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Canada election in GTA, 保守党农村包围城市;NDP 大都市虎口拔牙;自由党遭遇内外夹攻腹背受敌,看看 before-after map:


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 尘埃落定,一地鸡毛。
    • We can move on......
    • 希望保守党好自为之,京津夜夜,不要辜负人民的期望和信任;希望自由党痛定思痛,总结教训,人民还需要你们;希望NDP继续努力,特别要努力学习经济学,肩负起第一在野的重任。魁人,一边去玩,绿梅,i heard you, point taken。
      • 你比雷頓說得好,讚
        • I am uneasy to see many people are emotionally attached to their political parties. This is not good. Politics is icy cold and emotion is lava hot, they just do not go along with each other.
          • 英雄所见略同。I like people from the maritime. They are mostly truthful, pure and innocent.
            • exactly, very nice people, but that comes with a price to pay - we are very economically weak, or as 红卫兵 put it - "lazier" ...... by the way, I believe Lib is still biggest party in maritime minus NB .....
              • newfi's land is Lib territory ... BTW I like lazier life, nothing wrong.
                • PEI too. NS Lib i guess is half. But in NB they did bad, mostly thank to previous Lib premier who did a lousy job ......
      • People out east are nicer than those in the west
        • lazier.
          • True but they are nicer. Not like those from oil sands, greedy red neck.
        • On the surface. I have been both area. No comments on this. It is really depends.
      • good.
      • 加拿大的经济将逐渐"沙特阿拉伯化"。也就是靠卖矿产,能源支撑。反映在政治上,主题就是"分脏政治"-- 全民如何去分享卖资源得来的利益。自由党,很可能失去自己生长的土壤。或被边缘化,或合并于NDP。
      • 菜叔, 您老出山当LIB领袖吧.
    • 自由党的落败,与RIM的走下坡路,同出一辙。都是自身定位的失缺。找不到自己的PLAYGROUND。被迫在别人定下的游戏圈里玩。
      • 更重要的是内讧,内耗,内斗。。。
        • 一个团队,一个公司,当找不到向外的发展方向时,必然产生内部争斗。自由党在加拿大的的政治版图中,定位于中间路线。在年景好的时候,能左右逢缘,两边都通吃。年景不好的时候,当国家需要一个"铁血"政权时,自由党就会向现在这样,两边不是人。
          • 车后排挤3个人,最被挤的可能就是中间那个~~~~
      • 我更痛恨的是在安省肆无忌惮的加稅和收费
        • +1
        • 比这个还可恨的是,加完税了之后,赤字比原来还厉害
          • 瞎花老百姓的辛苦钱,还恬不知耻的找出一大堆理由。活该,自由党!
    • Canada election in GTA, 保守党农村包围城市;NDP 大都市虎口拔牙;自由党遭遇内外夹攻腹背受敌,看看 before-after map:
    • 什么时候中国也能有真正的民主选举呢?
    • 尘埃落定,一嘴鸡毛。 -win(秋天的菠菜); 08:01 (#6654703@0) reply more
      • @_@