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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Make your friend clear what he will want to get before he goes back to school, I do believe his age is not too old as long as he is interested in studying & updating his knowledge, or wnats to change his career to find his dream job but he doesn't get the chance to do it in China. I know a Chinese lady, worked as a engineer in China, works in NRC (equal to chinese KE XUE YUAN) as a senior research staff right now. When she came to Canada, she would like to be a university professor or a research staff in NRC in her future life, so she didn't search job at that time and went directly school to pursue her Master degree and Ph.D at her 39 years old. Five years later, she was successful and got everything she wanted. Currently, many people have to encounter layoffs, but she will never worry about it because her position is permanent till her retire time. Another Chinese lady quit her computer system analyst to get her Ph.D in Physics in computer hot year (2000) although she already held two Canadian Master degrees including Physics and CS. She realized she still liked Physics after she had worked as a computer staff for five years...

Many examples happened around me, so don't consider others' opinions, just take your action as long as you enjoy studying.

Good luck to your friend!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 朋友们,我想做一个调查,我们在读书的移民朋友么都多大了?我的朋友38了,准备读master, then PHD. Is he too old?
    • 朝闻道,夕可死也。
      • 什么语?
          • 谢!
            • what's that?
              • 你说“子语”
                • 孔子
      • 至理名言:) 说得好
    • “活到老,学到老”,我老妈60多了,还上ESL呢。
      • cool
      • I know a gentleman who walks 5 km to ESL school each day. He is 75.
    • 关键是看他自己的态度。看到有些爱读书的人或者把读书当作逃避接触社会的借口;或者受到万般皆下品,唯有读书高的封建残余思想的毒害。这两者是非常不可取的。
      • Cannot agree more! You are more and more JP le:)
      • JPJP!不知他那朋友到底想干吗?搞不懂什么叫“master, then PHD”。想读PHD直接去就是了。真年轻,还有时间东拐一下,西转一下。。。
    • 问题是: 他读完PHD要干吗  ?
    • He is not old. But he should be aware of what he is looking for.
    • of course he's too old
      • Then how old is not old?
        • 没有最老,只有更老。
        • if he just take it as a interest, never be too old to study. but I guess he wants to get a PHD to find a better job, it is a little bit old to change something
          • Are you guys in canada or china? Stay at home or in company ?
            • I am in Canada/office
        • 呵呵, 算一下吧, Master2年, PHD怎么也得5年吧. 48+7=55. 这时他可以很欣慰地对着孙子说"孩子啊, 你爷爷可是个PH.D啊."
          • Your math is so bad, It is 38+7=45
            • @@. Sorry, 看错了. 其实觉得中国人普遍太注重文凭了. 如果从兴趣角度来说的话, 再大的年纪也可以. 但如果想找工作, 用得着读那么多年书吗?
          • xixi. he is 38 right now
        • 如果他自己不觉得老,谁又能管得了呢?50岁再读也并非不可能呀。俺不过表达一下自己的看法。
          • WOW, 这么老啊! :P
            • 是啊,你以为呢?:P
          • 这么年轻啊, 我倒
    • Not at all.
    • contribute my two cents
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Make your friend clear what he will want to get before he goes back to school, I do believe his age is not too old as long as he is interested in studying & updating his knowledge, or wnats to change his career to find his dream job but he doesn't get the chance to do it in China. I know a Chinese lady, worked as a engineer in China, works in NRC (equal to chinese KE XUE YUAN) as a senior research staff right now. When she came to Canada, she would like to be a university professor or a research staff in NRC in her future life, so she didn't search job at that time and went directly school to pursue her Master degree and Ph.D at her 39 years old. Five years later, she was successful and got everything she wanted. Currently, many people have to encounter layoffs, but she will never worry about it because her position is permanent till her retire time. Another Chinese lady quit her computer system analyst to get her Ph.D in Physics in computer hot year (2000) although she already held two Canadian Master degrees including Physics and CS. She realized she still liked Physics after she had worked as a computer staff for five years...

      Many examples happened around me, so don't consider others' opinions, just take your action as long as you enjoy studying.

      Good luck to your friend!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • agree with you. We should enjoy studying rather than study for job hunting.
    • It's never too old to learn. Yet a Ph. D doesn't guarantee a brighter future. If he has excellent language skill and aims at an academic career, a Ph. D from a good school like U of T may help. Otherwise he should try something more practical.
      • 对啊,俺有个师兄就这样对俺说的。:-D
    • 觉得大家说的很有道理,受教育了。
    • 这个年纪不必再为学位奋斗了。学个短期的尽快找了好工作,过上安稳的日子就行了。