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A question to gentlemen: how many of you think Rihanna at that age looked good ?


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / A question to ladies: how many of you think Jay Sean is very 帅 ? I like this song a lot
    • 没觉得帅
    • A question to gentlemen: how many of you think Rihanna at that age looked good ?
      • 不错呀
        • Never thought a gent could be this cute. :-)
      • Your taste is a bit special.:-)
        • can't be that special...considering how popular she was, or maybe still is..
          • I like her too -- only from the radio though.:-)
      • 看上去至少比实际年龄老十岁.
      • 从没觉得她好看过~~~~下半身那么粗壮~~~比beyonce差远了~~~~
      • She can make lots of babies
        • 啊啊, 会看的看门道.
          • 猜的,呵呵,那话怎么说的:没有耕坏的田,只有累坏的(此处,为尊者讳,故略之)
      • "looked good"? are you talking about food on a menu...
        Go grab "love and other drugs"...skip all the way to the scene near the end...Jamie (Jake Gyllenhaal) was packing and he picked up the tape he filmed with Maggie (Anne Hathaway)...He played it back...On the screen, black and white, Maggie looked at the camera, joked a little bit and started to talk about "this moment"...She looked great
        • Saw that movie, Among those three movies released within a year on the same topic, I like the Portman one the best, Timberlake one the least....I always love Anna...Always.
    • 人不帅,歌也不好听啊.
    • 不错呀~~~喜欢男生剃板寸~~~~
    • His face looks a bit dirty
    • 满大街都是这 模样的。。。歌也一般。。。不是俺那盘菜。。。呵呵。。。
      • +100。。。
    • 我喜欢这长相的。
      • 从上次你上的那些帅哥的片片, 这我能猜出来.
        • 嗯,轮廓很深的容貌+浓眉大眼 = 好看。
      • 形象是和声音联系在一起的,偶心中的永远的无敌超级大帅哥从来只有黄家驹
        • 是的是的,长得再帅要是生就一副太监嗓,也让人倒胃口。
    • Not my cup of tea ~~~~~
    • 欧洲街头北非裔小混混模样。。
    • 性取向变了?