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It's confused.

I got some from www.usembassycanada.gov. "Landed Immigrants, Students and Employment Authorization holders in Canada: Applicants who have long-term residence status in Canada in one of these three categories may apply for their visa by mail or through a major travel agency. "

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 糊涂了:在多伦多申请美国签证 ,办理过程: 提前网上预约,得到使馆寄的材料,然后准时到使馆面试,对否?
    • yes.
    • 拿到材料之后别忘了交申请费。
    • 我昨天刚刚预约, 我想不用等到寄的材料也行, 都能打印出来在你预约的时候.
      • 不用着急打印,材料会按时寄到的。反正你还要等那张交费单交钱呢。
        • 交费单不是也可以打印出来吗? I AM GETTING CONFUSED TOO.
          • 不好意思,这我没注意了。我当时就注意到一堆表格了。反正那份材料很快就到了。真要是来不及了,你再打印也不迟呀。
          • 打印的也可以交费,我上个星期就这么交的。
    • It's confused.
      I got some from www.usembassycanada.gov. "Landed Immigrants, Students and Employment Authorization holders in Canada: Applicants who have long-term residence status in Canada in one of these three categories may apply for their visa by mail or through a major travel agency. "
      • 别confused了,准备好你的信用卡,这里预约: