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Shampoo link to male infertility

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛ZT

Shampoo link to male infertility

by BEEZY MARSH, Daily Mail

Shampoo: are you putting your baby at risk?
A common chemical, used in everything from shampoo to plastics, may be causing infertility in boys while they are still in the womb, it has emerged.

Mothers-to-be, simply by washing their hair or using make-up, may unwittingly be increasing the risk of their sons suffering defective sex organs, low sperm counts and even cancer.

Substances called phthalates - found in shampoos, conditioners, skin lotions and make-up, as well as in the environment generally - are linked to a dramatically increased rate of abnormalities and infertility.

A two-year experiment which exposed rats to high levels of phthalates has shown that the chemical disrupts the male hormone testosterone at a crucial stage of foetal development, doubling the rate of defects and leading to low sperm counts.

Researchers believe that in some cases, cell changes caused by the chemicals may also increase the risk of testicular cancer later in life.

Phthalates are often not listed as an ingredient so people do not even know they are using them.

The number of infant boys suffering the two most common forms of genital abnormality has doubled in 50 years.

Up to 4 per cent of baby boys suffer an undescended testicle and about 0.7 per cent are born with an abnormality called hypospadias, which means they cannot pass urine normally.

Rates of testicular cancer, which is diagnosed in 2,000 British men every year, have risen by 84 per cent since the late 1970s.

Pollution and 'gender bending' chemicals called oestrogens, found in pesticides, paints and plastics, have previously been suspected.

But the latest study by the Medical Research Council's human reproductive sciences unit in Edinburgh suggests phthalates are the culprit.

The findings will be presented at the British Fertility Society's annual conference in Aberdeen this week.

Professor Richard Sharpe, senior MRC research scientist, said yesterday that the chemicals may affect hormone levels throughout life.

"What we have found has previously been overlooked by toxicologists testing phthalates. There are fundamental abnormalities with the development of testicular cells and the consequence is you get these genital disorders."

Other studies had shown women of reproductive age had higher levels of phthalates in their bodies.

"It could be because they are using more cosmetics and effectively spreading these chemicals over themselves," he said.

Researchers exposed rats to phthalate levels estimated to be several hundred times higher than that humans would encounter. But the average human exposure to phthalates is not exactly known.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 木匠一直不遗余力地推广健康的生活方式, 因为我们的生命只有一次, 就象我们的地球只有一个一样. 为了你的健康, 美女们, 你们要行动起来!(内容来自互联网, 打假人士请绕行)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛《真相壹:食物及日常用品中隐藏的危险》提出:

    1. 漱口水中的酒精

    2. 止汗剂中的铝

    3. 洗护产品中的DEA




    丙二醇(Propylene Glycol)是一种常见的配料,在工业上被广泛应用,它是制动液的组成成分,也是涂料、油漆和防冻剂的组成成分。它是一种容易渗透皮肤和头皮的石油化工溶剂。它会堆积于心脏、肝脏和肾脏中(导致畸变和损伤),并且还会削弱免疫系统。它会损伤细胞膜,造成皮疹、皮肤干燥、接触性皮炎和皮肤表面损伤(请记住它存在于婴儿湿巾和乳液当中)。









    ●要注意那些标示着“自然”、“有机”或“草药”的产品,这可能仅仅是广告宣传的手法,而不是正确的技术手段。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 真的,什么都不能用了。不过那还活着干嘛叻,反正都是要死的,该怎样还怎样吧,环保是要的,可不能走极端哈。
      • 直接用皮肤上的东西要多注意啊,特别是化妆品, 我觉得跟毒品一样, 让你们陷进去, 现在搞得不化妆就出门是不文明的行为.......
    • 盐水刷牙?自己养蜂护肤?天然肥料种蔬?自己种丹寇?
      • 你家院子大, 为什么不自己来啊?
        • 好!明个就跟邻居要斑马粪。
          • 羡慕啊
            • 刚下了小斑马
              • 有灭有小斑马的PP?
                • 明天试试上一个。
                  • 还有别的小动物吗?。。
                    • 四个鸵鸟,几头驴。驴有的怀孕了,都被拉走了。
                      • 天。。太好玩了。。真希望俺住你那地方。。俺就喜欢这些动物。。
                        • 邻居的。有次我去JOBSITE,经过牛圈。去没有阻拦,牛都零星的。回来时候开着开着,回了神,发现牛圈关了,N多牛在门口。当时楞了有1分钟一片空白。女小强哈哈,说这么多牛!多亏放牛的人在附近,骑的马,我打开栏杆(沾着牛的唾液)勇敢开出来。女小强HAD A GOOD TIME.
                          • 你家的女小强真幸福啊。。。。。。。。。。。强烈要求来度假
                            • 来了就得
                              • 俺同意。。俺报名。。。
                          • 哈哈哈。。。俺家闺女要是在那,肯定也要乐疯的。。。多好玩呀。。
                            • 那些牛好温顺。你慢慢开,他们愿意让的就让一下,不愿意让的睬不不睬你。自己绕弯。
                        • 鸵鸟的眼睛很清澈。
                          • 你不可以再说了。。。否则,俺就要忍不住买票飞过去啦。。。
    • 学习了
      • 别光学习, 要记住
        • 哎,正背诵呢。。。
          • 我猜你还是没明白
    • 哈哈........支持.
      • 明天开始不能用口红了
        • 啊?
          • 木有不让你用啊,耳朵不行
            • 说清楚了,吓我一跳。
        • 啊......完了.你是环保极端恐怖份子,我要反恐了.....
          • 革命革到自己头上的时候。。。嗯哼。。。。。。哥今天没用洗发水
            • 还是根本用不着?
              • 很遗憾。。。。。。。。。。估计还得等40年
                • 这样的等,肯定等黄了,建议明儿去理发店,10分钟搞定。
        • 那lip gloss呢?~~~~~~
          • 那个应该是WAX或者OIL吧。。。。。问题不大
    • 关键是频度和深度,肥肉吃多了都会死人的,别说化学品了。要不一剪没?
      • 其实那些花里胡稍的洗发水,只有一样是有效的成分, 那就是洗洁精
        • 嗅觉还是很重要地,嘿嘿。。。
          • 那啥的时候需要
            • 2012都要来了还health啥?
              • 上帝会救表现好的同学
                • 救啥啊,project end of life, new start....
    • Shampoo link to male infertility
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛ZT

