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科大校友们,谁有五年DBA 经验,我也许能帮点小忙.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我在的公司正在收一个DBA 职位的RESUME. 我只能帮着送简历.

Database Administrator
Type: Full-time employment
Location: Markham
Department: Information Technology (IT)
The successful candidate will be skilled and experienced in both development and production DBA roles. This is a new position within the company with opportunity to pioneer and establish a solid strategy and process for database related activities across the company. The development DBA responsibilities will be to work with the developers and testers on the ESP Espresso team to implement, maintain and tune the relational database support being added to the next release of Espresso. The production DBA responsibilities will be to work within Cybermation’s IT team to implement, maintain and tune the relational databases in use across a variety of corporate application servers - and support of another application (to be determined) in a cross-database model where data between these servers is synchronized and shared.You must be highly motivated, have excellent communication, and organizational skills, and be a team player.
ESP Espresso is Cybermation's platform-independent, workload-scheduling solution. It manages the automation of workload across a wide array of systems to meet defined business needs.

· General DBA responsibilities include…
· Evaluating, procuring, installing, deploying and maintaining all required databases and DBA tools.
· Carry out database tuning for performance and scalability improvements.
· Create backup plans for disaster recovery scenarios.
· Develop and document Cybermation database standards and procedures.
· Serve as the subject matter expert (SME) on database related matters to the rest of the company.
· Development DBA specific responsibilities include…
· Creating database-related installation and deployment scripts.
· Creating or procuring tools and processes to load and scrub data for development and test activities.
· Assist the development team in identifying query and index optimizations as well as space management.
· Assist in data modeling and review of database application designs to ensure database standards and procedures are being followed to meet requirements such as future migration needs.
· Production DBA specific responsibilities include…
· Design and implementation of a yet to be determined cross database application for data linking and sharing between application servers (Customer Information Database)
· Establish and manage database security policies and processes.

· Minimum of 5 years experience in a DBA role (preferably in both production and development DBA roles).
· Experience with Oracle, DB2, SQLServer and Sybase. Experience with embeddable databases would be a further asset.
· Experience with logical and physical database design as well as forward and reverse engineering.
· Experience in multi-database synchronization and linking.
· Experience with data modeling tools (preferably ERWIN).
· Advanced level of SQL and DDL expertise.
· Experience working across multiple operating systems.
· Ability to prioritize workload and handle multiple complex assignments.
· Leadership qualities in both structured and unstructured environments.
· Excellent planning, organization and coordination skills.
· Excellent written and oral communication skills.
· Self-disciplined, self-motivated, team player.
Flexibility in working hours to accommodate delivery schedules.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 呼叫湘皖酒家/海胆/在树下/萝卜秧/diao_david/巧笑嫣然/……等与合肥或裤子大发生过关系的&如今身在多轮多的大小虾们(俺不知道的请自己坦白从宽^o^):这个星期六咱们找个地方切磋一下如何?时间地点大家商量。
    • Sorry, 偶在乡下。
    • ????????
    • 嘿嘿,这种跳过舞的关系可真够扯的。不过,我倒是可以帮你们出谋划策。
      • 俺本就无意搞什么裤子大的聚会。只是闲着也是闲着,不妨大家热闹一下嘛,就象你当年一样:)
    • 合肥或裤子大?
      • 正确的读音应该是:Ha Fei~~~。第一声是去声,第二省要拖长一点。
        • 纯正合肥话
      • 合肥科技大学?
        • 据我所知,好象是没这么个学校。合肥是合肥,科技大是科技大。:)
          • 国防科技大就在合肥
            • 据我所知,好象是没这么个学校。合肥是合肥,国防科技大是国防科技大。:)
              • 国防科技大,好象是在长沙?
                • sorry,应该是中国科技大在合肥
              • 合肥只有2所全国重点大学: 科技大和合工大
                • 不知道安大是不是啊?
                  • 好像被合工大兼并了.(要不就是安工?)
                    • 安大还在,但那个安工已经被合并了。好象去那里看过一次演出,不记得是不是被合工大合并的了。反正就记得那里的女孩子漂亮的不多。:(
                  • 一般来说, 每个省都有一个大学是以省名(or 省会)命名的,一般都是重点大学, 但安大不是.
                    • 哦,我不太清楚。不过去溜达过,据考察美女如云。:P
                      • 呵呵,MM好good color阿~~~
                        • 嘿嘿,没办法,不是打击坛子里的安徽GGDD,是俺们东北妹子实在不太喜欢那个风格的男人,不过美女倒喜欢得很。:P
                          • 不过安徽到是出了一个俊男...
                            • 呵呵,再次证明,我没有七仙女有眼光。:P
                            • 我还以为是咱们锦涛同志呢!
                              • 不过安徽那地方才子倒不少。我们联谊寝室老大以自己是陈独秀老乡为自豪。而且写情书都是填的那种词牌,实在让人崇拜。:)
                                • 哈哈,我当年的系党支输, 传闻是陈独秀的 grandson !
                                  • @_@侧面证明安徽人对陈独秀很崇拜哦!
                                    • just like 湖南->老毛!
                                    • 抱歉,偶不是安徽人.
                                • 惭愧,今天才知道老陈原来是安徽人。:-]
            • No. I don't think so.
            • 不对吧,是在长沙。
            • //faint
    • 可要子弹?
    • 原来有这么多合肥朋友,高兴啊.我也是从裤子大毕业的.
      • 几系的,现在何处?
        • 11系,现在toronto
    • 我曾经考过裤子大,也算吗?
      • 我也曾经想过考过裤子大,也算吗?不过后来因裤子已经很大而被告知overqualified,赫赫。:)
        • 科大现在衰落了, 80年代曾经是高考录取平均分最高的大学.
          恢复高考第一年,科大入学录取总平均分比清华高20 多分.那一届学生毕业后百分之七十考上研究生,多数是校外的,而清华当届学生上研究生的是百分之四十,那时全国才招一万五左右研究生,没有现在那么多研究生班自费生等. 我知道80届6 系升研的几乎百分之百. 科大80年代约有10 年入学平均成绩最高.
          • 科大兴衰之浅见



