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I want to see them ~~~~~~~~~~~


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / working in a forest is happy~
    i like this job, most of the guy is as tall as a tree, making me feel that i am tiny & cute.

    that feeling is fantastic!

    • Brick lifting guys? .... BTW, do you offer Rolia discount for bricks?
      • ewwwww....... who lifts the bricks & stone by hands, they are machinized~~~
        discount, yes, but depends on my mood, :p
    • 看把你乐的。。。嘴都咧到耳朵边儿啦。。。。
      • :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    • Are they tall and fit and good looking and nice?
      • yeah, what's your next question?
        • Don't worry -- she didn't meant to use next inappropriate words -- all she's trying to ask was... Do you still have openings?:-)
          • no no no, i am expecting her to ask for ........(#7005403@0) :p
        • I want to see them ~~~~~~~~~~~
          • good girl~~~~~~~~~ :D
    • you are always cute :)
      • tiny (or being protected) is another good feeling. :D
        • i know, enjoy :)
      • 彪妹是很sweet的人。。。。
        • did you bite me last time? :p
          • 让俺想想。。。。嗯。。。。好像bite了。。。
            • ew................... i like it~!
        • 彪妹隐性广告针对女客户,你这个显性广告针对男童鞋 ~ ~ 砖头被一抢而空 ~~~
          • 你的意思彪妹儿应该和老板谈谈提成的事儿了呗, 你准备买多少呀:)
            • 一咬牙一跺脚,给我称二斤刚出窑的 ~ ~ :D
    • 明天百十来号国女童鞋一大早就排大长队,去买砖 ~ ~ :P
      • 嘘,人家本想悄悄的去;
      • and 国man童鞋一大早就排大长队, holding knives ~~~~~~~~~~~ to cut legs?
    • well, just trying to make some fresh air and relaxed atmosphere for Rolia, nothing serious, wish you all have a happy weekend~ :-)
      • you too, have a wonderful weekend. see you next week :)
        • if you need more information about lawyer, feel free to let me know. :-)
      • 唉。。。天要下雨,娘要嫁人。。。。随它去吧。。。。
    • this weekend, i have 3 parties~~~~~~ yeah~~~~~~~!
      • 你馋我!。。。。
        • one is for a friend going back to China, one is for a friend coming from States, and one is for my in-laws~
          • 他们要离开了?。。。。
            • yup.
    • 一直不能理解,女人为什么喜欢个头大的男人。
      • i am only speaking on behalf of myself~ do NOT expand this topic to whole group of women, OK? :p
        • I am with U~~~:)))~~~
      • 你喜欢个头大的女人不?
      • 林兄打住,不要把这个轻松愉快的帖子送到+O
        • 历史证明,还没有哪一个铁是因为我的不当言论给移走的。如果带刀的不喜欢,删了俺也没啥意见。
      • 你的个子矮吗?。。。
        • Not at all.
          • 那你是问为什么女人都喜欢你咯?hiahia
            • 个头是在男人的所有所谓的优点里最虚的一个。
              • 这个嘛。。。你说了不算。。。俺们说了才算。。。。
      • 树大好乘凉 ... kidding
    • tell us what type of trees there are? :-)
      • 呃。。。。。。。。。大多都是枫树。