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Last Descent from Cascade Mountain

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛We heard breaking news when we went back to cottage we were stay in. Wang Yi and his wife Leilei hiked Old Rag Mountain, 8 miles 700 meter elevation. It was nothing to Wang Yi who had run Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim in 1 day. But to Leilei it was a great challenge and achievement, as well as to ladies in our group. Worldy and Eva felt defeated and were crying to revenge. As we talked about magic light and great views on the peak of Cascade, we offered them a chance to do it again at sunset. And both of them got excited.

So, we slept in the middle of the day for a couple of hours, ladies prepared a great lunch. And we set off again at 3:30pm.

Hikers were getting down from the tail when we went up. We saw all different creatures of hikers. Some wear shorts and t-shirt, some wear flat running shoes. They were skiing down from slope without ski on. There were hardcore hikers running down from the mountain, and beaten city girls leaning on deadwood sticks.

The good thing of hiking with ladies was that I got enough rest. When they wanted take a break, I always agree with them. Eva started to complain that hiking boots hurt her heels and blamed me did not tell her truth. And Josie went ahead when we took breaks. She wanted keeping a comfortable distance with the rest of team so she won’t feel pressure from behind.

About 2 hours hiking, we reached the junction. Knowing that we had enough time before sunset, we suggested to hike 0.7 mile to Porter Mountain and back, but that was just a joke, no one really wanted add extra 1.4 miles without reward.

When we climbed up to a huge rock which was the only technical climbing on the trail, last two hikers went down. Guessing from their MEC brand gaiters they wear, I asked them whether they came from Canada. And indeed, one was from Barrie and the other was local reception. Seeing our neighbor down into trees, the Cascade peak belonged to us.

We gathered at basecamp and put on warm clothes then went up to the peak. Taking 360 degrees of views, the mountaintop was quite different from this morning, snow on tree branches were mostly gone. It was hard to find a foreground without footsteps.

We spent an hour and half on the peak, until sun was down and no more interesting photographing anything.

Then we started descending. As soon as we merged with trees, we had to turn on headlamps. Getting down uses totally different mussels, soon my keen joints started complaining. We exchanged all kind of sufferings during the years of hiking, tried to convincing one suffered more than another. This way, we felt the pain on getting down was nothing and kept going.

For a little more than an hour, we reached trail head around 9:30pm and cheerfully claimed that we were the last descendants of Cascade Mountain on the same day we made our first ascent.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 户外活动 / First Ascent to Cascade Mt. Adirondack.

    I did last check with Henry over the phone for the route to Cascade Mt, Adirondack and negotiated with Silentworld for the time of assaulting. Worldy had prepared breakfast for us and F-Stop camera bags were packed ready before everyone went to bed.

    When I woke up, it was pure darkness inside out. It was 3:07 AM, three minutes earlier than alarm clock set for. I knocked on Silentworld's door and finally heard his response.

    We dressed up, drove to the trailhead marked on GPS the day before. Check, it was 3:48 AM when we stepped on the trail. Stars twinkling between tree branches, head lamps shining, and snow reflected them all. We walked fast at beginning, the trail had a gentle slope but our microspikes had sharpen teeth biting into icy snow, no problem at all.

    Soon, I had to inhale more air with mouth, and sweated from head to toe. I could feel streaming vaporizing over my head. I led the way for slowing down Silentworld's big steps. I had stop for a short break every hundred yards or so while Silentworld reminding me should not stop too long for getting cold.

    The slope picked up a few more degrees, the trail looked like a white ribbon throwing down from mountain top which I could not see. Footing got heavier, calf muscles felt tight and hiking boots hurt my heels every step climbing up. Using this opportunity, Silentworld started selling stairmaster he had trained on. Finally, I took Silentworld’s suggestion putting snowshoes on. My MSR Ascent had a heel lift for helping climbing steep slopes. That was a right suggestion at right time, much better than the stairmaster idea which won’t do any good when I already hit the trail.

    We had gained 1200 feet now, the stars gave away to unseen mist. Wind getting stronger, we had to stop again for changing cloth. Fleece was not wind proof and it absorbed a lot of moisture from sweat. So we changed to wind jacket. Soon we reached a trail junction, 0.3 mile to Cascade and 0.7 mile to Porter Mountain. It was 5:05. We had enough time since sun won’t rise until 6:27.

    Afraid of cold wind on exposed peak, we took another rest. Eat Easter eggs and drunk warm water, then put on all clothes we brought with. Fleece, windproof jacket and then down shirt. All from Eddie Bauer and all were First Ascent series. We could say that we were unofficial First Ascent sponsors.

