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Sony demos its own motion controller with Playstation


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家用电器 / 想买台wii,best buy居然sold out了好几个月,这么火爆啊? future shop也是sold out了,哪里能有卖的呢?这WII咋就比 xbox好那么多?
    • 等PS3 出motion controller吧.
      • PS3也要出motion control?只听说xbox计划下半年要出motion control
        • 不管谁出,都便宜不了。还是 wii 物美价廉,即时就能玩。
        • Sony demos its own motion controller with Playstation
          • 看来PS3的motion control还是基于控制器的。Xbox走的是另一条路,Full body motion control
    • 去toy&us, SDM,walmart看看
    • Tons of them at Costco. Saw it yesterday. $208.99.
      • 去过几次COSTOC,还真没看见。这周末好好找找去
    • I have one almost brand new, used less than 3 times. do you want?
    • I have a very new Wii system. No damage whatsoever; looks brand new. I have two wii remotes, two nunchucks, system with all wires and cables, and 3 games: wii sports, wii play, and legend of zelda twilight princess. Do you want it?
      • how much do you want to sell? I want to buy
    • 可以上网去dell买,任何时候有货,价格大约219刀,三天内送货上门,很方便的。
    • 刚买了wii, 想改机。看到很多广告。不知谁家作的好或不好。 有朋友建议以下吗。
      • 自己改 傻瓜式的安装
        • 请教教我,谢谢啦1
          • http://www.wiibbs.com/ 里面有一个傻瓜安装包 注意看你自己的WII BIOS版本 不要在线更新软件
      • 新出的要换主板才行.去锦绣中华找.