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* my little princess got nosebleeds this morning: Thank God it didn't happen in the school, mom can take care of her personally.
* i rushed out to work and dropped down my glass-ware lunch: 旧的不去,新的不来
* i have to kneed down clean all the mess: Yoga in the morning, nice
* then finally i was late: finally, you have a strong excuse to be late, no need to rush in the morning traffic
* and empty stomach: good excuse to walk away from work and go for some snack (breakfast)
* no lunch: good excuse to invite somebody to eat out

BTW, i hate glass lunch box. but i have to get another one: WHY???

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / A frustrated morning. :-(((((((
    my little princess got nosebleeds this morning, quite a mess, blood everywhere~

    then i rushed out to work and dropped down my glass-ware lunch box before entering my car, this is the 4th lunch box i broke this year~

    then i have to kneed down clean all the mess in order not to hurt someone passing in front of my house by glass pieces~

    and then finally i was late, with no doubts, and empty stomach.

    no breakfast, no lunch today.....

    BTW, i hate glass lunch box. but i have to get another one (the 5th one) this weekend...

    hope this butterfly effect stops immediately, no more disasters~ :-(((((((((((((
    • 唉。。。你的宝贝还好吗?是不是因为天气太干了?还是内热太重?。。
      • maybe both, but she is fine now. i think she is at the age of nosebleed now. a lot of kids at this age have the same problem~
        • 前几天女儿说鼻子干,我就每天给她带一盒小西红柿,晚上多吃青菜,现在她说好多了。。。
          • good Mom~ love u!
            • 和你相比,俺还有距离。。。脸红ing。。。
    • pat~ pat ~~
      • oh, i forgot, possibly i will have no dinner, too. :-((((((((
        • why no dinner?
          • i have a date this evening. :-)
            with a nice lady. LOL
            • date 不是都包括 dinner 嘛 ~~~难怪耳朵同学说你撒娇,以前是这儿痛那儿疼,现在又是没饭吃 ~~~ 讨人怜~~~ LOL
              • i don't like to eat outside. :-( especially those fast food. -lilianliang(彪妹)
                our lady's night is for shopping, not for eating, got it?

                btw, i felt disgusting for the sentence you quoted.
                • 每一次回你的帖子,保证立刻就撞墙~~~我反省去 ~~~ :S
                  • oh, that is because i am very expressive. i spoke immediately when i am happy or unhappy, and that is an immediate finish for what happened.
                    and forget it right away~

                    now we are still friends, aren't we?


                    but i think i need to apologize for making your feel bad. i am that kind of person, don't know how to hide myself. :)
                    • 我老人家哆哆嗦嗦地、不敢抬头地、忐忑不安地回答:yes , yes, sure sure ~~~ LOL
                      • or i misunderstood what you said? maybe you don't want me to reply your posts to make you not to 撞墙 again? please let me know if it is what you meant. :D
        • 今天你老公去打球?还是你要送女儿去兴趣班?。。如果赶不及,带孩子在外面吃好了再回家。。
          • i don't like to eat outside. :-( especially those fast food.
        • Plus you don't have lunch until this weekend, my poor girl!
          • oh, yeah, you are right, maybe i should go to get another lunch box today, not this weekend~ thanks for reminding!
    • 一切都会好起来的。
      • yes, i told myself when driving, don't be frustrated Lilian, everything will be fine, you have to calm down yourself first to stop more disasters~ and now i am fine, thank you very much!
    • 一旦有nosebleeding后,用食指抵住鼻翼上侧鼻骨下面一分钟,止住得比较有效
      • hug hug, pat pat, kiss kiss,,,,,,,,,!
    • 安慰安慰,很想出点好主意,可是这方面知识储备太少,不敢乱讲:私人认为,如果是千载难逢的偶然事件,不必在意;如果不是一2次了,建议还是看看医生。模糊中冰水冰袋应该有帮助。
      • thank you very much. it happened 2-3 times from last summer. i asked my friends with same-aged child(ren), most of them has the same problem.
    • 没事,没事。那个意思是中午出去吃一顿。。。
      • i don't like to eat outside. :-( especially those fast food. -lilianliang(彪妹), but thank you anyway. love u~
        if i can't eat well, i would rather to skip~. :-(
    • 刷网太多了。。。:-)
      • i am 刷网 ing..... but nothing happen....i was not 刷网ing this morning, and something happened.... so 刷网 is good, yeah~!
    • 拍怕,大家都差不多,日子嘛,都是时好时糟糕。
    • 换位思考一下嘛
      * my little princess got nosebleeds this morning: Thank God it didn't happen in the school, mom can take care of her personally.
      * i rushed out to work and dropped down my glass-ware lunch: 旧的不去,新的不来
      * i have to kneed down clean all the mess: Yoga in the morning, nice
      * then finally i was late: finally, you have a strong excuse to be late, no need to rush in the morning traffic
      * and empty stomach: good excuse to walk away from work and go for some snack (breakfast)
      * no lunch: good excuse to invite somebody to eat out

      BTW, i hate glass lunch box. but i have to get another one: WHY???
      • glass lunchbox is healthier than plastic ones~
        • 除了玻璃和塑料,没有其它选择了?用硅胶的吧
    • Come grab my lunch box– just realized I have to skip lunch today in order to meet the fasting requirement for blood test after work
    • pat pat~~~~~让宝贝多喝水,多吃蔬菜,水果,比如梨什么的~~~~~~你呀,不要因为外面东西不好吃,就不吃~~~至少买个水果,或者糕点什么的,比如tim hortons,~~~~身体弄坏了,谁来照顾你的宝贝呀~~~~~~
    • It happens ....pat pat......tomorrow is another day