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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 《转述》 今天 overheard 一个讨论,挺有意思。Do you mind if you rich and famous and dead in 40 or on the contrary? Any thoughts?
    • 不用想,不会发生在我身上。
    • being rich and famous are two motivators among thousands. these two do not constitute any significance of meaning of life, maybe less than 5%
      • and? the rest of 95 pct are...
        • kids, sports, adventures, seeing the world, quality time w/ families, try all cars, 500 racing, offshore fishing, pursuing a path to CEO, building nursing homes, taking care of elder, buy motor home, advocates for small biz, invent robots for impaired..
          • Nice. no need to mention book reading, love making and doing nothing but wondering around, etc. LOL
            • 理科生多少都是LIVE INSIDE THE BOX.
              • I can't agree
                more, LOL