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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 半夜醒来,想念一个人,一丝忧伤。
    多年同事,俩大无猜。有时下班一起吃饭,周末打保龄。如有烦心事,无论何时,一个电话,知道对面有人在倾听。(take everything for granted). 一起分享新碟, 新书, 来多伦多已十年,三五朋友,再无如此无猜之知己。叹今生得之我幸,不得我命。
    • 半夜醒来想一个人……我昨晚梦见一个故人,约我吃饭见面,结果饭没吃上,绕来绕去只远远见到,他还不过来。早上起来跟老公说要给他发个信息,说昨晚怎么逗我一晚上。老公说:人家老婆看到要离婚的。:)
    • Rolia is a good supporting network too. You just need to screen out quite a bit though. Your supporters will be always there for you, however, for emergencies now since they extended their life spans much more as you did.
      • You are right in some ways. I am just a person that is very passive to everything. Maybe i should get out of my shell and tried to reach out there. Maybe i am too old to follow the changing world.
        • what benefits have you entertained for being passive over years? 迎脸缩脸都要挨打,你选哪个?You are never too good. (I said this in the past in here) I have seen a resume for a dude graduated from MIT in 1948 and he is an active court mediator.
          • i am misunderstood。 自认为人生态度还是积极的。只是怀念旧时时光,无猜之知己。
    • 无猜之猜,忘机之机?:)
      • 都是平平之人。
        • 平平??
    • 初寒一梦动琴瑟,欢颜几许寄江湖:)
      • 贴切。
        • 好听
          • 说fwu那,iPhone发,跟错了
            • 谢谢,LZ的绵绵思念,丝丝忧伤相比之下讲的更好:)
      • 琴瑟伺候。
      • 一定是opposite颜!嘿嘿。。。
        • 嘿嘿,这把年纪,有点念想,是好事:)
    • 怎么了?有什么不好的事吗?
    • 既然有幸为啥忧伤?
    • 你们俩闹矛盾了吗?回不到从前了吗?
      • 他/她在国内。
        • pick up you phone, call ta la
          • typo....your phone~~
    • 得之我幸,不得我命~~~~~nod nod~~~~~~~
    • 最近大家都蛮文艺的~
      • 恩,,,有股子文艺味。。。。
      • 。。。。。。。

    • 你不得了吗?叹在土狼屯10年再没找到像她一样的人?。。。 俩大无猜,lol... 亏你想得出。。。