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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛10-0 Caution
10-1 Unable to copy -- change location
10-2 Signal good
10-3 Stop transmitting
10-4 Acknowledgement (OK)
10-5 Relay
10-6 Busy -- stand by unless urgent
10-7 Out of service
10-8 In service
10-9 Repeat
10-10 Fight in progress
10-11 Dog case
10-12 Stand by (stop)
10-13 Weather -- road report
10-14 Prowler report
10-15 Civil disturbance
10-16 Domestic disturbance
10-17 Meet complainant
10-18 Quickly
10-19 Return to ...
10-20 Location
10-21 Call ... by telephone
10-22 Disregard
10-23 Arrived at scene
10-24 Assignment completed
10-25 Report in person (meet) ...
10-26 Detaining subject, expedite
10-27 Drivers license information
10-28 Vehicle registration information
10-29 Check for wanted
10-30 Unnecessary use of radio
10-31 Crime in progress
10-32 Man with gun
10-33 Emergency
10-34 Riot
10-35 Major crime alert
10-36 Correct time
10-37 (Investigate) suspicious vehicle
10-38 Stopping suspicious vehicle
10-39 Urgent -- use light, siren
10-40 Silent run -- no light, siren
10-41 Beginning tour of duty
10-42 Ending tour of duty
10-43 Information
10-44 Permission to leave ... for ...
10-45 Animal carcass at ...
10-46 Assist motorist
10-47 Emergency road repairs at ...
10-48 Traffic standard repair at ...
10-49 Traffic light out at ...
10-50 Accident (fatal, personal injury, property damage)
10-51 Wrecker needed
10-52 Ambulance needed
10-53 Road blocked at ...
10-54 Livestock on highway
10-55 Suspected DUI
10-56 Intoxicated pedestrian
10-57 Hit and run (fatal, personal injury, property damage)
10-58 Direct traffic
10-59 Convoy or escort
10-60 Squad in vicinity
10-61 Isolate self for message
10-62 Reply to message
10-63 Prepare to make written copy
10-64 Message for local delivery
10-65 Net message assignment
10-66 Message cancellation
10-67 Clear for net message
10-68 Dispatch information
10-69 Message received
10-70 Fire
10-71 Advise nature of fire
10-72 Report progress on fire
10-73 Smoke report
10-74 Negative
10-75 In contact with ...
10-76 En route ...
10-77 ETA (estimated time of arrival)
10-78 Need assistance
10-79 Notify coroner
10-80 Chase in progress
10-81 Breathalyzer
10-82 Reserve lodging
10-83 Work school xing at ...
10-84 If meeting ... advise ETA
10-85 Delayed due to ...
10-86 Officer/operator on duty
10-87 Pick up/distribute checks
10-88 Present telephone number of ...
10-89 Bomb threat
10-90 Bank alarm at ...
10-91 Pick up prisoner/subject
10-92 Improperly parked vehicle
10-93 Blockade
10-94 Drag racing
10-95 Prisoner/subject in custody
10-96 Mental subject
10-97 Check (test) signal
10-98 Prison/jail break
10-99 Wanted/stolen indicated更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 王大美眉,没事给人到中年的人们科普一下阳光州的各个城市好吗? 这本本上读来的东西同在那里住了几年的人讲出来的东西。。有时差别挺大!
    • 我手头上有一本EPA的FLORIDA STATE PARKS。是在一个SUMMIT上无意碰到了。SCAN了后请ROLIA的大拿放在哪。好多都是日积月累走过了才知道。你们不问,我也不知道从何说起。
      • 谢谢。。王大美眉,这park嘛, 就免了吧。。多伦多现在阴雨连绵,冷唧唧,没劲!人到中年希望老了干不动了的时候。。嘿嘿。。向美眉学习搬到阳光州!老农曾同几个球友,开车一个城市一个城市兜个一圈,许多城市看着差别巨大,但没啥感觉?
        • "许多城市看着差别巨大,但没啥感觉". 这句话是什么意思呀?
          • 报告中世纪美眉。。。比如PALM BEACH 和 WEST PALM BEACH 别看只隔一道小水沟。那可是天上地下之别!王大美眉之王生垂钓的Mexico湾,往饭店一坐,顿感年轻,可一瞧老人家胳膊上挎着的美眉。一个比一个年轻!哈哈。。
            • “没啥感觉”是指WILLING TO STAY(SETTLE) !这和别人带着你开开心心去沼泽里鳄鱼是两码子事
              • “什么感觉”能使你WILLING TO STAY(SETTLE)呢?
                • 像多伦多!
                  • This answer took you 14 minutes. Tough Q
                    • 5 秒!
                  • Ok. whatever. BTW,where do you live now?
        • (我的)人生是一串机会(或者是错误)的结果。不知道,稀里糊涂就到了这乐。LG总是个闲不住的人,我们走来走去的,和普通家庭没区别。但是我记忆非常好,每个地方都在我脑子留下些东西。
          • 新年赠你一句我最喜欢的话: Life is not about how many breaths you take but about how many moments in life that take your breath away. ~
            • 10-4
              • ??? O^O
                • Google 10 codes
                  • Still no clues.
                    • Started from CA or NY police depart. Radio codes
                      • HAHA. What is Radio codes ?
