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Brothers Four - Green Sleeves... The best version I have ever heard of this song..他们的和音真是太棒了


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  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 当年开始听Andy Williams这首 Speak Softly, Love的时候还没看过电影教父。教父的中文小说倒是在小学6年纪就看了,在那个年代非常吸引人。你们会觉得Andy的嗓音boring乎?
    • 这首A Time For Us (Romeo & Juliet) 我是先从恋人浪漫曲的卡带里听的旋律。直到高中才听到Andy唱的版本
    • Simon and Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water: 歌唱友情的最佳歌曲
      • +1
      • 喜欢。还有Sound of silence也喜欢。还有scarborough fair。。。。端的是老了。。。。
        • 为啥就我贴不上去捏?HTML-助手-音乐,对否?
      • 看到题目,想起了另一首歌,Killing Me Softly With His Song
        • +1000000! all time fav!
    • 都是老歌,不过只有老歌才有味道
      前两天上班的路上,脑子里突然间飘过了Willie Nelson的You are always on my mind,很久没有听了。

    • I never quite understood the lyrics of "the sound of silence"..
      • 我们没有生活在JFK年代,所以对歌词搞不懂,如果把歌词的背景搬回那个年代,你懂的。。。
        • 好久不见。难道这是首政治歌曲?
    • 赶集去世家堡
      Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
      Parsley, sage, rosemary & thyme
      Remember me to one who lives there
      She once was a true love of mine
      Tell her to make me a cambric shirt
      (On the side of a hill in the deep forest green)
      Parsely, sage, rosemary & thyme
      (Tracing a sparrow on snow-crested ground)
      Without no seams nor needlework
      (Blankets and bedclothes a child of the mountains)
      Then she'll be a true love of mine
      (Sleeps unaware of the clarion call)
      Tell her to find me an acre of land
      (On the side of a hill, a sprinkling of leaves)
      Parsely, sage, rosemary, & thyme
      (Washed is the ground with so many tears)
      Between the salt water and the sea strand
      (A soldier cleans and polishes a gun)
      Then she'll be a true love of mine
      Tell her to reap it in a sickle of leather
      (War bellows, blazing in scarlet battalions)
      Parsely, sage, rosemary & thyme
      (Generals order their soldiers to kill)
      And to gather it all in a bunch of heather
      (And to fight for a cause they've long ago forgotten)
      Then she'll be a true love of mine
      Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
      Parsley, sage, rosemary & thyme
      Remember me to one who lives there
      She once was a true love of mine.

    • 自从有了Email, MSN, now Facebook, 这种 Sealed with a kiss 的以信表达情怀的日子就一去不返了
      • Jason Donovan的版本,中学的时候风靡一时
      • 当年第一次听这首歌曲,是从一个胶木老唱片上听来的,就是这种调调,伴随着吱吱的唱针摩擦声,Very classical。。。
        • 就让咱们几个老东西听这些老东西吧。年轻一代的流行歌缺乏这种“神韵”
    • LEMON TREE by The Brothers Four.... One of my all time favorite song... The lyrics once meant so much to me..
      When I was just a lad of ten
      My father said to me;
      Come here and learn a lesson
      From the lovely lemon tree:
      Don't put your faith in love, my boy
      My father said to me,
      I fear you'll find that love Is like
      The lovely lemon tree.

      Lemon tree very pretty
      And the lemon flower is sweet
      But the fruit of the poor lemon
      Is impossible to eat.

      Lemon tree very pretty
      And the lemon flower is sweet
      But the fruit of the poor lemon
      Is impossible to eat.

      Beneath the lemon tree, one day
      My love and I did lie,
      A girl so sweet that when she smiled
      The sun rose in the sky.

      We passed the summer
      Lost in love beneath the lemon tree,
      The music of her laughter
      Hid my fathers words from me.

      Lemon tree very pretty
      And the lemon flower is sweet
      But the fruit of the poor lemon
      Is impossible to eat.

      Lemon tree very pretty
      And the lemon flower is sweet
      But the fruit of the poor lemon
      Is impossible to eat.

      One day she left without a word
      She took away the sun
      And in the dark she left behind
      I knew what she had done.

      She left me for another,
      It's a common tale but true.
      A sadder man but wiser now
      I sing these words to you.

      Lemon tree very pretty
      And the lemon flower is sweet
      But the fruit of the poor lemon
      Is impossible to eat.

      Lemon tree very pretty
      And the lemon flower is sweet
      But the fruit of the poor lemon
      Is impossible to eat.

      Lemon tree... lemon tree..
      Lemon tree... lemon tree
      Lemon tree... lemon tree..
      Lemon tree... lemon tree
      Lemon tree...

      Read more: http://artists.letssingit.com/brothers-four-lyrics-lemon-tree-x2rtdv7#ixzz1UD0dFpEy
      LetsSingIt - Your favorite Music Community

    • Brothers Four - Green Sleeves... The best version I have ever heard of this song..他们的和音真是太棒了
      • 得,101我带来了,要不要给你,然后你照着目录去YOUTUBE一个一个找来回顾,一天 一首怎么都能来3个月:P
        • 也许我回忆那么两个礼拜,又要开始jumpy跟着女儿y听Katy, Gaga,Serena了
    • 这首歌也许是导演对教父的理解!初看电影,初听到这首歌同小说里的感觉,想象和理解完全不一样。。。
      猫老师有发癔症啦?! 要么偷懒,要么一发而不可收!老东西,老古董要一个一个来品。山珍海味一哄而上,坏了美食的兴趣!
      • 我是那天带着女儿,让她也听听她老爸年轻是爱听的歌,和Serena比一比....
    • wow! 好熟悉呀~~~也是我父亲高兴的时候最爱哼哼的一曲。。。。thanks !
    • moon river