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dress up, or occasionally dress off, for a greater good. those women were comfortable with whatever shape they were.. admirable ..hats off..


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 古话说“女为悦己者容”,那会儿的悦己者估计是男的。现在这世道,感觉女的打扮美容,多半倒不是为了男的,而是为了同性,为了自己,为了自信。
    • 为自己,也为悦己者
    • 女性打扮,为了同性?~~~~~~~深层目的是什么?~~~~~骨子里的东西要改,谈何容易~~~
      • "Best" answer from Yahoo!
        First we dress up to make ourselves feel good. Looking nice, and possibly sexy, gives us self confidence. Nothing makes us feel more alluring than that new, special outfit. If someone tells us we look good. The effort was worthwhile. Yesss we do want you men to look , even if we won't admit to it. Why do you think we wear heels that hurt our feet. To strut our stuff and make you look twice. We are all bad to the bone.
        • 古人(男性)特别提出“女为悦己者容”,是男权思维下的产物——人为的把女性物化~~~~~殊不知动物界里,大部分都是雄性动物抖落着漂亮皮毛取悦雌性呢~~~~~其实打扮为了取悦异性有什么问题呢?没必要专门强调“我打扮就是为了我自己高兴”,很有矫枉过正之嫌~~~~~
          • 我现在是 狗为悦己者。。
    • 老猫又矫枉过正了 ~~~
      • 否则哪里来的话题呢?