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My bad.......... :-(((((((((((((((

how can you guys remember others face and name?

i can't.

5 minutes ago, there's a nice gentleman came to my desk and said: Hello Lilian, how are you today?

i replied: I am very well, thanks, but.............

who are you? (this just slipped out of my mouth, out of control......)

then everybody laughed at me, he is one of our Brampton office colleagues and he comes to our office frequently.

but i still can't remember his face & name.......

my bad. :-((((((((((((((((((((((

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / My bad.......... :-(((((((((((((((
    how can you guys remember others face and name?

    i can't.

    5 minutes ago, there's a nice gentleman came to my desk and said: Hello Lilian, how are you today?

    i replied: I am very well, thanks, but.............

    who are you? (this just slipped out of my mouth, out of control......)

    then everybody laughed at me, he is one of our Brampton office colleagues and he comes to our office frequently.

    but i still can't remember his face & name.......

    my bad. :-((((((((((((((((((((((
    • 来,hug & kiss 安慰下。We all love you.
      • thank you soooooooooo much~
    • 我跟你一样。。。。。。。抱抱抱抱
      • i really feel so bad for this. :-(((((
        • So do i
    • i am good at remembering names. it is VERY VERY VERY important if you want to be a people person. TRY HARD
      • well, we have 2 Sam, 2 Iain, 3 Michael, 2 Martin, 2 Peter, and .............................
        why they like to use same name?
        • 这些名字哟。。还真是难为你了。。
    • 这不,记住至少一个了吧 :),弄张照片,做上标记,多看几眼,搞定哈。-- 跟人打交道我以前就这么干,得先准备着
      • ah?????? how can i keep a picture of him? that's rude....
        • 找机会弄张很多人的合影,不算啥大事
        • first, you gonna capture the name when they introduce themselves. usually we would pay no attention and let it pass. now you should sharp your mind when they say names, and you may repeat the name back right away; second
          , you take a second taking a note in your mind remembering the name - it wont actually take a second, just a fraction of a second. once you get it your habit, it is very easy to do, and enjoy the true smile in their eyes when they find you remember their names - thats a good foundation for any good relationships
    • As the saying goes: "Tell me, I’ll forget; Show me, I’ll remember." ... Feed me and pay me, my memory would be even better. :-)
      • and have me, I will forget you never? :)
      • 什麼亂七八糟的啊~
    • 还是不够帅,要么就是你当时有点 distraction ~
      • no no, he is handsome, at least in most girl's eyes, but he just look like most of western peoples, big blue eyes, golden hair~ and nothing special. :S
    • 有些人有脸盲症,比如我,送儿子去锻炼快一年了,有天一年轻人非常热情跟我打招呼,事后我问儿子,这是谁?原来是儿子的教练,我还天天坐那里看呢,换了衣服就不认识。小时候他幼儿园的老师也是,换件衣服在外碰上,楞不认识他们。表妹应该不是脸盲,是太忙了,没记住。
      • that happens to me very often, i think maybe i got face blind, too??
      • 这个让我想起那个游泳教练的笑话 ~~~
        • 什么笑话啊,没听说过啊。
          • 他就等着被问呢~~~~~~一定是+O级别的~~~~~~~~~
            • 我在你心里的形象咋就那么坏呢?
              • 在我心目中形象坏没关系~~~~~在鸟嫂心目中形象好就成~~~~~~~~
            • 跟"我家没人,上来吧”类似,呵呵
          • 你一定听过的,很老的校花:
            且说一个游泳教练,性直爽而且嗓门大。 一天,他在一个商场里购物。一个漂亮的女士向他打招呼。 他定睛一看,是他的一个学员。他于是大声说到:你穿上衣服,我差点都认不出你来了 ~~~
            • 我真没听说过
            • 你肚子里藏了多少个笑话?
              • 我究竟有几个好笑话,为何每个笑话都那么黄啊 ?
                • 哈哈哈,我又产生了联想。
                  • 请展开 ~~~:P
    • 没啥大不了的,谁让他不起一个让人容易记住的名字呢。。呵呵。。。
      • today it's one of the 2 peters... i promised him that next time I won't forget. :-(((((((((
        but i really don't know whether i can keep this promise.
        • 告诉你一个窍门。。
          • ah.................... then goodman11 can write another ghost story tonight~
    • pat pat~~~~~~~~老外的名字,基本上说完5秒后我就忘了~~~~如果长得没啥特征,在我眼里他们基本长得没啥区别~~~~~
      • 哈哈哈。。。咱俩一样啊。。
      • yup, exactly, either too long or too short~ either too complicated or too simple.
      • 不是有首歌叫「让我忘记你容颜」吗,我是从来不需要忘记,永远也不会想起
      • 老外的姓很重要... 一定要记住!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        • they never told me their last names..
    • 我比你好不到哪去,能记住人脸已很不错了,西人的名字也总也记不住,尤其last name
    • 我跟你一样,人名书名很难记住,所以当别人自我介绍的时候,我通常会告诉他/她,我有记不住人名的问题,如果哪天见了他,没叫上名,别介意。
      • 这主意不错,先打个预防针,我记住了。
    • LOL~~我倒是容易记住人的脸,可是名字也是5秒钟就忘。第二次见面我会当面sorry然后再问一下对方的名字。第三次以上的见面如果还记不住,就先敷衍着,过后再问别人他/她的名字是啥,然后重复多遍,努力努力记住。
    • You have to remember not the first name, but with the last name as well.............work hard on it.........:)