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Any other person(s) who drives the car with the Insured Person's permission is also insured, whether or not their names have been listed on the rental contract at the time the agreement was signed. However, both the cardholder and all other drivers must meet and follow the terms of the rental contract including being legally licensed and permitted to drive the rental vehicle under the laws of the jurisdiction(s) where the rented vehicle will be used.

另外,租车行已经为租的车上过Third party liability ,不需要自己再上。当然如果你要增加金额也可以再花钱买。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 请问各位大侠,我可不可以自己用我老伴儿租的车去考试.我想我老伴儿先开车送我到考场STANDBY,然后排到了考试.谢谢先.
    • 我是指考驾照.
      • 不允许租车考。
        • 谁说的?我在考场和好几个工作人员都说我的车是租的,没有人有什么意见。
    • 当然可以!
      • 谢谢琥珀大侠先.但能否给个明示, 这样做不算违法吧.我老伴胆小,她说一个本地的朋友说这样违法,还说教练的车有第三者保险,租的车就难说.我再谢谢.
        • 租车的时候只要能把你的名字也加到名单里就可以,否则不行
          • 他还没有驾照,怎么加到名单里去?我觉得不妥。
            • 可以用中国驾照啊
        • 这为什么违法?我当初就是用租来的车考试的。你的老伴有驾照吧?
          • 你当初租车是用你的名字租的吗?
            • 当然不是,用LG的名字。当时我只有G1,不能租车。如果你担心保险的问题,夫妻一人租车,另一人是自动cover的。
          • 这个自然有,要不然俩黑户也说不过去呀
        • 当时我和考官说我的车是租的,考官还笑着说“Nice Car", 结果就Pass了。
          • You are just lucky. But if unfortunely you got an accident during the road test, insurance company won't pay for you.
            Acutually, the road test examiner doesn't care how you rent a car. It is your own business when you encounter an accident.
            • 你错了。因为是我LG租的车,所以我自然会被cover的。这一点,我是事先问清的。而且,有考官坐在旁边,G1是可以开车的,这一点也不违法。
              • Of course, you can drive any car accompanied by a person with 4-years G. The point is the insurance company won't pay for your accident.
                • 你怎么不明白呢?我说的就是我问过保险公司,当夫妻一方作为租车人时,另一方的名字即使不在contract上,也是被cover的!
                  • 我觉得很多人都有误解,以为只能租教练的车去考试。但是因为教练的车大部分都是小车(烤肉拉等等),其实反而不能给考官好的安全感受,另外加速面等问题,也会让考官印象分不好。
                    • 不会吧?人家租车合同上明明白白地写着一个人开,怎么会自动把你加上那?第一,你的驾驶资料没有给车行看。第二,租车行不会把一个根本没有资料的人自动加入进去,那样一旦出事请租车行不是亏大了吗?
                      • 租车行有什么吃亏的?出了事自有保险公司赔。请看下面我的帖子。里面是从Certificate of Insurance 上摘录的。
              • 你LG租的车你并不是自然被cover, 他租车的时候有没有告诉人家你是G1?
                • 你们没有好好研究过保险的Policy.请看内文,。
                  Any other person(s) who drives the car with the Insured Person's permission is also insured, whether or not their names have been listed on the rental contract at the time the agreement was signed. However, both the cardholder and all other drivers must meet and follow the terms of the rental contract including being legally licensed and permitted to drive the rental vehicle under the laws of the jurisdiction(s) where the rented vehicle will be used.

                  另外,租车行已经为租的车上过Third party liability ,不需要自己再上。当然如果你要增加金额也可以再花钱买。
                  • 人家写的很明白,你必须是合法的驾驶员,而且还有资格驾驶租来的车,你的文章里并没有指出你自动被Cover进你老公的租车合同里。什么样的人有资格驾驶租来的车?G1可以吗?
                    • 我的天呀!怎么就是不明白呢?如果你是G1,在一个持有5年以上驾龄的G牌陪伴下,是合法驾车的。当你考试的时候,就是合法驾车!
                  • You do not comply with this item:both the cardholder and all other drivers must meet .... permitted to drive the rental vehicle under the laws of the
                    The rental car is not allowed to drive by a person with G1 licence according to rental contract.
                    • 我不准备解释了。你们怎么认为就怎么着吧!
                      • You are right.
    • 应该有点影响吧。租的车没有副刹车,遇到一个胆小的考官,会不会早早的把你FAIL掉?
    • 考是可以的,没人会问你。就是万一出了事怎么办?