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A very sad story.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I cross read a dog notice from my friend's friend's facebook. 也是一只狼犬,和我那天带回家的有点像,要矮小一点。


URGENT!! My dog Toba has gone missing in King City - PLEASE SHAREURGENT!! Jatoba is missing!! She was last seen in the Dufferin and King area of King city Ontario. If anyone is in King city or knows someone there please ask them to keep an eye out. If spotted call right away. Phone:

Today, I read another notice:今天我看到的

Sadly Toba was found - but not alive. This owner watched a surveillance video of her dog at a gas station - she approached several people - no one helped her. She tried to follow someone into the gas station - they closed the door on her. She walked away out of sight of the camera - she was hit by a car probably not long after that. If there is a dog wandering loose - stop, take the time to save their life - and a lifetime of regret for the owner. People would rather pick up their dog at the 'Animal Control' than find them dead in a ditch - like Toba's owner did. Sorry if this upsets anyone - but really ... wake up and live - not just for yourselves.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 户外活动 / 户外遇见没有主人相伴的狗-为photohiker所写的
    • 我遇到过一次走失的棕色无毛短尾狗,听说这种短尾狗很凶。它一会儿跟着我,一会儿在路上乱窜,还被车撞了一下。我天生怕狗,过马路躲,它还跟,后来躲进商店请西人才逃掉。有时骑车碰到大狗狂叫,也怕狗挣脱链子跑出来,以后长途骑还是要带胡椒辣椒喷防身
      • 你越是害怕,狗越是要欺负你:-)所以要装。
    • 真是太谢谢啦!以后再遇到这种情况就知道怎么办了。
      • 如果你不确定的话,或者感觉到有危险的话,走开就是了,千万不要太善良,狗毕竟是动物。
    • 看到后来,好温馨。
    • 好人好帖,必须顶!我家也有条小狗,我们一家人也包括她。替狗主人谢谢你!
    • 好贴要顶
    • 有时候在论坛上看到父母亲抱怨自己的小孩去pat狗被咬的事,我很想提醒他们这其实是他们自己错在先,但是怕招来砖头。想想看,就算是人,好端端的被过路的陌生人拍头摸脸的,不打你才怪呢,
      • :D 是这道理
    • btw,Sandbank的两个dog beach 非常大,水又浅,是小孩和狗的天堂,她们玩疯掉了。
    • 好帖!班主能不能加精/放到首页?最近遇到好几起事件,都是人遇到狗,人又跳又叫得比狗还大声(不好意思地说,都是中年国移),狗被吓到了。既然在加拿大,成年人和孩子都需要学习如何和动物打交道,而不是一味害怕。
      • 完全同意!加入了导读。
    • 好贴!!不过家里没有狗的,怎么教孩子跟狗打交道呢,朋友也都没有狗。是不是我们护孩子护的了,但是不护又担心。就是说从态度和方法上,都需要知道什么?谢!
      • 去公园,看到有遛狗的,friendly的那种主人,跟他们攀谈,问主人是不是可以pat他们家的狗,然后蹲下去,伸出手,离它一定的距离,让狗先闻你的手,然后再pat ,不要直接去。我从来不直接pat狗:-)态度-友好,不害怕,给予空间
    • 写得清楚实用。多谢!
    • 狂赞!谢谢分享!我很喜欢狗,特别是大狗。准备等孩子大些了也养条大狗。
      • 大狗要天天遛,不论天气多坏,否则跟你闹个不停或者坏毛病很多,铁大侠喜欢户外活动,一天两次带着出去跑步不会嫌累的,足够的运动量能准保你家的狗听话。你要是闲着,带我家的hyper dog 出去跑步吧:-)
    • 大顶!我遛狗时都有备用leash—collar,以备见到走失的狗狗可以帮到他/她。家长一定要教孩子pat别人的狗狗前asking,得到许可,对方准备就绪才可以接近。
    • 写得真好。
    • A very sad story.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I cross read a dog notice from my friend's friend's facebook. 也是一只狼犬,和我那天带回家的有点像,要矮小一点。

      LOST DOG AUG 2 2012 - KING CITY, ON

      URGENT!! My dog Toba has gone missing in King City - PLEASE SHAREURGENT!! Jatoba is missing!! She was last seen in the Dufferin and King area of King city Ontario. If anyone is in King city or knows someone there please ask them to keep an eye out. If spotted call right away. Phone:

      Today, I read another notice:今天我看到的

      Sadly Toba was found - but not alive. This owner watched a surveillance video of her dog at a gas station - she approached several people - no one helped her. She tried to follow someone into the gas station - they closed the door on her. She walked away out of sight of the camera - she was hit by a car probably not long after that. If there is a dog wandering loose - stop, take the time to save their life - and a lifetime of regret for the owner. People would rather pick up their dog at the 'Animal Control' than find them dead in a ditch - like Toba's owner did. Sorry if this upsets anyone - but really ... wake up and live - not just for yourselves.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 真可怜啊!狗也和人一样,需要帮助,需要爱。
    • 写的太好了,知道以后遇到这种情况该怎么办了,多谢!
    • 其实只要把狗尤其是有主人的狗当作人来看待,事情就容易多了。平等,尊重,谨慎友好直到得到同样回应,保持镇定不害怕,寻常对人的态度,对狗也一样。最近遛狗遇到几次不愉快,都是因为人过分害怕/过激。
      • 真是这样。我最怕碰到怕狗的人。他们遇到狗,要不就是僵在那里,要不就是举手投降。纯粹是引狗上身。
        • 您说得对——我怕大狗,有次在trail上遇到条大狗
          我就僵在哪里,还躲着它,它以为我和它玩,噗的一声就趴我身上,把我吓个半S T_T