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又是星期五了。。。给大家贡献一个俺将来在俺家闺女婚礼上唱给她的歌。。Slipping Through My Fingers -- Meryl Streep

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=5,0,0,0" width="400" height="300"><param name=movie value="<object width="480" height="390"><param name="movie" value="
?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="390">

Schoolbag in hand, she leaves home in the early morning
waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile
I watch her go with a surge of that well known sadness and and I have to sit down for a while
the feeling that I'm losing her forever
and without really entering her world
I'm glad whenever I can share her laughter
that funny little girl

Slipping through my fingers all the time
I try to capture every minute
the feeling in it slipping through my fingers all the time
do I really see what's in her mind
each time I think I'm close to knowing
she keeps on growing
slipping through my fingers all the time

Sleep in our eyes, her and me at the breakfast table
barely awake I let precious time go by
then when she's gone, there's that odd me Lancelot feeling
and a sense of guilt I can't deny
what happened to the wonderful adventures
the places I had planned for us to go
well, some of that we did, but most we didn't
and why, I just don't know

Slipping through my fingers all the time
I try to capture every minute
the feeling in it slipping through my fingers all the time
do I really see what's in her mind
each time I think I'm close to knowing
she keeps on growing slipping through my fingers all the time
sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture
and save it from the funny tricks of time(slipping through my fingers)

Slipping through my fingers all the time

Schoolbag in hand, she leaves home in the early morning
waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 又是星期五了。。。给大家贡献一个俺将来在俺家闺女婚礼上唱给她的歌。。Slipping Through My Fingers -- Meryl Streep
    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=5,0,0,0" width="400" height="300"><param name=movie value="<object width="480" height="390"><param name="movie" value="
    ?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    ?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="390">

    Schoolbag in hand, she leaves home in the early morning
    waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile
    I watch her go with a surge of that well known sadness and and I have to sit down for a while
    the feeling that I'm losing her forever
    and without really entering her world
    I'm glad whenever I can share her laughter
    that funny little girl

    Slipping through my fingers all the time
    I try to capture every minute
    the feeling in it slipping through my fingers all the time
    do I really see what's in her mind
    each time I think I'm close to knowing
    she keeps on growing
    slipping through my fingers all the time

    Sleep in our eyes, her and me at the breakfast table
    barely awake I let precious time go by
    then when she's gone, there's that odd me Lancelot feeling
    and a sense of guilt I can't deny
    what happened to the wonderful adventures
    the places I had planned for us to go
    well, some of that we did, but most we didn't
    and why, I just don't know

    Slipping through my fingers all the time
    I try to capture every minute
    the feeling in it slipping through my fingers all the time
    do I really see what's in her mind
    each time I think I'm close to knowing
    she keeps on growing slipping through my fingers all the time
    sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture
    and save it from the funny tricks of time(slipping through my fingers)

    Slipping through my fingers all the time

    Schoolbag in hand, she leaves home in the early morning
    waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile
    • dont want to think about that sentimental moment at all
      • 菠菜的也是女儿?两个?~~~~~~~
        • yeah .... sigh ....
          • 你一准儿是个很想要儿子滴爹。。。
          • 跟你换吧~~~~~~我要俩女儿,我要幸福死了~~~~~~~
            • yeah, the other peaks always look higher than the one standing on ~~~~~
            • 换一个就可以了。。。换两个,菠菜还不得美上房了。。。
              • 我家老公说,我还好第二个还是儿子,要是女儿的话,我家老大一定被我虐待~~~~~~~嘿嘿~~~~
                • 你LG喜欢男孩儿还是女孩儿?。。。
                  • 他无所谓~~~~~~
            • 这个很有得便宜卖乖之嫌,
              i dunno what to say
              • 我说的是真心话~~~~~~~~说实话,本来是不想要孩子的,可是有了,就非常的期盼是女孩~~~~谁想盼到第二个也没盼来~~~~~~~~~
          • * 这个很有得便宜卖乖之嫌, -goodman11(goodman); 11:04 (19 bytes. #6622833@0) more
            • thanks. you have a sensitive heart ~~~~~
      • 你怎么能知道妈妈的感受泥。。嘿嘿。。另外。。你回帖有点儿太快了。。俺都没法儿修改帖子了。。唉。。。
        • 有女儿的爸爸的感觉,我很理解~~~~~~~~我爸那时候比我妈对我们姐儿俩的保护欲还强~~~~~只要有男的靠近,他眼瞪得跟铜铃似的~~~~~~我老公就是冒着我爸的冷言冷语,冷嘲热讽,厚着脸皮把我给拖走的~~~~~
          • 读者们看到了一只黄鼠狼的光辉形象。
            • 记得我第一次上门,她爸爸给我夹菜,omg!3块大肥肉。
              • LOL。。。你没给吓跑?。。。
                • 本来就是准备着上威虎山的。还好,丈母娘看女婿,。。。。
                  • 嗯。。。所以你得逞了。。。嘿嘿。。。
              • 一定是你又瘦又小,她爸想把你养肥点,这样他女儿才好托付给你~~~
                • 呵呵。好像不是这回事。