            • 科大至今还唯一保持的荣誉就是每年出国留学人数百分比居全国高校之首。
        • 十年前,科大每年回掳来全国一大半省高考状元.据我们系一位资深老师说起,当年科大在北京时,被北大,清华恨的要死,因为每年国家科学基金项目,科大能刮去70%,余下的才分给他们去抢
          • 是啊,还有全国最好的少年班,当年确是很风光的。但地理因素的限制, 时间长了还是会体现出来的。
            • 合肥那个地方实在坐火车是别扭啊!怎么绕都绕不到它那里去。:(
              • yes. 所以后来我就乘bus, 高速路很快。
                • 蚌埠的夜实在是漆黑啊!我一般是半夜12点到蚌埠,然后再想办法杀回合肥。否则就只好坐飞机到南京,可是南京的新机场离市区好远啊,每次都是赶上最后一班汽车。:(
                  • 我原来坐火车无锡-》南京-》蚌埠-》合肥,先北再南,绕一大圈,需10个小时,后来改乘bus, 无锡-》南京-》合肥,直接在南京中央门汽车站倒车,7个小时就到了,再也不用夜里在蚌埠倒车了,:-)
                  • 从东北到合肥确实麻烦,不过可以从北京转,64次还是很方便的。
                    • 北京那么大的地方,哪里能有我个普通学生的车票啊?我可是试过春节的时候从合肥回家,64次很好,但是等从北京往家走就痛苦啦!14个小时,站票。:(
                      • 太惨了,同情。我只有一次是基本上一直站在火车里从合肥到北京的,那就是89年1000多同学游行到火车站,突然兴致一来,冲进去北京的火车。hehe, 简直人山人海,行李架上都窝着人。
                        • 呵呵,其实年年春运都是如此,你不知道罢啦!中国人真多,太多了。尤其是合肥去成都的车。真的是座位下面还有人。太可怕啦!再也不想坐火车了。:(
                          • 64还是好的, 你们谁做过128 or 120?
                            • 我个人认为64次是合肥始发的最好的车啦!128痛苦,路线和64不同。
            • 记得前些年,突然冒出科大要迁深圳的消息,引起BBS上讨论有半年之久
              • 未来10年科大如果还不迁,死定了。
                • 唉, 当年万里做了件错事?
                  • 当年是怕国家的精英被飞机炸掉,想来想去,挪到合肥比较保险。
    • "萝卜秧/diao_david/巧笑嫣然",?? 你们也都是科大的...?
      • 见旧贴,我就是去西区跳过舞。这也算是一种关系吧。不过,裤子大挺好的啊。
        • 去西活,西区现在建的比以前要漂亮多了,有室内体育场和很典雅的公园,怀念...
        • 想当年,刚到西区,傻了。一片荒土,除了宿舍楼,就是几间砖瓦平房教室,这难道就是科大?幸好从二年纪开始逐步享受了新教学楼的成果,否则真以为是到贫困地区扶贫了。:-0
          • 哥们那一年进的科大
          • 批方励之,反资产阶级自由化那年。当时在人民日报上看了方励之反动言论连载,下决心一定要考科大。 :-p
            • 80年代入的学,那是前辈了
      • 偶是在科大毕业的。:)
        • 太高兴了,又多一位。
          • 呵呵
            • 你是学什么的?我是六系电子。
              • 我的身世说起来就复杂了。改天再和你说吧!不过我倒就在合肥混了4年而已。学管理的。
                • 是不是16系毕业的
              • 六系电子?您是哪年进校的?
                • 见楼上 #506764
                  • 那是哪一年?我老哥也许和您同学呢!
                    • 86 ?
                      • 晚一年,没赶上第一次学潮,:-<
                        • 876的呀,我认识几个人呢。:-)我有方励之的签名,就是在科大他公寓里签的。吼吼。
                          • 你很有面子啊。想89年俺们在东区挤得人山人海就是想瞧瞧他啥样,签名-没影的事。
                          • 我哥哥好像是88级的。
      • 偶的故居在合肥,包河公园边上。裤子大可是想也没敢想的地方。若干年前,在西区某宿舍楼打过拱猪。
        • 老乡啊,
        • 是不是在2号楼,我可在那儿混了7,8年
          • 应该是。
      • 给大家一个链接,再去看看母校. <a href="http://www.ustc.edu.cn"></a>
    • 我科大附中没毕业
    • 真没想到这么多人!
    • 佩服佩服!久闻ROLIA上的DX们跑题工夫天下第一,今日一见,果然名不虚传啊:)与合肥 [或] 裤子大有关的鱼啊虾啊们一起聚一聚吧,先把时间地点定下来,留点话题见面再砍如何?不然的话照这样下去大家真的见面时怕是只能埋头苦吃了^o^
    • 科大校友们,谁有五年DBA 经验,我也许能帮点小忙.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我在的公司正在收一个DBA 职位的RESUME. 我只能帮着送简历.