                        • List
                          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛10-0 Caution
                          10-1 Unable to copy -- change location
                          10-2 Signal good
                          10-3 Stop transmitting
                          10-4 Acknowledgement (OK)
                          10-5 Relay
                          10-6 Busy -- stand by unless urgent
                          10-7 Out of service
                          10-8 In service
                          10-9 Repeat
                          10-10 Fight in progress
                          10-11 Dog case
                          10-12 Stand by (stop)
                          10-13 Weather -- road report
                          10-14 Prowler report
                          10-15 Civil disturbance
                          10-16 Domestic disturbance
                          10-17 Meet complainant
                          10-18 Quickly
                          10-19 Return to ...
                          10-20 Location
                          10-21 Call ... by telephone
                          10-22 Disregard
                          10-23 Arrived at scene
                          10-24 Assignment completed
                          10-25 Report in person (meet) ...
                          10-26 Detaining subject, expedite
                          10-27 Drivers license information
                          10-28 Vehicle registration information
                          10-29 Check for wanted
                          10-30 Unnecessary use of radio
                          10-31 Crime in progress
                          10-32 Man with gun
                          10-33 Emergency
                          10-34 Riot
                          10-35 Major crime alert
                          10-36 Correct time
                          10-37 (Investigate) suspicious vehicle
                          10-38 Stopping suspicious vehicle
                          10-39 Urgent -- use light, siren
                          10-40 Silent run -- no light, siren
                          10-41 Beginning tour of duty
                          10-42 Ending tour of duty
                          10-43 Information
                          10-44 Permission to leave ... for ...
                          10-45 Animal carcass at ...
                          10-46 Assist motorist
                          10-47 Emergency road repairs at ...
                          10-48 Traffic standard repair at ...
                          10-49 Traffic light out at ...
                          10-50 Accident (fatal, personal injury, property damage)
                          10-51 Wrecker needed
                          10-52 Ambulance needed
                          10-53 Road blocked at ...
                          10-54 Livestock on highway
                          10-55 Suspected DUI
                          10-56 Intoxicated pedestrian
                          10-57 Hit and run (fatal, personal injury, property damage)
                          10-58 Direct traffic
                          10-59 Convoy or escort
                          10-60 Squad in vicinity
                          10-61 Isolate self for message
                          10-62 Reply to message
                          10-63 Prepare to make written copy
                          10-64 Message for local delivery
                          10-65 Net message assignment
                          10-66 Message cancellation
                          10-67 Clear for net message
                          10-68 Dispatch information
                          10-69 Message received
                          10-70 Fire
                          10-71 Advise nature of fire
                          10-72 Report progress on fire
                          10-73 Smoke report
                          10-74 Negative
                          10-75 In contact with ...
                          10-76 En route ...
                          10-77 ETA (estimated time of arrival)
                          10-78 Need assistance
                          10-79 Notify coroner
                          10-80 Chase in progress
                          10-81 Breathalyzer
                          10-82 Reserve lodging
                          10-83 Work school xing at ...
                          10-84 If meeting ... advise ETA
                          10-85 Delayed due to ...
                          10-86 Officer/operator on duty
                          10-87 Pick up/distribute checks
                          10-88 Present telephone number of ...
                          10-89 Bomb threat
                          10-90 Bank alarm at ...
                          10-91 Pick up prisoner/subject
                          10-92 Improperly parked vehicle
                          10-93 Blockade
                          10-94 Drag racing
                          10-95 Prisoner/subject in custody
                          10-96 Mental subject
                          10-97 Check (test) signal
                          10-98 Prison/jail break
                          10-99 Wanted/stolen indicated更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                          • 10-4 Acknowledgement (OK) ----------10-4 means OK? Did i get it?
                            • 10-4 LOL
                          • HAHA, I got it -------10-9 Repeat-------wow,it is fun and cool.
                            • took your breath away again?
                              • Ya.you bet.
                              • 10-10 to you.
                    • 耳朵你应该这么问: 10-9?
                      • What is that?
                        • It means please repeat or pardon?
            • 这种耸人听闻的高调子让俺想起《非诚勿扰》上一位女嘉宾的警句:脱下你华丽的外衣。
                • 求求中世纪美眉,打住了哦!老农这是在认真请教人到中年关心的大问题。不过老农到挺想知道啥样心理的中年男人会去参合《非诚勿扰》?至少不入流的农民一点点兴趣都没!劳驾您哪天单发一个帖子给喵喵。。嘿嘿
                  • 从没看过"非诚勿扰". 不过LS那位的CHAOTIC THINKING TAKES MY BREATH AWAY. :)
          • 聊聊您附近的社区。。先从食开始!
            • In car to dicks sporting goods cannot type much will reply then
              • dicks sporting goods was my favor store. i bought my first set of golf club there.
      • 你这样一说, 我觉得安省更冷了.
      • What!?!?, 开TRUCK的王是MM?
        • 正是在下
          • 给说说,MM怎么喜欢TRUCK呢?莫非是汗滴巾帼?
            • It is just one of our vehicles
              • 有一次,去租车,正好车行的一美眉开着一刚洗完的F150。。嘿嘿。。那个酷!!老农对他们讲:就要这个。 第二天,回去对他们讲,麻烦帮俺换一个吧。。喔喔。。标准wsn