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I like a girl with short skirt and long jacket


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 借那个美女贴, What is "Sexy"? => someone you want to have xxx with.. so it is quite subjective...different person has different tastes.. someone may appear quite "sexy" to you, but could be quite the opposite to me..Am I right?
    • 不要搞特殊,还有大众情人呢.
    • 钟楚红is sexy
      • you want to have xxx with 钟楚红?? it is quite surprising .....
        • 要允许有时间差.比如想象几十年前的, 也可以做梦啊.
          • 我看你是楞没看懂菠菜说的是什么?
            • 他不是说tyra want to have sex with Zhong Chuhong 么? 我理解错了?
          • 几十年前 tyra didnt even know what xxx is
        • what are you talking about?
          • 三段论: "Sexy" is someone you want to have xxx with.. + 钟楚红is sexy = ..................
            • 我是想说我眼里的SEXY啊,不是...different person has different tastes.. someone may appear quite "sexy" to you, but could be quite the opposite to "miao miao"吗
    • "someone you want to have xxx with" .... i wouldnt go that far personally ...... maybe "someone has sx appeal on you" .....
      • and the difference between the two is......
        • 一个是"希望与此人发生性关系",一个是"唤起性欲"in general-但不一定是指向"此人"吧?当然这个解释有些牵强,有些矫情,有些不坦率~~~
          • there was a "want" in the first case, wasn't it?
            • i will rephrase....
              • 楼上两位,您们两个谁曾对一陌生洋女子讲过"。。。you are so sexy"? 反应是啥?
                • as a matter of fact, i've never made that comments to any ladies face to face... before my marriage, i was too shy to say that; after it, it would not be appropriate..
                  • 猫老师啊, 您可太吝啬咯!呵呵呵。。。这SEXY 在老美嘴里只不过是 PRETTY !!跟您两位谈的没关系.Every woman is beautiful. 不管您认不认识,不论她有多大年纪,不论她的扮相是不是您的TASTES.给妇女们多一点的赞美,这个世界会更美好!!
                    • now that you mentioned it, i don't remember I ever praised a lady, any time, face to face..what a person i am!
                      • 人! 有机会就去赞美一下别人
                        • 我嘴笨,一般只敢赞美同性。
                          • 嘿嘿。。。话题被转移了。才华加孤傲是猫猫的天性,不过,您看那猫猫,有时刻意将头滴一滴,尾巴翘一翘,会更漂亮哦!!!哈哈哈。。。 今天的歌还没放呢?
    • 猫太出差了?~~~~~~~
      • that article puzzled me....so i meant serious business...how can someone generalized women into two races and people weren't laughing..
        • to be perfect honest, that post does not make any sense to me ~~~
          • me either.. but i won't go that far to challenge 圣明 made it a hit list.. it could be very well written.. just not my cup of tea..
        • same here - i'm glad :)
        • what article?
      • 回流了,老猫从此no more faithful dance,Congrats!。。。
        • how can you tell this not a pre-dance?
          • High, really high, I obey U。。。
            • why do you "high" here while obeying him?
              • 高,高,实在是高,我服了你
                • This is a sexy topic, I had thought it is something related to "sexy".
                  • Hey Buddy, this is Gentle's talk, not Man's talk。。。
              • 小时候看电影《地道战》,汤司令对鬼子佩服的五体投地,连声说:高,实在是高! 所以 I服U。。。
      • 这个你也知道? 领导圣明
        • old cat has gone a little bit wild for these two days~~~~~so i guess, ......
          • you know what cats do in spring, dont ya?
            • the thing is, it's a hot summer day today.......
      • 这两天他的表现真是怪怪的哦。。。。。
        • 难道是受了他同窗捅刀子的刺激,想试试不一样的人生?
          • 难道我说错了什么?
            • 那倒没有,就是觉得不是你的风格喽
              • 与时具进,与人具进,不同滩要有不同风格。
    • 我前老板曾经对着一个穿这皮裤的“太平公主”大流口水,说she is soooooooo sexy。可是我上看下看左看右看,除了头发长点儿、肩膀窄点儿,这个sexy girl跟男人无异啊。
      • 看来你退职就对了,哪有在工作场合那样的。前几天猫斑竹说上班F***开会说多了,也给我吓一条。。。刚通过Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace培训,没结业证不能上岗,工作中流哈拉兹和说表中所列脏字,都明列属于职场骚扰和歧视,这种单位如果斗争不过,就远离
        • 何止啊,他还跟另外一个同事当着我的面儿大谈“hooters”呢。
          • t? k?
            • ? what t? what k?
      • 我看你484嫉妒人家太平公主啊 ~~~ :D
        • 也有可能,我一直很喜欢皮裤,但是没买到特满意的。:p
      • 他可能是对“皮裤”大流口水~~~~~~~LOL~~~~~~
        • 皮裤 is definitely a turnoff to me
          • 菜叔喜欢热裤吧。LOL
            • yeah - or anything silky ....
        • 这口味可真是重…… 哈哈
          • 我想到friends里,ross穿皮裤,脱下来可又穿不上去,在女友家的washroom里折腾的窘样儿~~~~~~
      • 难怪愤而辞职,原来是太不平了 -- 或者不太平了。:)
    • 美女贴在那里啊?
      • here……
        • 哦,古代美女,俺无缘见呀。。。当代绝色也不见上张PP。。。
          • 都揽镜自怜呢,哪儿有功夫儿上PP。 :p
    • I like a girl with short skirt and long jacket
    • sex指的是性的文化和社会属性,gender指的是生物特性。sexy就是男人有男人味,女人有女人味,这和"would like to have sex with" 有联系但很不一样。一个女人可以说另一个女人很sexy, 就是很有女人味,绝不是说她是同性恋。男人也一样。
      • “sex指的是性的文化和社会属性,gender指的是生物特性。”~~~~~~~~说反了吧~~~
        • 没有反。可能是提到“sex",很多人都过分专注,一下就跑到底了。
      • 我也如此认为。不过,为什么“人到中年”了还这样春情涌动呢?不管美不美,sexy 不 sexy,都要淡定。否则,是风骚了。。。:)
        • i thought 风骚 is a 褒义词
    • 你这解释让我大跌眼睛啊。。。
      • me 2.. seems i was possessed
    • I heard someone said his iPhone is so sexy, what does that mean? He wants to have ....?
      • ah~~~~~
      • 再这么说下去要转+O乐
        • 2am. Hmm....got a timeout and slept on the couch last night?:-)
          • I fell asleep on the floor beside 猫太 when she was reading... when i was awake, it was already 2:00 in the morning..