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我有个朋友曾经租车开到那里,4-5个人不停轮换开,几乎是人停车不停,大约将近1。5 - 2天的时间到那里。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 被瘦猪说的心痒痒:八月份从多伦多去Orlando,想开车去,计划路上三天(回程四天),不知道是否可行。刚刚查了Yahoo Maps:全程1286英里,预计29小时。还有,
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛就是我对地理一窍不通(只知道加拿大在美国的北面),谁知道这一路上有没有什么值得看一看或停一停的地方?


    Distance: 1286.3 miles Approximate Travel Time: 29 hours 9 mins

    Directions Miles
    1. Start on ROSEHILL AVE going towards YONGE ST 0.2
    2. Turn Left on YONGE ST 0.0
    3. Turn Right on BALMORAL AVE 0.4
    4. Turn Left on AVENUE RD 1.1
    5. Continue on HWY-11A 0.2
    6. Turn Right on HWY-11A SOUTH 0.5
    7. Continue on UNIVERSITY AVE 1.0
    8. Continue on HWY-11A 0.5
    9. Turn Right to take the ramp towards GARDINER EXPWY WEST/QEW 4.7
    10. Continue on QUEEN ELIZABETH WAY 67.5
    11. Follow the ramp to towards QUEENSTON 5.2
    12. Continue on QUEENSTON-LEWISTON BRG 0.5
    13. Continue on NEW YORK STATE THWY 28.0
    14. Bear Right on I-90 WEST RAMP 0.3
    15. Take I-90 WEST/54-61 towards ERIE and Merge on I-90 WEST 94.3
    16. Follow the ramp to I-79 SOUTH towards PITTSBURGH 140.1
    17. Follow the ramp to I-70 EAST/I-79 SOUTH towards NEW STANTON/MORGANTOWN 3.3
    18. Follow the ramp to I-79 SOUTH towards MORGANTOWN 136.3
    19. Take the US-19 SOUTH exit towards BECKLEY, exit number 57 0.0
    20. Turn Right onto UPPER MILL CREEK RD 0.2
    21. Continue on US-19 24.8
    22. Continue on US-19 SOUTH 3.2
    23. Bear Right on US-19 0.1
    24. Continue on WV-41 5.0
    25. Continue on US-19 6.0
    26. Continue on CONNECTOR L 19.6
    27. Continue on CR-18 SOUTH 0.3
    28. Bear Right on CONNECTOR L 6.2
    29. Continue on US-19 SOUTH 2.1
    30. Continue on US-19-ALT SOUTH 1.8
    31. Continue to take the ramp and Merge onto I-64 EAST 7.3
    32. Continue on I-77 SOUTH 19.6
    33. Continue on BIG WALKER MOUNTAIN TUNL 0.9
    34. Continue on I-77 SOUTH 6.1
    35. Continue on I-81 NORTH/I-77 SOUTH RAMP 0.9
    36. Merge on I-77 SOUTH towards CHARLOTTE/ROANOKE 8.4
    37. Follow the ramp to I-77 SOUTH towards CHARLOTTE 228.0
    38. Bear Left on I-26 EAST RAMP 0.5
    39. Take I-26 EAST towards CHARLESTON and Merge on I-26 EAST 52.9
    40. Follow the ramp to I-95 SOUTH towards SAVANNAH 197.5
    41. Continue on SR-9 12.2
    42. Continue on SR-9 SOUTH 12.4
    43. Continue on S TROUT RIVER BRG 0.3
    44. Continue on SR-9 SOUTH 6.3
    45. Take I-95 SOUTH towards JAX BEACHES/DAYTONA BEACH and Continue on FULLER WARREN BRG 0.8
    46. Continue on SR-9 SOUTH 16.3
    47. Continue on SR-9 73.3
    48. Continue on I-4 WEST RAMP 0.4
    49. Take I-4 WEST towards ORLANDO and Merge on I-4 WEST 47.6
    50. Take the exit towards IVANHOE BLVD/COLONIAL DR, exit number 42 0.2
    51. Take the exit towards IVANHOE BLVD. 0.0
    52. Bear Right onto S IVANHOE BLVD 0.1
    53. Continue on LEGION PL 0.1
    54. Continue on N ORANGE AVE 1.1
    55. Continue on S ORANGE AVE 0.2
    56. Arrive at destination更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 几个人开?一个人恐怕累点。
      • 加上我家领导。
        • 3天很玄。1286mile=2000多公里,你每天要开700公里,基本上你要花10个小时(包括吃饭,休息)。
          我有个朋友曾经租车开到那里,4-5个人不停轮换开,几乎是人停车不停,大约将近1。5 - 2天的时间到那里。
          • it is ok, i drove my car from new mexico to here, 3 days, 2000 miles, in us speed limite is around 70 miles per hour, you can drive 600-700 miles per day.
            • 嘿嘿,西北部的限速都在65mile,不过,我同意每天可以开600-700 miles 或者更多。看你是赶路还是游玩了。
              • 赶 lu first, then when you get there, 游玩
          • bloor也是new driver?练习开车?
            • 是的。有一点,主要是不想把假期变成陪孩子玩,我也该有点乐趣才好。一路上不知道风景如何,但应该挺开心的吧。
          • 谢谢“最可爱的秧子妹妹”。就是说,三天很玄。那四天呢?应该还可以了吧?我不是CAA的会员,地图是要不来了。要不,你帮我去要一份,我请你吃饭,如何?
            • Microsoft Streets and Trips,安排好路线把地图打印出来。能把笔记本随身带也不错。最好有个GPS,爽死。
              • Yes, you are right. I almost forgot, I have Street. //But no notebook, or GPS, 5555
                • 那就先把地图弄出来。然后老婆做旁边,就象汽车拉力赛一样,给你做领航。
                  • 我看,他写下的路线够详细了。
                  • Could you write something on GPS when you got time? I have no idea what kind of products are available and how much they will cost.
                    • 如果你想买GPS,单独的,也就只有Garmin比较好,但是价钱超贵。新的GPS+储存卡>= 700 CND。笔记本的便宜些,在200-300之间。
                      URL是个在加拿大卖GPS的,价钱不贵,和美国差不多。如果是开车用,在加拿大也就只有从GPS V , StreetPilot III, StreetPilot。因为只有这些可以外加储存卡。这些GPS里面大多有美国地图,但是没有加拿大,所以必须自己把地图保存在卡里。你不会买个GPS就为跑一趟美国吧?

                      • Thanks, HEIAN.
            • 你和你夫人平常的开车习惯如何?你女儿是否很合作?我觉得如果你准备一头儿先扎到那里,那3-4天足够了。
              • 我对领导的开车技术,不是很放心,不过,等我们回来了,应该就已经过关了。地图的事,你可以帮我去出来,放在一个黑色的皮想里,在指定时间之前,放在指定地点,这样你就不会暴露了。
                Just kidding. I have already find someone to help me on these maps.

                Do you have any idea about the places I will go through? Any interesting place to visit on the road?
              • Thanks tony. I am in Toronto. I have found someone to help me on those maps (since I prefer to keep them after the trip). Thank you again for your offer.
    • 有个朋友一个人,两天开了差不多2000公里。如果你对自己的技术、体力有信心的话,也能办到。