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Hehe, 饺子. Your questions are always very tough. For the video, as I mentioned above, there is no easy way to search chinese video, unless you know the title and actor/actree.

Subject heading of video is too broad, not very useful for locate the video.

I don't think any public library has broomberg, since it's too expensive. If you want to study business and financial data, CanCorp Financials, Financial Post Corporate Reports, FIS Online are also good databases to try. Another good one is Gale Business and Company Resource Center, but Vancouver Public Library doesn't subscribe it. You should check VPL website, click the link of "Electronic Resources", it will give you the whole list of databases you can access.

The last question is also hard to say since it depends on the speed of order, the delivery, and also the speed of cataloguer enter the data to the library system. Library select the book from different sources, sometimes before the book being published, sometime after people has already read and recommend it.
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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / Learn how to use your local library (图书馆资源介绍 三 中文书籍)
    • Very good!!!俺家门口的TPL BRANCH没有中文,韩文,阿拉伯文的有~~
      • 估计你那块中国人少,他们就懒得放,这和当地图书馆的policy有关,你多去骚扰他们,他们就应该记住了:)
        • 哈哈,让我想起来"肖生克的救赎"里面的主角建的图书馆.:P
    • 谢谢。跑到这里来之后,看了本“人啊人”最不错,都是竖行的。想借“灵山”,只有英文版。只好从网上找来看了。
    • 中文的我感觉比较难查,在自己不知道要具体的那本书的时候.比如老人来了想给他们找写消遣,小说,video等只要是中文的就好,但又不知道具体要什么,如果可以看到具体分类下的目录在选来hold 就好了.
      • Normally library will not assign subject heading to a fiction (novel). If you just want some fictions, go directly to library and ask them to choose a block (5-10 books) for you. Give they the general category,
        such as romance, historical, Kongfu. Sometime some librarian will asign some categories to the specific field of a book which public could not search with it.
        • 太感谢.如果是想借电影类的video呢,也可以问librarain要目录吗?他们好象特别的忙,都在不停的借书换书
          • These staff are not the one you should ask. You need to ask reference librarian. I think for video, you can search with the title or the name of actor/actress, or the subject (like, police films, war films...)
    • 谢谢, 另外问一个问题:比如我有很多专业书籍,现在用不上了(当初都是花了很多钱买来的,书保存得很好),可不可以捐给图书馆?如果可以的话,通过什么途径? 谢谢。
      • 捐给俺!捐给俺!!孜孜~
        • 你学什么专业的啊?
          • 原来学物理,现在要改行.孜孜可以把不要的书都收拾起来.俺搬家以后再去孜孜家搬书.什么都嫌多,就是不嫌书多.
            • 差得太远啦,隔着一座山呢 :-)
            • MK居然也是学物理的!!!
      • 俺也要.
      • Different libraries have different policies on donation. You may call your library for advice. They don't accept all books. Mostly acceptable are rare books, AV, foreign language books. Money is always welcome!
        • 知道啦, 谢谢!
    • 好! 这下知道怎么查询中文书了. 可否介绍一下图书馆是否提供<BLOOMBERG>等比较有名的数据资料库. 在大学里一般都有, 不知道PUBLIC LIBRARY是否有(悬!) 2. 如何查询录像带 3. 新书出版后, 多久能到图书馆? 谢谢!
      • Hehe, 饺子. Your questions are always very tough. For the video, as I mentioned above, there is no easy way to search chinese video, unless you know the title and actor/actree.
        Subject heading of video is too broad, not very useful for locate the video.

        I don't think any public library has broomberg, since it's too expensive. If you want to study business and financial data, CanCorp Financials, Financial Post Corporate Reports, FIS Online are also good databases to try. Another good one is Gale Business and Company Resource Center, but Vancouver Public Library doesn't subscribe it. You should check VPL website, click the link of "Electronic Resources", it will give you the whole list of databases you can access.

        The last question is also hard to say since it depends on the speed of order, the delivery, and also the speed of cataloguer enter the data to the library system. Library select the book from different sources, sometimes before the book being published, sometime after people has already read and recommend it.
        • 感激不尽!!!!!!知道了, 没事我去看看你说的那几个资料库 :)