    5:30, we moved up to our base camp, a huge rock that protected us from wind and provided a flat platform for resting. Walked around the peak, tried finding right tripod holes for our cameras, but we seemed locked in heavy mist, could not see any light from east. Cold wind forced us retreat back to our base camp.

    Not until 6:00, there was a strait of light breaking the mist. We climbed to the peak and took position, waiting for magic light.

    We were all busy shooting, to all directions and with all wideangle and telephoto lenses. It was not important whether we captured magic light or scenery from the peak of Cascade Mountain. Nor important that it was the easiest trail - in 46 high peaks of Adirondack - only only 2.4 miles in distance and 1940 feet elevation gain but we were truly the first ascent on this day, March 30, 2013.
    • 牛啊,照片呢?tianjin
    • 应该图文并茂才吸引眼球
    • Nice writing. 图片呢?
    • 顶一把。顺便补充一下,这是复活节长周末去Adirondack Park 的记录之一。
    • Photo Link.
      • 估计不是所有的人都能看到链接的图片。
        • 因该可以啊.
      • 漂亮!!!
    • 精神可嘉,片片也很精彩。
      • 精神太可嘉了,我可不愿意3点起床背一大包武器上山挨冻。
        • 同感!都是意志坚强的人,敬佩!
    • Last Descent from Cascade Mountain
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛We heard breaking news when we went back to cottage we were stay in. Wang Yi and his wife Leilei hiked Old Rag Mountain, 8 miles 700 meter elevation. It was nothing to Wang Yi who had run Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim in 1 day. But to Leilei it was a great challenge and achievement, as well as to ladies in our group. Worldy and Eva felt defeated and were crying to revenge. As we talked about magic light and great views on the peak of Cascade, we offered them a chance to do it again at sunset. And both of them got excited.

      So, we slept in the middle of the day for a couple of hours, ladies prepared a great lunch. And we set off again at 3:30pm.

      Hikers were getting down from the tail when we went up. We saw all different creatures of hikers. Some wear shorts and t-shirt, some wear flat running shoes. They were skiing down from slope without ski on. There were hardcore hikers running down from the mountain, and beaten city girls leaning on deadwood sticks.

      The good thing of hiking with ladies was that I got enough rest. When they wanted take a break, I always agree with them. Eva started to complain that hiking boots hurt her heels and blamed me did not tell her truth. And Josie went ahead when we took breaks. She wanted keeping a comfortable distance with the rest of team so she won’t feel pressure from behind.

      About 2 hours hiking, we reached the junction. Knowing that we had enough time before sunset, we suggested to hike 0.7 mile to Porter Mountain and back, but that was just a joke, no one really wanted add extra 1.4 miles without reward.

      When we climbed up to a huge rock which was the only technical climbing on the trail, last two hikers went down. Guessing from their MEC brand gaiters they wear, I asked them whether they came from Canada. And indeed, one was from Barrie and the other was local reception. Seeing our neighbor down into trees, the Cascade peak belonged to us.

      We gathered at basecamp and put on warm clothes then went up to the peak. Taking 360 degrees of views, the mountaintop was quite different from this morning, snow on tree branches were mostly gone. It was hard to find a foreground without footsteps.

      We spent an hour and half on the peak, until sun was down and no more interesting photographing anything.

      Then we started descending. As soon as we merged with trees, we had to turn on headlamps. Getting down uses totally different mussels, soon my keen joints started complaining. We exchanged all kind of sufferings during the years of hiking, tried to convincing one suffered more than another. This way, we felt the pain on getting down was nothing and kept going.

      For a little more than an hour, we reached trail head around 9:30pm and cheerfully claimed that we were the last descendants of Cascade Mountain on the same day we made our first ascent.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 那几张破晓时分的片片是真漂亮。还是看中文容易些哈。
        • 谢谢欣赏. 主要是中文输入太慢, 出错太多. 英文的错可以原谅么!
    • 非常Enjoy你的Writing. 好像和你们走了一遍Cascade Mt. Adirondack!
    • 这么好的帖子都不给个精华,版主的脑袋被门夹了吧?
      • 负责hiking的休假去了。哈哈哈!
    • 写得美!拍得也美!
      • 谢谢版主加精. 谢谢所有捧场的童学.
    • 友情帮顶,虽然已经在3~4个不同的地方拜读过了,嘻嘻!