特别客气的说,说我的房子想收回己用,不好意思请你们另找住处吧。再多给他们一点找房子的时间。你也不用生气,咱们同病相怜。
        • 想赚钱就必须忍受一些事情。再说当初拟定房租标准的时候有没有将这一部分考虑进去啊?有,没什么好说,人家交钱了,爱用多少就用多少;没有,就更没办法了,下次租房的时候提高价钱或说定分摊电费吧。
          • 当初把房子出租时倒是想过他们会使劲开暖气,但是只要是合理倒也无所谓,更何况他们有孩子。
    • 说实话,如果让我管窗两小时,我会受不了(我住Apartment)。没什么想不通的,大家不一样而已。好和好散吧。
    • 同情你。找人证。租务条例。"you(the tenant) or your guests have caused damage or serious problems for the landlord or other tenants in the building"可evict她们

      Are there rules about eviction that my landlord must follow?

      Yes. You cannot be evicted unless your landlord applies to the Tribunal and gets an order to evict you.

      Your landlord can give you a notice to move out that claims:

      you did not pay your rent,

      you often pay your rent late,

      you or your guests have committed illegal acts on the property,

      you or your guests have caused damage or serious problems for the landlord or other tenants in the building, or

      your landlord or a member of your landlord's immediate family wants to move in. Immediate family members include spouse, child, parent, spouse's child and spouse's parent. Spouse includes same-sex partner.
      • 开个门就Serious problem了?有点可笑,要我说,地主同志们也别太狠了。
    • Termination for cause---------disturbing the enjoyment of other tenants or the landlord,
      Termination for cause

      Some of the reasons allowed by the Act relate to the tenant’s behaviour or actions or that of their guests. These include:

      not paying the rent in full,
      often paying the rent late,
      illegal activity,
      affecting the safety of others,
      disturbing the enjoyment of other tenants or the landlord,
      allowing too many people to live in the rental unit ("overcrowding"),
      not reporting income in subsidized housing.
    • Electrical heating is the easest type to control. Have an electrician to split your electrical panel into two, one for you and one for rental unit. Inform local hydro to install a separate meter.
      Tell your tenants that they are responsible for their own hydro bill.

      Electrical heating is the most expensive heating type. But many rental housing choose this type of heating because of the problem you are facing.
      • ur kidding. You are not GOD, understand! Contract rules!
    • Don't rent out your house or you must put up with it, cutting down heating gas is illegal.
    • faint ... of course we should open the door or window to keep room full of "fresh air".
      • You will see the difference between "open the door" and "keep the door open" when you pay the bill.
        • I live in Apt. Keep the window open when leave. While cooking, keep the door and window open until finish "fireoven" :D:D It is why apt is beautiful.
    • 我的经验:
      • 然后,身为tenant的我开始监视风筝的一举一动. Once open the door and window, "Would you please remember to shut it after 1 ms? Thanks ...." 有趣。
        • 呵呵,我不和我的房客住在一起,我才不操这份心呢。他们愿意开窗,开门是他们事,我不管。:-)
          • @-@? 哇塞, 原来风大姐还是个有多处产业的大富婆啊! 失敬失敬.
    • 别客气,在加拿大就不要客气,你是不是怕他们不租你的房子?如果是这样,还是客气一点好。否则,把暖气开的小一些,或干脆不开,如何?他们要求开的时候就开,不要求开的时候就关。
    • 还是share好一些。取暖费,冬天的话,每个月恐怕都得200块吧。京都协议一通过,还要更贵。我租apartment,礼拜天暖气断掉。因为有人开窗,屋里的热水管线冻裂,锅炉就停了。