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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

再给你转贴一份官方资料 -- When can the landlord enter?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛When can the landlord enter?

-- Landlord has to give 24 hours notice

Under the law, a tenant has the right to privacy and the right to quiet enjoyment of the premises. If a landlord needs to enter the premises to do repairs or to allow potential tenants to view the premises, they are generally required to give 24 hours written notice and can only enter the tenant's unit between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm.

-- When can a landlord enter a rental unit without giving notice?

However, there are four circumstances where a landlord can enter a tenant's rental unit without giving written notice. First, if there is an emergency, such as a fire or flood. Second, if the landlord knocks on the tenant's door and the tenant allows the landlord to enter. Third, if the lease requires the landlord to clean the premises they or their employees can enter for that purpose. Fourth, if the tenancy is being terminated by either the landlord or the tenant, the landlord can enter to show the premises to prospective tenants.

-- If the landlord is entering illegally

If a landlord or their employee is illegally entering the tenant's unit, the tenant may first attempt to resolve the problem with the landlord in person or in writing. If the landlord or their employee is not entering to do valid work, or the if tenant fears for their safety, they can call the police for protection. If the problem continues, a tenant may also complain to the Investigations Unit of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and may also apply to the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal for an order to stop the illegal entry.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 房东在你不在的时候多次进入你们的房间,各位如何反应?
    • 他在你房间留下蛛丝马迹了么
      • 是的,他们因为夏天要开空调,把我的窗户给封死了:-(
        • 看来房东是个不懂礼貌的人。你找时间和他们谈谈,毕竟是闺房,哪儿能随便进呀。
        • 哟,这以后怎么嫁人啊~~~~~
    • 1。直言相告,未得允许或非特别紧急(失火),请不要进入! 2。换房东
    • 昨天晚上发现后自己生了一晚上闷气,多谢各位
      • 是非法的。
        • 房东有权监督他的财产吧.但他应该提前INFORM
      • //pat pat
    • 偶房东干过这事情。不过已经道歉啦。另外,嫌偶脏,把偶地上所有的东西全仍啦。
    • 先让他解决了窗户的问题,然后防止以后有类似的事情,可以换一把锁,最多你退房的时候再把原来的装上去。我就是这样的。
    • Just tell them to inform you first or it is illegal. As I know, for emergency or maintenance purpose, landlord have right to enter.
    • 房东是违法的!如果你们有租约的化,可以起诉。底线告诉你了,看你如何处理,可以和他谈谈。
      • 上海人口舌太厉害,我在门上贴个条子:主人不在,请勿入内. :-(
        • hoho....F4的红纸条?
          • 我说你最近被流星花园毒害过甚你又不信,怎么总是放在嘴边呢?:)
        • 不应该啊?上海人不是都很讲道理的么?
          • 是的
            • good。身体好些了?
              • 不好意思,刚才一生气打击一大片了,上海同志还是不错的//好多了,这不在家歇着了吗,hehe,thanks .
                • 所以我赶快贴个贴子帮你圆场,嘿嘿。保重
        • 面子上还是要过得去,该打招呼还好好打招呼。也让他知道这是不适当,也是违法的,到时起诉他,就不只是炒房东那么简单了。
          • 是,跟他们谈谈,以后事先跟我打个招呼.
            • 对,还是别闹疆的好。那有完美的房东,咱跟父母还吵架呢不是。
    • 别生气。俺会说,感谢他们帮你封好窗户;提出建议,下次有类似举动能否提前通知?女孩的房间毕竟....嘿嘿,欲言又止到这里,看看他们的回应。不好说话的人,炒房东没商量。
      • 男生的房间就可以随便进?
        • 俺住客厅,超级open,呵呵,不过有一点点烦恼;-)
          • 是啊,都大中午了,客厅里还躺着一个呼呼大睡的家伙,别人就只好象猫一样蹑手蹑脚地干活了,不爽! :) :p
    • 在这里, 房东进入房客的房间是合法的. 但须事先通知. 租公寓的人经常有这样的经历, 房东发一通知,说几月几号FROM X TO X. 他进来做XX事. 如果你在房门加锁, 必须给一备用KEY.
    • 好象很正常呀?有一次我的炉子坏了,是周末填表后他们在weekday白天自己进来修,然后我收拾一下就可以了.如果不这样, 单身汉就一个人, 难道还能为了修个炉子请一天假吗?
      • 那是你要求的呀.蝶衣这个房东根本不打招呼就不好啦.
        • 修理工没通知我, 修完了我才知道.我还以为需要留在屋子里等呢.家里应该没什么值钱的东西吧, 又不是买了HOUSE的家.
      • 房东进入房客房间之前一定要通知房客,否则是违法的。
    • 再给你转贴一份官方资料 -- When can the landlord enter?
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛When can the landlord enter?

      -- Landlord has to give 24 hours notice

      Under the law, a tenant has the right to privacy and the right to quiet enjoyment of the premises. If a landlord needs to enter the premises to do repairs or to allow potential tenants to view the premises, they are generally required to give 24 hours written notice and can only enter the tenant's unit between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm.

      -- When can a landlord enter a rental unit without giving notice?

      However, there are four circumstances where a landlord can enter a tenant's rental unit without giving written notice. First, if there is an emergency, such as a fire or flood. Second, if the landlord knocks on the tenant's door and the tenant allows the landlord to enter. Third, if the lease requires the landlord to clean the premises they or their employees can enter for that purpose. Fourth, if the tenancy is being terminated by either the landlord or the tenant, the landlord can enter to show the premises to prospective tenants.

      -- If the landlord is entering illegally

      If a landlord or their employee is illegally entering the tenant's unit, the tenant may first attempt to resolve the problem with the landlord in person or in writing. If the landlord or their employee is not entering to do valid work, or the if tenant fears for their safety, they can call the police for protection. If the problem continues, a tenant may also complain to the Investigations Unit of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and may also apply to the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal for an order to stop the illegal entry.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • //hand. All tenants and landlords must know this and follow.....I had been both for sometime, and caused no trouble
        • 这样的房东一定要换,我知道有朋友这样打官司赢了,对方赔了100多,不是为了钱,而是告诉对方如何尊重租客。
          • 那律师费谁掏的呀?!
            • 我的朋友是自己打官司的,没有请律师,是很小的民事官司。
    • 什么都不说,买一摄像头,出门的时候开着电脑,嘿嘿……
    • 先礼尚往来,告诉房东下次不要不经本人同意就进入房间,若下次会是如此,找到证据,立即拨911,传警察来与房东交涉,房东就老实了。当然前提是你是合法租户,有房租收据或是银行支票转账都行
      • :O :O :O
        • what?
    • 下次你在衣橱里藏着,房东再去关窗就把他一脚踹出去
    • kick his ass and move out. kick again!
    • 多次?那么你是否在第一次发现时便提出抗议了呢?
    • 应该向房东提意见,至少应该在inform之后才可以进