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Be impeccable with your words...some people are very good at using a razor blade with a smile. Their words sting, bite, and cut.
Often the person is speaking some truth but truth is not the issue; how the truth is told is the issue. Most people are open to hearing the truth when it is said in a way they can hear it.
People cannot hear you when you make them wrong.
People cannot hear you when you attack them personally.
People cannot hear what you are saying if by saying it you are making yourself better than they are.
If you want to make sure that people will hear you when you talk about difficult or uncomfortable situations, speak to them from you heart. Be devoted to learning how to tell the truth in a gentle, compassionate and loving manner. The truth must be told in a way it can be heard...


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 刚看到这么段话,觉得好。与大家分享。也希望讲师啊,幸福家庭里威胁要打911的女同学啊,等等等等,能看到。
    Be impeccable with your words...some people are very good at using a razor blade with a smile. Their words sting, bite, and cut.
    Often the person is speaking some truth but truth is not the issue; how the truth is told is the issue. Most people are open to hearing the truth when it is said in a way they can hear it.
    People cannot hear you when you make them wrong.
    People cannot hear you when you attack them personally.
    People cannot hear what you are saying if by saying it you are making yourself better than they are.
    If you want to make sure that people will hear you when you talk about difficult or uncomfortable situations, speak to them from you heart. Be devoted to learning how to tell the truth in a gentle, compassionate and loving manner. The truth must be told in a way it can be heard...

    • 〖精华〗 ~
    • 好!
    • 其实只要有同情心,常为对方着想,就什么事都没有。
      • 设身处地,其实并不那么容易。我个人的体会,作为母亲对自己孩子,有时就很难一直保持这种心态
    • 911同学是个有思想有能力的同学。他的论点“男人有时受到反暴力而无处投诉“可能是个成立的论点。建议911同学致力于成立一个非盈利机构“男人之家”服务社会。这个意义比在网上 whining 更重大一些,酱资
      • not a bad idea
      • 西人有类似的,都是被老婆打了911后组织的,不过,他们的主要内容是学习如何控制脾气,可能不对这儿一些人的想法。
    • 有人能翻译下么?
      • 为啥要翻译?
        • 俺英文不太好
          • 原枝原位吧。翻译经常有歧义。
      • 牛牛 彪妹 若初 ,三大美女翻译有请 ~~~
      • 试着随便翻了一下,见笑了。



        • 挺好,不笑
        • 还是中文简练。。。。有理不在声高。。。。
          • 在理。总结得真简练 :))))
            • 俺搬了本字典。。。。查的。。。。
    • 说的真好。值得仔细品味,thanks for sharing. :)
    • 心理学家写的?
      • i don't know. a friend sent me this.
    • 这个说得太好了!喜欢指责别人,或者是喜欢给人建议的人得细细读读