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  • 推荐 OXIO 加拿大高速网络,最低月费仅$40. 使用推荐码 RCR37MB 可获得一个月的免费服务



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / thornthorn($oOHoly MolyOo$), is that you?
    thank you soooooooooo much~!
    • why not me?
      • :p
    • 怎么?刺哥帮表妹挑水了?还是劈柴了?
      • :p
    • 看来好多人给彪妹发私信哦。
      • if it is PM, why i ask this stupid question.... :D
        • 俺看贴不仔细,检讨。。
          • it's ok honey~ love u!
          • 没留电话,就没有这种惊喜。没有电话,就没有办法给与惊喜。关键是什么时候打电话,才是关键。
            • emmmm........
              not everyone could be brave enough to make the 1st call............. :-)

              don't you think so?
              • not every one. yes, but most can make their phone call even hard to start.
              • 是的,俺就最怕打电话了。
                • you can practice with me.......... :p
    • 话咋能只说一半儿捏。。。
      • a nice guy with charming voice called me 15 minutes ago saying "congras" nicely and tenderly~
        • 哇喔。。。今天是你的幸运日。。。
        • that is 刺刺?
        • what congrats 4 ? :P
          • 彪妹今天入籍啦。。。
            • wow, 我后知后觉了, co-congrats!
            • 吓我一跳,以为被选为知女郎了。
              • don't scare me~
        • wow...刺哥原来很温柔...:)
        • tenderly。。。。呵呵。。。。
        • nice ........... congrats to you too :-)
          • thank you~~~~~
        • charming voice 比较受用。。恭喜
          • thank you~~~~~
        • 话咋能只说2/3捏。。。 -redsky(忧伤苹果); 11:04 (#7030540@0)
    • You are very welcome! Congratulations!
      • you know what? i was thinking that is the citizenship officer calling me saying congras and i was wondering "do they have this service"? and suddenly i realized that's you~~~~~ :D
        • 神马service。。。。?
          • call-in reminder~ :p
            • 还以为亲自上门服务聂。。。。
        • but it is not close to 1pm yet? ......Why you think it is him, not someone else? ah?
          • because......................
            i have magic!
            • Today is your magic day!
              I thought CiCi was an IT person...he is atually doing this service...
              • ah?
    • I thought Welcome Wagon was typically run by old (albeit also charming) ladies? :-)
      • If Holy Moly is needing a brick/stone discount for his interlock project - why can't he be straight? :-)
        • Welcome to our Yonge/ St Clair offices at 55 St Clair Ave E. in Toronto. Please surrender your PR Card…..
    • 哈, 栈桥早就搭好了, 上面那声幺喝是个晃子. -healthy321(领导说:做人要低调.); 11.1 09:07 (#7030072@0) reply more 话题
      • ah?
    • Congratulations!
      • thanks~~~~~!