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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

昨天刚看到的一段话, 挺有意思

If our system was so bad, why is it that each year our physicists, chemists, economists, writers, and medical researchers keep winning Nobel Prizes?

I asked what about the fact that our students do poorly on tests compared to, among others, Chinese students.
His answer was that while the Chinese may do better in tests at age eighteen, no one ever tests them again at twenty-three. By that age, those students have been burnt out preparing for tests, while American kids are first coming into their period of creativity. And after all, what's an education for? Certainly, beyond learning for learning's sake, it's to attain a higher quality of life. Indeed, when we asked some students in China what they thought about that, they readily admitted that the Chinese system allowed precious little room for creativity.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 从小到大,身边总有些同学,虽然学得不比其他人好多少,掌握的东西也不多多少,解决问题能力也不是特别强,但就是会考试,总比同样水平的人考分高一等(据说比较会抓重点?!),多少年了也没搞懂怎么回事。难道有“考商”一说?
    • 嘿嘿,偶是平常小考不行,大考总是不错,所以老是能上第一志愿,让大家大吃一惊^_^ 诀窍嘛,就是让所有人对自己都没了期望值,所以考试时不紧张,往往超水平发挥^_*
    • 是您只看到别人的短处而已。相对于某个考试,某人可能才华平平,但他只要花功夫和时间,当然会比你我之类耍小聪明、缺乏耐心和刻苦的人要考得好。这就是爱滴生所说的“95% 与“5%”关系的最好例证。
    • 当年与好友一起准备GRE,他词汇量比我大得多,准备也充分,模拟题却老考不过我。一次问我一题(我对他错)。我天花乱坠的解释了半天,他很敬仰的说,原来你连这几个单词都不认识,还蒙对了,I服了U!
      • 那叫语感。
        我以前读大学的时候,从来不会背单词,那是真的不会,不是谦虚,没有上下文的单词背了过一小时就忘了。但是我的阅读很好, 就算一篇文章里有50%的单词不认识,至少80%的题目总是作对的。
        • 其实考试好都是雕虫小技,但在中国又是不得不忍受的折磨。好在我有考试的天才,还能一路混上大学直到出国,不然像我这样痛恨死读书的人,只能南下当民工了。
    • 嗯,我恨死考试了,一点也显不出我的水平,更显不出我解决问题的能力。:(
    • 我读大学的最大收获之一,就是知道,考试是有技巧的。
    • 昨天刚看到的一段话, 挺有意思
      If our system was so bad, why is it that each year our physicists, chemists, economists, writers, and medical researchers keep winning Nobel Prizes?

      I asked what about the fact that our students do poorly on tests compared to, among others, Chinese students.
      His answer was that while the Chinese may do better in tests at age eighteen, no one ever tests them again at twenty-three. By that age, those students have been burnt out preparing for tests, while American kids are first coming into their period of creativity. And after all, what's an education for? Certainly, beyond learning for learning's sake, it's to attain a higher quality of life. Indeed, when we asked some students in China what they thought about that, they readily admitted that the Chinese system allowed precious little room for creativity.
    • 好像我就是这样的?:((((以前还有点自鸣得意,实习了才觉得痛苦。身边很多洋同学虽然考试不见得门门A,但实际工作能力和待人处事的成熟周到均令我望尘莫及.