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Most Telcos limit ADSL lines to 15,000 ft from the CO (not as the crow flies, but how long the actual circuit is). If you're lucky, it may be 18,000 ft.

If your neighbor across the street has DSL and the phone company will not qualify you, there are several possible reasons why.
A. Your neighbor may have gotten lucky and he caught the loop before it went around the ENTIRE block.

B. The telco's records may be out of date.

C. Your telephone service could be served out of a different CO than your neighbor's (this is rare but is possible, especially in metropolitan areas where the COs are over-crowded).
In any case, if your neighbor has DSL, odds are you'll get it soon.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 今天晚上边灌水边作各种测试, 最后绝望...新地址离最近的sypatico中心机房有5公里多, sympatico说可能会不稳定, 果然,而且很慢,慢...等下个月只有换cable了,大家搬家时最好确认一下先
    • 早说过用拨号最稳定,就是不听。SIGH
      • 拨号要占电话线呀. 你用什么?AOL?
        • 3web. 手机晚上和周末免费。
      • 56K?速度快,可以在线听歌?俺被rogers气的半死,看看楼下天使被bell折磨,民用high-speed当真走投无路?商用的ADSL快的象疯狗还特稳定!
    • 偶从来不看好Bell的high speed,实在够呛。
      • bell一女侠给我推荐low speed的dsl, 说可能会稳定一些, 后来又说, 还是太远.....才几公里就不行了, 我记得adsl可以9km的嘛
        • 只要是女同胞说的,你都信,唉。
          • 你不是这样教我的吗? 你说你这样才讨女孩子喜欢.
            • 完全没有学到精髓。要在MM面前说的她认为你说的一切都是真理,就算不懂也要绕到什么算法,核心处理越复杂越好。从来都是MM崇拜GG,哪有你这样。吃亏了不时。
              • 知道了
                • google查到,3-5公里adsl信号衰减非常快,你就认命吧。
                  • 原来作工程时产品提供商说可以到9km, 不过没试过那么远
            • 5公里根本没戏, 你怎么住这么偏的地方?
              • 没法子, 住农村便宜
                • 是密市吗? 其实, ADSL 有很多其他的provider, 不一定非要用sympatico.
                  • 密事...sympatico的便宜嘛,,,还有其他的吗?
                    • DSL提供商的List见#731579, 试试这家吧, http://www.tht.net, 俺以前住密市的时候用的.那时候bell在密市还没什么服务. 效果还可以, 下载能达到934Kbs左右, 如果你多花$5, 可以另外有一个静态IP地址, 不知道他们现在还有没有这个服务.
        • 4km吧?
    • Most Telcos limit ADSL lines to 15,000 ft from the CO (not as the crow flies, but how long the actual circuit is). If you're lucky, it may be 18,000 ft.
      If your neighbor across the street has DSL and the phone company will not qualify you, there are several possible reasons why.
      A. Your neighbor may have gotten lucky and he caught the loop before it went around the ENTIRE block.

      B. The telco's records may be out of date.

      C. Your telephone service could be served out of a different CO than your neighbor's (this is rare but is possible, especially in metropolitan areas where the COs are over-crowded).
      In any case, if your neighbor has DSL, odds are you'll get it soon.
      • 一句话,我不够lucky... :-( thanks. 你老兄是专家...
    • Here you are, DSL provider list: 密市有20多家provider. 还有价钱, 是否限制下载流量等.
    • 俺已经被BELL气个半死拉,HIGH SPEED ,下载最高事16K,最慢事0.2k ,用bell自己的高速测速,最高是190 kilobits/sec , 无论你怎样设置,每隔2分钟就脱机,如果你想去大陆网站当点东东,你就忍受吧,BELL通向亚洲的站点是最慢的
      • 现本人有无限时无广告条的Internet拨号上网帐号转让,需要者请与我联系。416-857-9929 PC_helper @ bigfoot.com