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My suggestion:

As I told you before, if you DIY (do it yourself), you will have to read tons of materials in English. You have to understand every word. From my own experience, such reading is extremely VALUABLE! Remember, once you come to Canada, there won't be any translation for you and soon you'll meet trouble in almost everything if your English is not good enough.

The agent can do nothing for you to improve your English than DIY. The ONLY difference is you spend money and you lose an opportunity to practise your English ability. Of couse, if you have good money and don't care, that's another world. But I suppose you're just like us, average people. Every dollar is valuable here. Save it before you come.

Anybody with your background can easily get approve if he apply for immigration. It depends on your background only, not on the agent.

In conclusion:

1, DIY
2, Inprove your English, try to describe your work in English freely.
3, Your fate is in your own hands.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请帮我推荐一家信誉好的移民公司,我知道自己也可以办,但还是希望得到你的帮助。
    • 汪汪, I don't know any agent. But from the information you provide, your imm case can easily be handled by any agent. (Programmmer + Good English + more than 1 year's expr = pass!)
      • 我是大本学计算机的,英语四级,工作经验一年,因为我没把握,所以我想找代理。
        • My suggestion:
          As I told you before, if you DIY (do it yourself), you will have to read tons of materials in English. You have to understand every word. From my own experience, such reading is extremely VALUABLE! Remember, once you come to Canada, there won't be any translation for you and soon you'll meet trouble in almost everything if your English is not good enough.

          The agent can do nothing for you to improve your English than DIY. The ONLY difference is you spend money and you lose an opportunity to practise your English ability. Of couse, if you have good money and don't care, that's another world. But I suppose you're just like us, average people. Every dollar is valuable here. Save it before you come.

          Anybody with your background can easily get approve if he apply for immigration. It depends on your background only, not on the agent.

          In conclusion:

          1, DIY
          2, Inprove your English, try to describe your work in English freely.
          3, Your fate is in your own hands.
          • 多谢你的帮助。我会给你发EMAIL和你联络。
        • 我想sailor的观点是非常非常正确的!因为你现在时间很充裕,所以花个半年或一年的时间提高你的英语水平,了解各种办理程序和文件,是非常有助于你提高英语水平的,但是如果你实在想通过代理办的话,沈阳有这样几家。。。。
          • 多谢你的帮助。我会给你发EMAIL和你联络。
          • wise是那一家有全名吗?是海外吗?
            • 如果你真要挑,考虑加成吧,在火炬大厦! 至于WISE公司电话:22872686,不过我劝你不要试WISE了(真的),沈阳办事处现在内部有问题,员工思想很不稳定,自然也不能尽心啦!
              • 我几乎和WISE签约,看了他们的合同后,有几点意见,发回WISE后,居然3个月没有消息,FOLLOW UP的工作及差,是不是生意太好了,店大欺客
              • 长春加成怎样?快来帮帮我,哪家公司的服务及信誉比较可靠?有长春移民 的朋友请与我联系,dream1126@sina.com
                • 我也在考虑加成,但未定,有消息告诉一声!
        • 其实告诉你,

          • 多谢你的帮助。我会给你发EMAIL和你联络。
    • 你问问,现在有几个计算机专业的是找移民公司办的,自己办。