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新移民安电话请小心:关于BELL 安装电话押金(Security Deposite) $200

刚登录第二天去 Scarborough Town Center 的 Bell World申请home line. 被告知因没有信用记录须买$200 credit deposite。因没有经验买了张空白$200 Money Order 给sales person. 当6个月后ask for refund 被告知BELL没收到$200。

经长达7,8个月,终于从CANADA POST得到Money order 的复印件。原来已经被人cash 了。此人很可能就是该sales person。因Money order的笔迹与申请表的非常相似。只好报警。同时从CANADA POST 的员工得知已有上百人被骗 (真的假的?)。不知上 Rolia 的 DX 们是否有类似经历。。现在不知能否拿回押金。

教训1。Always keep your receipts.
教训2。Make sure that the name of payee and sender are immediately entered on the money order.
请跟贴,出主意。 多谢。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 新移民安电话请小心:关于BELL 安装电话押金(Security Deposite) $200
    刚登录第二天去 Scarborough Town Center 的 Bell World申请home line. 被告知因没有信用记录须买$200 credit deposite。因没有经验买了张空白$200 Money Order 给sales person. 当6个月后ask for refund 被告知BELL没收到$200。

    经长达7,8个月,终于从CANADA POST得到Money order 的复印件。原来已经被人cash 了。此人很可能就是该sales person。因Money order的笔迹与申请表的非常相似。只好报警。同时从CANADA POST 的员工得知已有上百人被骗 (真的假的?)。不知上 Rolia 的 DX 们是否有类似经历。。现在不知能否拿回押金。

    教训1。Always keep your receipts.
    教训2。Make sure that the name of payee and sender are immediately entered on the money order.
    请跟贴,出主意。 多谢。
    • 我的押金正好是6个月的时候我打了电话,人家说,我的6个月的信用很好,马上就退,结果一个星期后支票就到了,还有点利息。新移民刚来的时候什么都不知道,最好还是朋友带着去办理这些事情,能够减少一些麻烦。我的经验。。
      • 多谢快乐老乡。我比较 unlucky 遇到一criminal.
        • 我相信应该还有被骗的新移民。因为当天就有二张空白的MONEY ORDER。
          • 应该马上和Bell联系, 告诉他们详情. 如果很多人受骗, 会引起他们的注意.也许会妥善解决.
            • Bell really sucks. Called Bell hundreds of times. I posted it in Rolia just want everybody especially new immigrants know Be Alert. One can be cheated without aware of it easily even in Canada.
        • 但是我想啊,如果贝尔公司没有收到你的押金,怎么会给你开通电话那?我不知道200押金是不是开通电话的必要条件?
          • 我也试图这样说服他们,无效。
          • 应该不是必要条件,我们当初刚到多伦多,申请的时候没有交押金。
    • 在你第一或第二个月电话帐单的Information栏应该显示你的押金$200.没有的打电话问一下.另外,第一次听说空白Moey Order. 这可比空白支票还危险. 花钱买教训. 不是Bell的错.
      • 对,我是应吸取好多教训。可事实是它的员工在犯罪偷钱。而且并不是我一人被骗。CANADA POST 的人说该SALES一定发大财了。
        • 不知是否有可比性:你把现金交给clerk. clerk 把钱装进口袋,转身说没收到你钱。
          • 结果几乎一样,但现金就没有任何证据了,以后别开空白的东西就行了
            • I was wondering,
              there is enough evidence to bring this sales guy to justice, if the police can investigate this case. Probably because the amount is so small. But I do believe there must be a lot of victims like me. The guy just quited the job about several months later.
              • but you should show the judge proven evidence to let him/her believe that $200 was paid to BELL
                • #703767
    • 忘记说了。这个Canada Post 就在Bell World 对面的Shoppers' Drug Mart
      • In Don Mill Centre?
        • 谢斑竹光临。在Scarborough Town Centre.
    • 怎么没有人用Sprint的服务?
      • 当时只知道BELL,就没多想。多一个competitor多一个选择,不错。
    • 能买空白的money order? 我怎么每次买银行的都一定要收款人名字
      • 可以. 银行不管, 你可以自己加
        • 专家可有高见。
          • 自己在pay to:后面写上收款人名字不就得了。
            • Right. I'm looking for a regret pill:(
              • I have no idea. Actually, I am a little confused.
                同时从CANADA POST 的员工得知已有上百人被骗: 为什么是canada post, 而不是bell canada?