      Database Administrator
      Type: Full-time employment
      Location: Markham
      Department: Information Technology (IT)
      The successful candidate will be skilled and experienced in both development and production DBA roles. This is a new position within the company with opportunity to pioneer and establish a solid strategy and process for database related activities across the company. The development DBA responsibilities will be to work with the developers and testers on the ESP Espresso team to implement, maintain and tune the relational database support being added to the next release of Espresso. The production DBA responsibilities will be to work within Cybermation’s IT team to implement, maintain and tune the relational databases in use across a variety of corporate application servers - and support of another application (to be determined) in a cross-database model where data between these servers is synchronized and shared.You must be highly motivated, have excellent communication, and organizational skills, and be a team player.
      ESP Espresso is Cybermation's platform-independent, workload-scheduling solution. It manages the automation of workload across a wide array of systems to meet defined business needs.

      · General DBA responsibilities include…
      · Evaluating, procuring, installing, deploying and maintaining all required databases and DBA tools.
      · Carry out database tuning for performance and scalability improvements.
      · Create backup plans for disaster recovery scenarios.
      · Develop and document Cybermation database standards and procedures.
      · Serve as the subject matter expert (SME) on database related matters to the rest of the company.
      · Development DBA specific responsibilities include…
      · Creating database-related installation and deployment scripts.
      · Creating or procuring tools and processes to load and scrub data for development and test activities.
      · Assist the development team in identifying query and index optimizations as well as space management.
      · Assist in data modeling and review of database application designs to ensure database standards and procedures are being followed to meet requirements such as future migration needs.
      · Production DBA specific responsibilities include…
      · Design and implementation of a yet to be determined cross database application for data linking and sharing between application servers (Customer Information Database)
      · Establish and manage database security policies and processes.

      · Minimum of 5 years experience in a DBA role (preferably in both production and development DBA roles).
      · Experience with Oracle, DB2, SQLServer and Sybase. Experience with embeddable databases would be a further asset.
      · Experience with logical and physical database design as well as forward and reverse engineering.
      · Experience in multi-database synchronization and linking.
      · Experience with data modeling tools (preferably ERWIN).
      · Advanced level of SQL and DDL expertise.
      · Experience working across multiple operating systems.
      · Ability to prioritize workload and handle multiple complex assignments.
      · Leadership qualities in both structured and unstructured environments.
      · Excellent planning, organization and coordination skills.
      · Excellent written and oral communication skills.
      · Self-disciplined, self-motivated, team player.
      Flexibility in working hours to accommodate delivery schedules.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • which level? senior? Informix DBA is ok as well? thanks.
        • informix is no good. Oracle, DB2, SQL Server...