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Not bad..not bad at all....another year passed..a small studio with a good view of the blue..

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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 今天二三十号人就奔兰山去了,除了喝酒,还能干点儿啥?
    • 滑雪?
      • 滑......
        • 滑滑梯~~~~~~
        • 草! 老农纠集了几个球友,明天一定要出操。。。这可是在见证奇迹哦!带着小猫在蓝山高球场上逛逛。。拍拍绿草和白霜。。挺美
          • 一阿省的哥们吹嘘他一年每个月都滑雪,你这每月都能高球也很牛啊
            • 圣诞日的安省!
    • 养猫
    • 发呆+灌水
    • indoor fun
      • 细化一下吗.
        • 我已经 PM 老猫了,你也要吗?
          • 别搞幕后活动吗, 公开公开.
    • they have a clay craft shop in market place, good to kill some time and make some fun stuffs. :-)
      • Thanks! We have been to Blue Mountains to spend the holiday season probably for the past six seven years with all those friends, when we were not traveling... This is the first year I am wondering what to do..
        • 你滑雪?
        • see this picture, i was in the house, drinking~~~~~~~~~ alcohol~~~~~~~~ :p
          • 人呢?
            • one was behind camera, the others in the house~~~~~~~~~ :-)))))))))))))
              • 拍照技术太差了,连人都没照进去。。。。。。
    • 我这时候期盼人造雪胜过自然雪了
    • 俺今年还没去过蓝山,不过据说雪况还不错。
      • 你的意思照样能滑雪?
        • 滑草也可以的。。。。
          • 那太不爽了啊
        • 雪肯定是有的滑的,其实这种雪(比较软)更容易滑。
          • 那太好了,我可以充满希望地过个圣诞了
    • is this just 求安慰, or I do need provide infor.? There is Scandivia (spelling?) baths with swedish massage, $150 for whole day including lunch. couple can join, really nice.
      • great! do you have to book in advance?
        • holiday, better reserve.
    • 老猫,突然想起你们买团体票吗?你知道哪里能买到好的团体票价吗?
      • 没,几年前曾经买过,太麻烦,后来就各家买各家的了。
        • 为什么麻烦?几年前你们是在蓝山网站上买的?
          • 前几年是朋友们打电话跟前台说的,后来出现了double charge的情况,还不肯退钱。一直到了一月份打了无数电话才弄清楚。
            • 那是出错了,单个买也免不了出错现象的
    • 今天提前半天下班,下午就去蓝山滑雪,悄悄问一声老猫长啥样?
      • 看到有个人手拿IPAD,时不时要抬头看着远处近处的他的她,就找到了。
        • lol
        • When you see someone's hands are always at her waist, thats me...
          • hand, the other hand is on iPad
          • that is the statue
        • 回来了都没有看到。还真留意了只要是亚男低头看手机的,悄悄地猫一眼看是不是涮肉联。结果被人家逮住

          今天一个人开车下午3:30pm到,在GRAND CENTRAL LODGE 那边的蓝道奔到7:30pm就撤了。
    • Not bad..not bad at all....another year passed..a small studio with a good view of the blue..
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      • 你有没有从顶上滑下来?