                收到Money order 的复印件,你和bell canada联系了吗?
                • Sorry to confuse you. Actually I learned it from the clerk of Canada Post in Shoppers’ Drug Mart where I bought my money order. A lot of people complained to her when they tried to ask for the refund of the deposit,
                  and Bell claimed no money order were received.
                  • I strongly suggest you contact Bell Canada first. It looks this is the only way to solve your problem.
                    • #703800
          • 没有, 理论上说你能查出是谁领的, 至于能否告他就玄了, 因为估计你也没有在MO上面写是电话费, 他可以说是你欠他钱还的...
            • 可是。。。 #703767
    • 真是害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无,可怎么也防不住
      • Thank you "Wanna See Polar Bear"!我也不想让不法之徒逍遥法外。所以断然报警。同时提醒一下和我一样的新移民。
        • support!
    • 你的经历比较奇特,什么叫做空白的money order?就是没有payee的那种?你也太不小心了,我当初买的时候,就写Bell Canada,保留好复印件,并且每个月的bill上都说明了deposit多少,利息多少。就不怕他们抵赖了。
      • 没经验,到加拿大第二天,时差反映。以为就象买东西一样负给money order 就好了。而且他有给invoice给我。其中一项就是credit deposit 并且有unique number.
        • 那就是证据了,可以问bell要了,因为这个员工当时就是代表bell的,当然bell应该负责了
          • You know what,there is a very funny thing: Bell World doesn't belong to Bell Canada!
            • Contact both of them.
              • Will do that. Thank you very much.
        • 那应该可以找他们呀, 你有一半道理...你可以说他说的大空白的去, 你又不知道pay给谁,怕写错了....狡辩一下
          • 就是不知道如果他们S不认账,$200不知够不够律师费。头痛。
      • 还有一点比较迷惑,你的money order是在canada post买的?为什么不去银行买?关于钱的事情,我不相信什么post一类的机构,我只相信银行。
        • I was introduced by the sales guy. Canada post is closer to Bell world in STC. Now I know why this guy was so warm-hearted.
    • shoot.. i met the same thing!!! what shall we do?!
      • Tell me your story. Let's see how we can get it resolved.
        • but i wrote Bell Canada as payee and put the money order in the box instead of giving it to the assistant. Bell still said they did not get my money order! at scarborough center too!!!
          • For your case is simple. If you have the receipt of the money order, you can write to Post and ask for the copy of the money order. And then contact Bell.
      • Hold the idea of hiring a lawyer for now, I would suggest, as it's not worth it. But, DON'T GIVE UP. Call press like TsingTao and see what they can do. Let us know if you really call, then we can follow up.
        I think what is the key is if the deposit is madatory for Bell to service you then you are reasonable to "think" having service by Bell means it received the deposit. If it's not mandatory, then they shoul not ask.
    • 为什么不考虑同新闻媒体联系一下?英文的、华人的都接触,如果不止一人有类似的经历,我想足以引起有关方面的重视。而且,记者们为了挖新闻,一定会赶兴趣的,正好可以让他们促进这件事的进程。
    • 我装过三次电话,都没被要求付押金,包括第一次。而且我也没听说我的朋友有哪个交押金的,奇怪呀。
    • A good WAY to waive the deposit for new immigrant:
      You can call them to apply for a new telephone number. On the phone, there is no way to ask for deposit, right? My friend did that way successfully.

      As for money order, payee name could be blank, it is up to you. So, for your safety, ask the bank clerk print the payee name for you. Never let it blank!!!
    • You should report to Police immediately. That's their job. If you have the origional receipt, they should be able to track down the person.
      If the Bell world is franchaised, they still work on behalf of Bell. If you don'ttrust them, you can call Bell directly.

      Always fill out To:xxx part at money order.

      If you don't have phone services with Bell before, and no SIN or Driver's license, or no stable job, no matter you go to Bell Store or call in by phone, you will be requested for long distance deposit.

      Always keep receipt of your deposit, until you receive your refund cheque.

      It is a hard lesson, deal with it!
    • 我建议,大家可以搞个签名运动,被骗的人都保存receipt,然后找几个人找bell谈,同时交上签名,同时找些cfmt等这种电视或者中文报纸的记者追踪,一定还是可以解决的。