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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / tried, tired
    different order of letters, different meaning, interesting...
    • different man, different woman, interesting
    • sf。。。。
      • 是吗?
        • 沙发很大。。。。还有地儿呢。。。。等女生做俺旁边。。。。
          • 女生就做俺旁边了。。。这次你在地上,呵呵,就委屈你了!
    • dog, god.
    • 有两个单词,挺多的字母,正好正反次序。。。现在一时想不起来了
    • liar, lair;
    • live---evil; are----era; was---saw。。。以前玩过这个,都记不得了
      • tried, tired has some kind of logical relationship, you tried, till you tired... isn't it amazing? :D
    • "我好无聊啊,我好无聊啊" -- 中文翻译 自《男人帮》,有点厌倦了现在这种早9晚5的生活,哈哈
    • Stressed
      • i love this one~ thx!!!
    • try weekly; try weakly; tri weekly.