          • 我婚礼时,两个爸爸脸上表情都不太HAPPY,看后来的照片,我爸爸拉着我走向我LG的时候,像要哭了。我老公单腿下跪给我带戒指的时候,他爸爸要哭了。
          • 你很幸福滴说。。。俺家老爹是60岁以后才明白“女儿”这两个字是怎么回事。。。
          • 嗯。。。俺看到俺家LG若干年后的模样了。。。lol。。估计有过之而无不及。。。
    • 唉,嫁女儿和娶媳妇儿,两种感觉,天差地别~~~~~~~~~
      • 这首歌的歌词写的就是俺和俺闺女。。。养女孩儿和男孩儿的感觉不同吗?。。。
        • 我家里常常就是一窝的狼,老狼,大狼还有小狼,偶尔还有大狼的狼朋狼友~~~~~~屋子里常常跟狼窝一般~~~~~~~~~~如果是女儿~~~~~~那家里就是一窝的小兔子,多好玩呀~~~~~
          • LOL。。。这让我想起俺一个朋友家。。也是一家子男丁。。老人盼孙女盼的眼都蓝了。。
          • 有一群狼保护你。。。多美的事儿。。。走到哪儿都是威风凛凛的。。。
            • 是啊,我一窈窕女郎已然窈窕母狼了~~~~~~~
    • 天呐。。。怎么出了两个视频窗口?!。。对不起了。。诸位童鞋们。。我也不知道是怎么搞的。。呵呵。。
      • 偶理解你激动的心情~~~~~~~手一抖~~~~~
        • 每次听这歌儿。。。俺滴眼眶都是湿的。。。
          • 你女儿现在多大了?
            • 今天俺高兴。。偷偷给你显摆一下俺闺女。。
              • Beautiful girl...
                • 谢谢啦。。。俺就爱听这个。。。哈哈。。。
              • 啊,好看。8,9岁?
                • 不到7岁。。。
                  • 你知道她最好看的是什么?
                    • 嗯。。还有长睫毛。。
                      • 不带这种搭车吹嘘的。unless 上pp
                        • 难得显摆一次。。。还这么打击俺。。。唉。。。
                          • 你改得快,没打击到:)
                            • 嘎嘎。。。吼吼。。。哈哈。。。
                              • 友情提醒:请注意姿容。
                                • 太。。。迟了。。。
                      • 长得像这个人
                        • 贾静雯?~~~~~~
                          • 嗯。喜欢她的眼睛
              • 长得像你~~~~~~~真好看~~~~~~~我怎么想哭啊~~~~
                • 那你再生一个?
                  • 要再来个男的怎么办~~~~~~~~我直接进疯人院了~~~~所以我特佩服三宝妈,她那么的享受~~~~~
                    • 因为人家本来就想要男孩儿嘛。。。
                    • 这样吧,你老大送我领养,你顶多还是两个狼崽子。。。lol
                    • 你把你那俩给我,你自己重新生,怎么样?
                      • 俗话说跟谁像谁,你就不要糟蹋未来的祖国栋梁了。lol
                        • 你的给我,我还不要了,
                          • 你说错了,我家一个大闺女,8岁,已经开始招狼了。。。
                • 别介呀。。。得。。。俺还是删了吧。。。
                  • dont, we havent seen yet ... blocked at work ~~~~
                    • 我也忘了存盘了。呵呵。
          • 所以你不能唱这首,你一定唱不下去的,肯定母女哭的西里花拉,把妆都弄花了。。。
            • 也是。。。唉。。。可是俺是真滴很想唱给她听啊。。。从现在开始俺要思考解决方法了。。。
              • 你可以弄个精美绝纶的MTV送给你的宝贝~
                • 嗯。。。是个好主意。。。俺记下啦。。。
    • 你们都那么地幸福,星期五,
    • 星期五。。。实在无聊想嫁姑娘了
      • 羡慕啦。。。哈哈。。。