      Shampoo link to male infertility

      by BEEZY MARSH, Daily Mail

      Shampoo: are you putting your baby at risk?
      A common chemical, used in everything from shampoo to plastics, may be causing infertility in boys while they are still in the womb, it has emerged.

      Mothers-to-be, simply by washing their hair or using make-up, may unwittingly be increasing the risk of their sons suffering defective sex organs, low sperm counts and even cancer.

      Substances called phthalates - found in shampoos, conditioners, skin lotions and make-up, as well as in the environment generally - are linked to a dramatically increased rate of abnormalities and infertility.

      A two-year experiment which exposed rats to high levels of phthalates has shown that the chemical disrupts the male hormone testosterone at a crucial stage of foetal development, doubling the rate of defects and leading to low sperm counts.

      Researchers believe that in some cases, cell changes caused by the chemicals may also increase the risk of testicular cancer later in life.

      Phthalates are often not listed as an ingredient so people do not even know they are using them.

      The number of infant boys suffering the two most common forms of genital abnormality has doubled in 50 years.

      Up to 4 per cent of baby boys suffer an undescended testicle and about 0.7 per cent are born with an abnormality called hypospadias, which means they cannot pass urine normally.

      Rates of testicular cancer, which is diagnosed in 2,000 British men every year, have risen by 84 per cent since the late 1970s.

      Pollution and 'gender bending' chemicals called oestrogens, found in pesticides, paints and plastics, have previously been suspected.

      But the latest study by the Medical Research Council's human reproductive sciences unit in Edinburgh suggests phthalates are the culprit.

      The findings will be presented at the British Fertility Society's annual conference in Aberdeen this week.

      Professor Richard Sharpe, senior MRC research scientist, said yesterday that the chemicals may affect hormone levels throughout life.

      "What we have found has previously been overlooked by toxicologists testing phthalates. There are fundamental abnormalities with the development of testicular cells and the consequence is you get these genital disorders."

      Other studies had shown women of reproductive age had higher levels of phthalates in their bodies.

      "It could be because they are using more cosmetics and effectively spreading these chemicals over themselves," he said.

      Researchers exposed rats to phthalate levels estimated to be several hundred times higher than that humans would encounter. But the average human exposure to phthalates is not exactly known.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Thanks for sharing
    • 还好。。。。带虎翼的卫生巾没事。。。。
      • 暂时还没发现。。。。。。。。。。
    • 用牙膏、用香水、用浴液和香波,其他不用。
      • 用香皂洗澡,别天天洗头。。。。。。。。。
        • 洗衣粉洗澡是不是安全点。。。。?洗头用花生油怎么样。。。。?
          • 洗衣粉。。。。。。。。。那得洗掉多少东西啊。。。。。。。我指从你身上
            • 哦。。。。那就只能抓把土搓搓了。。。。
          • 转基因的花生油?
            • 谁的基因。。。。?
        • 香皂老黏黏呼呼的,摸起来很恶心。
          • 不信。。。。让俺摸摸。。。。
            • 皂还是BIAO妹?
              • 呵呵。。。。你说呢。。。。?
            • 好啊,来吧。
        • 朋友教我用Baking Soda和水调和代替Shampoo, 用苹果醋跟水调和代替Conditioner, 我试了,效果不错
          • 哇塞。。。。化学家。。。。
            • 话学家 :)
              • 这个好。。。。
          • 那你上班闻起来酸不酸那?
            • 不酸, 调稀了的, 上班前我都用吹风筒整理一下发型, 我想醋的味道可能很快就蒸发了
              • 感谢甜
                • 调皮。。。

          • 这里有Baking Soda 洗发液的方子:
          • 这里有苹果醋conditioner的方子:
          • 木匠大哥,赶紧查查BAKING SODA的化学成分,请验证是纯天然
            • 纯是敏感词。。。。慎用。。。。
            • 嗯嗯,要试试,并感谢甜酱同学提供的秘方
              • 不客气...
          • 苹果醋对皮肤很好的, 有湿疹的人可以试一下, 用苹果醋和水调和,涂抹在患处,看看有没有帮助, 试一下就知道了.
            • 哪里可以买到苹果醋。。英文名字是什么?。。
              • 超市都有
                • 谢谢。。哪天俺去找找看。。。
              • Apple Cider Vinegar, 每个超市都有, 很便宜的
                • How long have you done this way, if good result for long time, we'll try that too. thanks