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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / Toyota这次Recall是不得已而为之,现在透露的结果是:已经发现有2千起丰田车突然加速的事故,导致16死243伤(美国案例),这是导致美国政府直接介入的主要原因。Toyota直到盖子捂不住了才Recall。。。
    • Toyota announced that they would install brake override systems (already a common design in German cars, it is also called "brake to idle", and allows the driver to override the accelerator by hitting the brakes) on all Toyota. K! 2 cheap!。。。
    • 这2千起数据从哪儿来?如果数据核实的话,TOYOTA应该承认这个数据。但到今天为止,TOYOTA仍然说是 rare cases。
      • 丰田开始维修问题车辆,北美一共250万辆。丰田还不忘嘴硬的说事故与驾驶员穿的鞋的材质有关。
      • 2000/2500000="rare cases" based on T's standard
      • Data was released from ABC news。。。
    • GM 因拥有北美TOYOTA的股份(据说高达40%),在这次大规模的RECALL中,也受损不少.TOYOTA这次亏了血本回招,态度大大地好,我们的红太阳不是早就说过吗?犯错误不怕可,犯了就改,就是好同志嘛.
      • 你们可从来不想想为什么TOYOTA这么不惜血本去召回。为了做广告?说明TOYOTA对用户负责任?还是有更大的隐情?太阳永远不会从西边升起。
    • 我还真没见过谁把盖子捂住了还主动RECALL的,你肯定也没见过,所以说,看待TOYOTA RECALL一事,不要带偏见么.哪里有规定说,神车不能RECALL??神车,神就神在,轻易不RECALL,一旦RECALL,就全CALL,嘿嘿
      • 有意思, toyota自己都没好意思说自己是主动recall的,但在这里总有人有鼻子有眼地说是主动recall的。
    • Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said last week the government had URGED Toyota to issue the recall and suspend production and told reporters Monday that Toyota had "done the right thing."