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The area where he was found is more than 13 kilometers from the school. Liu was said to be found in good health. But it’s still unclear what exactly happened during the time the teen was missing.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 今天早晨上班途中,一边开车一边听广播,听到这个新闻,很担心,请同学们关注一下,他的家长一定很焦急,希望他能平安回家 ~~~
    • 鸟哥忧国忧民忧天下,帮你顶。
      • 好妹妹,谢谢了!~~~ :)
      • 老农还一直以为这只鸟是个雌的呢? 没想到哦, 怪不得这鸟儿都是公的长的花?! 呵。。
        • huh? 花?
          • male birdies are more colorfuler than female ones
    • en
    • hope he will be found soon. i think it's better not to let the child(ren) with autism going alone.
    • 唉。。一声叹息。。。希望孩子平安回来。。。
    • 警报解除了:Missing autistic boy found safe,
      • 同开心。
      • leslie to McCowan, that is a long journey, how did he get there? By his Mountain Bike?
        • The area where he was found is more than 13 kilometers from the school. Liu was said to be found in good health. But it’s still unclear what exactly happened during the time the teen was missing.
          • if this is a "zt", please mark the origin out. LOL
            • 以上新闻是由揉俩傻子综合报道 ~~~ :P
        • Ew, latest news: the bike is charged for kidnaping.
          • wow, maybe it is a transformer...............???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            • yes, experts also confirmed it's a she transformer.
              • 以上新闻是由揉俩傻子综合报道 ~~~?? -sr-71
                • reported for sweet no-brainers only
                  • i have transformer stickers on my car
                    and when that movie was played in theaters, i had couple of kids coming to ask me "will your car turn to a transformer at night?" almost every day~

                    i always answered "yes" to them.

                    they happy, then i happy.
