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这个 most celebrated movie moment,衍生出了很多后代 - Kevin Costner, somebody's idol, in <the untouchables>


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 配合鸟哥歌曲赏析,这里是电影经典片段赏析
    • * yeah ! -win(秋天的菠菜); 10:09 (#6647574@0)
    • 奥德萨阶梯 - 儿时的殿堂 , 电影史上不灭的永恒
    • "Are You Talkin' to Me?," - "Taxi Driver." --- Bob is always my hero
    • 配经典老歌.....
    • who can resist Hitchcock? - The Famous Shower Scene From "Psycho"
      • 这个是经典中的经典,我饭 Hitchcock very much!
        North by Northwest
        Rear Window
        Dial M for Murder
        I Confess
        Strangers on a Train
        Notorious (英格丽饱满在里面有一个最长时间的经典movie kiss 镜头)
        。。。all are awesome !
      • 我是他的粉,我是他的饭~~~~~~~~~~可惜不是我的菜~~~~~~
    • most shocking ending of movie history - <usual suspect> when truth are revealed, you are shocked ...... i love this one
      • Kevin Spacey is one of my favorite actors ~
        • he definitely is..... was that he in <LA confidential> ? just marvelous .....
          • don't forget American Beauty , LOL, and I also like his The Life of David Gale ~
            • actually, out of all his movies, i was most impressed by his performance in Se7en- so compelling!
              • definitely
    • Singing in the rain - hahah, you knew it , right?
    • a legendary scene in a legendary movie - chariot race in Ben Hur - although personally i thinking the scene where Ben meets Jesus is more moving, but this one is more popular
    • 今天打开笔记本没声音,听不了歌。借此想问专家一个问题。一直以来,有时候开机不能打字,有时候开机没有声音,有时候两样没有……但是重新开几次,总能都再有,因为总能有,也就将就用。但这是怎么回事呢?IBM T61,
      • 因为中年了~~~~~~所以“危机”了~~~~~~~~:)))))
        • 哈哈哈
    • "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" - gone with wind, two classic love birds -
    • " ... ... That's pride fucking with you. Fuck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps. " quote from <Pulp Fiction> ~
    • Quotes from <The English Patient>
      Katharine Clifton: What do you hate most?
      Almásy: Ownership. Being owned.
    • msot disturbing - do not go in if your heart is not very strong - <deer hunter> - russian roulette
    • most petit-bourgeois - very shanghainish and elegant -<花样年华>之暖壶-暧昧之最
      • 突然想问:这里有没有人送孩子学大提琴的?尤其是女孩儿?~~~~~
    • good good very good