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NOT ME~~~~~

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 又是下雨天,让我想起了刚来的时候,有一天也是雨天,在车站等车。那雨挺大的。我看到旁边的洋妹妹都淋湿了,就把伞往她那边挪了点,谁知道,她跟兔子似的跳走了。那时很纳闷,刚好车来了,也没想那么多。哈哈
    • 哈哈。。她大概以为你对她有啥想法吧。。
    • you understand it now?
    • 哈哈哈哈哈,我大笑不已。。。
    • ha ha ha 三宝妈的思维现在变了么?
    • 雨伞边儿雨水哗哗的,按照华人身高来说,你这是直接往阳妹妹脖子里灌水,人家还不跳开?
    • 在国内时碰到过。排队等出租车,大雨滂沱。见前面洋人雨中独立,偶就问他要不要share雨伞,洋人一愣说I am fine, 谢谢。 后来想想又说why not?再后来常常午餐时常常在咖啡馆遇到。。。
      • emmm, a beauty come to share umb ...... when can that good thing happen to me ?
        • u'd better to fire ur wife first
        • 那个白和青姑的故事
    • 这里的一大景观就是看洋人在瓢泼大雨中从容漫步......
    • 想起了那段“美丽的邂逅”~~~~~~~~

      NOT ME~~~~~
      • "赶忙连声道谢", no need "道谢" is enough. what he did was very basic stuff, you over-enjoyed.
        • 最后一行写啦~~~~~~~not me~~~~~
          • there is no $300 here
    • 身上湿淋淋的时候,跟同性站的很近,是很 weird 的感觉。不好。
      • How?
    • 看到旁边洋妹妹Wet了,你就想做点什么?no good。。。
      • a joke
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Picture a tranquil pond and in this pond there?s a small fish swimming just under the water and he spots a fly hovering above the water and thinks to himself if that fly were to drop just 6 inches I would be able to jump up and get him. So the fish went about his business keeping an eye on the fly.

        A little while later a fisherman comes by the pond and sees the situation and thinks to himself if that fly were to drop just 6 inches then the fish would get the fly and I could stick out my net and I would get the fish. So the fisherman sits down and starts to enjoy his lunch.

        A small field mouse wanders up and looks over the situation and thinks to himself if that fly were to drop just 6 inches then the fish would jump to get the fly and the fisherman would drop his cheese sandwich to get his net so he could get the fish and I could run in and get a bit of his sandwich. And we would all be very happy.

        Just about that time a sneaky sly cat wanders on to the situation and thinks to himself if that fly were to drop just 6 inches then the fish would jump to get the fly and the fisherman would drop his cheese sandwich to get his net to catch the fish and the mouse would run in and get a bit of his sandwich. And I would run in get the mouse and we would all be so very happy.

        A small time goes by and:

        The fly drops 6 inches the fish jumps out to get the fly. The fisherman drops him cheese sandwich to get his net. The mouse runs in to get a bit of the cheese sandwich. And the cat runs in and in all of the commotion loses his balance and falls in the pond.

        Do you know what the moral of the story is?

        Every time a fly drops 6 inches a pussy is sure to get wet!!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 那时当从我的外表应该不会看出我会有什么想法啊。我刚来的时候像个小学生。背个背包到处逛,经过小学区的路口时,那个Volunteer还马上跑过来领着我过马路呢。去酒铺买酒还要给ID。跟我妈说,
      我妈都急死了。哈哈。。。 不过, 那时候的雨没有像现在这样子下个不停。那时,我都跟国内的同学说这里不用雨伞,雨一会都停了。像现在的雨天,差不多5,6年前才开始的。
      • 你真有3宝?........几年前还是小学生样呢........
        • 好几次了,俺给小盆友买TTC票(没带小朋友),我说10 CHILD TICKETS,人家看我一眼,给我STUDENT的,俺很高兴,不止一次啊
          • 三宝妈?
            • 差点。上PP了,XB下俺如花般地貌美, 呵呵
        • 那是99年的时候。 不过,08年的时候,我跟我爸妈星期六出去,我们3个就买了一张Daypass,用了一天,那时有2宝。现在我带三儿出去,人家都以为是我的第一个孩子。我都很自豪的说,我家里还有两个大的。哈哈
          • 没PP,没真相
    • 她以为你是彩虹妹妹了??三宝妈最可爱了。。。