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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 才2点半,人都跑光了。就我一个人守着,太敬业了。
    • Here
      • 这个俺搀和不了.......
    • i am still here la~
      • but i am alone at work :(
        • oh.. poor little girl~~ let's have a party!
          • party, oh, i haven't attend a party for a long time already. all my time are belongs to my son now.
    • 我一想到晚上不用做饭我就高兴
      • 老公做还是出去打牙祭呀
        • 买现成的回来吃
      • i don't have to cook either, yeah~~~~~~~
        i am not going to eat dinner, too. :D
        • 昨天没吃,今天还不吃,这是为啥呀?
          • testing my tolerance to hunger. :p
          • lets guess: maybe the new pretty white jacket is a little tight :)
            • you might be right... i didn't get it yet... it's on the way~
    • 又到礼拜五了啊,太快了。我还没上过瘾呢。
      • 有胆你就周末照上
    • 美女!走光了
      • 哈哈哈,你有多大一数据库亚
        • 5-6斤吧。没称过,好象也不太好称。
          • 真是不一般的佩服啊,那么多的片片是怎么分类储存的,做到随时随地,随心所欲的使用,真爱提啊
      • 帅哥走光的图片有嘛有
        • waiting... 2
        • 当然有啊。车展上,帅哥走光,车模美女为之动容
          • I 服拉 YOU :)))))))
    • 你也该走了。屁股太重,人家早上迟到的员工如何早退?
      • 因为我就是迟到的那一个呀,哈哈
    • 你是舍不得下网吧...:)
      • 不许瞎说实话 :))
    • i am office alone, too. ~ ~
      • 你是大老板,当然是一个人在自己的OFFICE里啦;
        • i wish, but i'm not ~ ~ :D
      • then check your mailbox and see whether there's some new mail. :D
        • 100 unread mails ~ ~ LOL
          • i hate you, too!
            • ;) ~ ~