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  • 推荐 OXIO 加拿大高速网络,最低月费仅$40. 使用推荐码 RCR37MB 可获得一个月的免费服务
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  • 推荐 OXIO 加拿大高速网络,最低月费仅$40. 使用推荐码 RCR37MB 可获得一个月的免费服务

My solution is 一次收费 长期免费 无广告条, 无时间限制 速度快 稳定 北美绝大部分城市 均可使用 how much do you think is reasonable?

AOL 22.99+TAX / Month after 45 days free trial
城市电信 15.99+TAX /month on condition of being a long distance user
Netzero/Juno US$ 9.95 + TAX /month

Rogers 24.95+TAX/Month is half price! Sympatico is the same!


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 翻了一下老贴子,没有找到破解netzeor时间限制的方法。请有经验的大虾帮个忙。
    • 我觉得不值得,NETZERO的服务器知道你隐藏号码,每二十分钟断一次,一个月后这帐号就停了,又要从新注册,太麻烦了.
      • 你是否试过呢?
        • 试过,能用但经常短线.
    • lilyba姐姐,这是加拿大,不要以身试法,我可不希望姐姐蹲监狱
    • I have got the solution but not for free pc_helper@bigfoot.com 416-857-9929
      • 你不用这么mean吧
        • But the solution aslo helps you to save money while it benefits me. What do you expect more than that? If you had the proper means you would have aslo used it for free.
          • i am wondering how much u would ask
            • My solution is 一次收费 长期免费 无广告条, 无时间限制 速度快 稳定 北美绝大部分城市 均可使用 how much do you think is reasonable?
              AOL 22.99+TAX / Month after 45 days free trial
              城市电信 15.99+TAX /month on condition of being a long distance user
              Netzero/Juno US$ 9.95 + TAX /month

              Rogers 24.95+TAX/Month is half price! Sympatico is the same!

              • 你这样是违法的吧?
                • 他这样人是不嫌钱烫手的...
                • But sister, it's you who tried to figure out a way to break through the 10 hr limit of NZ. If you had managed it, would it has voilated the law? and do you think if I post online for free, I am not against the law?
                  • 姐姐的问题是学术性的, 你的答案是商业性,明白区别了?
                    • 别抬举我了。
                      • 姐姐,好人你做.吵架犯错的事就交给我吧, 欺负姐姐者死~~~
                    • But as to the law, they have no difference. if I post it for free, it might bring me more trouble becasue the effect caused by my posting is much bigger than the black deal.
                      • 大哥, 你爱犯法不犯. 这里没有人会为你这个一门心思赚同胞钱还有无数冠冕堂皇理由的人考虑的. 你也不想想会不会有人买你的东西
                        • sorry, I just provided an offer, I haven't made any money on you. neither I push anything to you. I did have some customers.
                  • 但是你以谋求商业利益为目的了。
                    • 算了,不说了,没有我这样的,也就没有你那样的。
                      • hehe...I love you sister:) Email me at pc_helper@bigfoot.com if you do like me to help you:)
                    • But as to the law, they have no difference. if I post it for free, it might bring me more trouble becasue the effect caused by my posting is much bigger than the black deal
                      所以邓小平同志说了 胆子再大一点 步子再快一点 思想再解放一点 否则 人活着 多没有意思
                      • 今天才改ID,看来改对了,本不想挤进来, 因为已用cable, 但实在是看不过竖子张狂的嘴脸. 去年来的时候啥都没有,花了很多时间研究免费dial up, 相信我能帮到真正需要的人.
                        • what? you mean you can also use it for free?
                          • yes, i use that for only a month (no banner, unlimited hour) , then switch to another ISP for $5/month (still this is the off-the-shelf price, guess you will never know where to get that) unlimited dial-up for better performance.
                            • could you tell me which isp is it? 5ca$ a month can't support itself in a long run, I think.
                            • and you just managed to use it for one month, it's too short, hope your way still works today.
                            • are you going to post it onle ? ;-)
                              • i don't know why you're here? like what it saids: Chinese always take never give, you're here to take useful stuff and make use of others. yes, i will share my experience with ppl,
                                • where is your post? I'm seeking for it....
                                  • too bad, a message have been send to lilyba. sorry for that. i will now stop here, no interest to play kids game.
                        • HI:would you please tell me how to use netzero for free? TIA
    • I just helped another user enjoy my "once pay free for long term" dialup online service this afternoon:) she feels to buy "online access CD" is not a good idea:)
    • Toronto 一次收费100 长期免费的Internet拨号上网, 无广告条, 无时间限制 速度快 稳定 北美绝大部分城市 均可使用 pc_helper@bigfoot.com 416-857-9929
      Toronto 一次收费100 长期免费的Internet拨号上网, 无广告条, 无时间限制 速度快 稳定
      北美绝大部分城市 均可使用 pc_helper@bigfoot.com 416-857-9929


      AOL 22.99+TAX / Month after 45 days free trial
      城市电信 15.99+TAX /month on condition of being a long distance user
      Netzero/Juno US$ 9.95 + TAX /month

      Rogers 24.95+TAX/Month is half price! Sympatico is the same!


      Here once charge at 100ca$ for good, only 6 months' cost when you use the lowest rate ISP except me, or as much as 2 months' full price of Rogers Cable.

      Full technical support online!

      contact me at pc_helper@bigfoot.com or call 416-857-9929
    • 可跟踪得到ID和PASSWORD,能上但就是一会儿会断一次线,不知有谁可以不断的
    • 我有,以前试过,不限时,无广告。你现在还要吗?