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sorry for making fun of your name, but


IF that's the case, you shouldn't blame the false fact others give, judgement is what we could improve here. people always have different opinions based on the same fact, explanation of the same law.


Again, it's your own judgement, I believe others intention is to help here, not instruct what to do, it's only your call.

It's always your responsibility to find out what's the fact, nobody at Rolia is trying to mislead, nobody obtain all the facts you are looking for, Internet gives you information, not fact. you should make your own judgement here.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 关于骑自行车戴头盔的问题:这里很多人都说骑自行车一定要戴头盔,多伦多有关法规是这样规定的吗????能给出原文依据吗?????我在图书馆的一本小册子中看到法规要求小于14岁的才必须带头盔。
    • http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/safety/cycling/commuting.htm
      • 只是建议,而不是规定!!!!!!!!!
        • it's your own life, if you don't care, who else care?
          • 我想讨论骑自行车戴头盔的问题,而不是如何保证安全的问题,也不是如何过马路的问题,也不是能不能在人行道上骑的问题,也不是..........的问题,也不是.............的问题,..................
    • As of October 1, 1995, the law requires all cyclists under 18 years old to wear an approved bicycle helmet.
      • 看来是我的记忆有偏差。只是有原文依据吗?也好堵一下某些人的嘴,不然网上发贴越来越没谱了。
        • 那你就别戴么,很简单的.
          • 我确实一直没戴过,只是看不惯某 些人在网上信口开河,扁的也要信誓旦旦地说成圆的(甚至说有人因此被警察罚了款),还是想劝劝这些人:不确定的事就不要发出来误导别人(特别是新移民)了。
            • You can't say people are wrong since the act says under 18. So some people do get fined.
              • 为了保证不出现根本性的误解,说事要说全:如有人说某新移民一登陆就被抓了,却不提其使用了假landing paper,效果如何????帮人不要一马虎变成了害人!!!
                • Well... that implies the new comer violate the law of somehow. It doesn't mislead me.
                  • 明显错误的不被明指出来,效果一定是误导,新移民学历高,不等于了解加拿大的一切。有知道清楚的,更会有不少会被误导的。
            • 哦.是这样啊. 对我来讲真是很麻烦. 我是在Jones Ave 的ESL上课时发生的这事.我不知道人家的名字. 是一个女孩子,大陆来的. 需要更详细的信息话,我还真整不清楚了.
              • 另外,不知道当事人会不会上网,去年7/8月的事情.
            • 另外本人从来不想误导什么人,俺是一年新的新移民. 在你来讲可能太旧了.
        • 有法律规定过马路一定要推车。
          • 我想讨论骑自行车戴头盔的问题,而不是如何过马路的问题,也不是能不能在人行道上骑的问题,也不是..........的问题,也不是.............的问题, .......................,.........................,............
            • Yeah. But I haven't seen any postings that is about 甚至说有人因此被警察罚了款. I have only seen postings where people riding across the road 被警察罚了款.
              • #567337
                • Now first one. Yeah, he may be under 18 then.
                  • 看看他发贴的时间,再看看您发贴的时间,粗心!!!!!!当然没必要再找理由:读者都得象您似的猜当事人不足18岁??????
                    • Yes, because according to the LAW (as you are referring to), the police has RIGHT to fine anyone who does not wear helmet if he/she is under 18.
                      • 为了保证不出现根本性的误解,说事要说全:如有人说某新移民一登陆就被抓了,却不提其使用了假landing paper,效果如何????帮人不要一马虎变成了害人!!
                        • Not really. He must violate the law. It's not misleading.
                          • 明显错误的不被明指出来, 效果一定是误导,新移民学历高,不等于了解加拿大的一切。有知道清楚的,更会有不少会被误导的
                            • I don't know how they will got mislead by this.
                              • 比如有人不戴头盔出事故了,会不会因某些人的说法而不应该地心虚呢?由此而耽误正当索赔是不是害人呢?
        • people say whatever they like on NET, you can use your brain to make up mind, most just want to help, even sometime may not 100% correct.
          • 来这的目的多是寻求帮助或帮人,不负责的误导会害人的!!!!!!此风不该在此存在!!!!!
            • it doesn't mislead you, does it? information itself doesn't mislead anyone unless it's misunderstood. again people here are well-educated, and will make up their own informed desicions, don't worry about them.
              • 明显错误的不被明指出来,效果一定是误导,新移民学历高,不等于了解加拿大的一切。
                • only information, not just instruction ! ! ! period.
                  • 明显错误的不被明指出来,效果一定是误导,新移民学历高,不等于了解加拿大的一切。有知道清楚的,更会有不少不清楚的会被误导。
                  • 来这的目的多是寻求帮助或帮人,不负责的误导会害人的!!!此风不该在此存在!!!
    • 平时开车看见骑自行车的人,就常常为他们安全捏把汗(和汽车1个车道),更别说不带头盔呢,带头盔是保护骑车人自身安全。
    • 加强自我保护意识没错,只是不要用有关法规的错误说法来误导人。帮不了别人是小事,害了别人是大事。比如有人不戴头盔出事故了,会不会因某些人的说法而不应该地心虚呢?由此而耽误正当索赔是不是害人呢?所以才有我这一贴,权当提醒。
      • . Cyclists over 18 are encouraged to wear helmets for their own safety, but are not required to by law.
      • 误人, not 害人; looker, not thinker.
        • 不负责的误导会害人的!!!此风不该在此存在!!!就事论事,不要点评人, 因为您不了解我,认识我的人从没人有您后半段的结论。
          • 呵呵,你的名字误导
          • sorry for making fun of your name, but

            IF that's the case, you shouldn't blame the false fact others give, judgement is what we could improve here. people always have different opinions based on the same fact, explanation of the same law.


            Again, it's your own judgement, I believe others intention is to help here, not instruct what to do, it's only your call.

            It's always your responsibility to find out what's the fact, nobody at Rolia is trying to mislead, nobody obtain all the facts you are looking for, Internet gives you information, not fact. you should make your own judgement here.